Doug Henwood on Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:45:32 +0200 (CEST)

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Just added to my radio archive

this show was taken up with begging, since WBAI is in dire financial 
straits. Please help the station out by calling +1-212-209-2950, or 
visit here <> to pledge on the web. (In 
either case, be sure to specify it's for "Behind the News.") This 
week's content was supposed to be an interview with Barbara 
Ehrenreich on the crisis facing organized labor on the eve of the 
AFL-CIO convention. Little of it could be broadcast because of the 
urgency of raising money - but the full interview is on the web.

July 14, 2005 Gary Indiana, author of Schwarzenegger Syndrome, on the 
strangeness that is Arnie * Susan Willis, author of Portents of the 
Real, on the cultural politics of post-9/11 America

they join

July 7, 2005 Laura Carlsen of IRC (and frequent Counterpunch 
contributor) on the Zapatista's new tack * Bill Fletcher of 
TransAfrica on Bush and aid and Africa in the world (and a bit about 
the AFL-CIO)

June 30, 2005 Devah Pager, a sociologist at Princeton, reports on 
experiments showing a white ex-con has an easier time in the job 
market than a black who's never done time * Jonathan Tasini, keeper 
of the Working Life blog, on the possible split in the AFL-CIO

June 23, 2005 Michael Eric Dyson, author of Is Bill Cosby Right?, on 
class tensions among black Americans * Christian Parenti on Bolivia 
and the state of the empire

June 9, 2005 Moustafa Bayoumi on the misunderstood, misnamed "cedar 
revolution" in Lebanon (which he wrote about in the LRB) * Joel 
Kovel, editor of Capitalism Nature Socialism, on the psychology and 
politics of Israel and Zionism


Chalmers Johnson on the U.S. empire * Jagdish Bhatwati on 
globalization * Bill Fletcher on war and peace * Slavoj Zizek on war, 
imperialism, and fantasy * Naomi Klein on Argentina and the global 
justice movement * Susie Bright on sex and politics * Matt Taibbi on 
covering the 2004 campaign, and the dismal state of American politics 
and media * Anatol Lieven on Iraq, Chechnya, US nationalism * Cynthia 
Enloe on masculinity in the Bush administration (and oil) * Carlos 
Mejia, deserter from Iraq, on war, imperialism, dissent * Laura 
Flanders on Bushwomen * Steve Fraser on the cultural/political 
history of Wall Street * Jennifer Washburn on the corporate 
university * $pread magazine staffers on sex work * Norman Kelley on 
the cri
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