Axel Bruns on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 17:40:03 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> [site] M/C Journal: 'affect' Issue Now Available


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 21 December 2005


                          M/C - Media and Culture
             is proud to present issue six in volume eight of

                                M/C Journal

                    'affect' - Edited by Melissa Gregg

Describing how something feels can contribute to a better understanding
how it works. Traditionally, academic scholarship has held rational
and the pursuit of objectivity to be the touchstones of veritable
knowledge. Yet in this issue of M/C Journal leading writers in the field
cultural studies demonstrate the way that affect theory helps to reveal
interest and investment in the world around us. Each contribution shows
that attention to affect brings new insights to contexts as diverse as
refugee advocacy, classroom learning, media consumption, identity
modified car culture and America under George W. Bush. In so doing, the
issue reinforces the important sensual, emotional and visceral
to everyday life, while also exploring the political possibilities and
limitations of such responses. 

  Feature Article
"Compassionate Refugee Politics?"
  - Shane McGrath 
Shane McGrath makes the point that the politics of compassion are far
straightforward in an era of "compassionate conservatism" but that they
noticeably straight. One of the most important distinctions he asks us
make is to "recognise and affirm feelings of compassion while
the politics that seem to emanate from those feelings".

"Feeling, Emotion, Affect"
  - Eric Shouse 

"The Atmosfear of Terror: Affective Modulation and the War on Terror"
  - Anne Aly and Mark Balnaves 

"Affect and an Effective Online Therapeutic Community"
  - Leesa Bonniface, Lelia Green and Maurice Swanson 

"No Body, Never Mind: Interest, Affect and Classroom Practice"
  - Megan Watkins 

"The Getaway"
  - Glen Fuller 

"Feeling the Heat"
  - Beth Seaton 

"Invisible Country"
  - Margaret Hair 

"In Thrall: Affect Contagion and the Bio-Energetics of Media"
  - Anna Gibbs 

"Media Synergies and the Politics of Affect in Tim Burton's Charlie and
Chocolate Factory (2005)"
  - Leanne Downing 

"The Affect of Corn"
  - Gregory J. Seigworth 

"A-ffect: Let Her RIP"
  - Elspeth Probyn 


Upcoming M/C Journal issues in 2006:

'transmit': article deadline 16 January 2006, release date 15 March 2006
'collaborate': article deadline 6 March 2006, release date 3 May 2006
'street':   article deadline 1 May 2006,      release date 28 June 2006
'free':     article deadline 26 June 2006,    release date 23 August
'filth':    article deadline 21 August 2006,  release date 18 October
'jam':      article deadline 16 October 2006, release date 13 December

M/C Journal 8.6 is now online: <>.
Previous issues of M/C Journal on various topics are also still
Visit all three M/C publications at <>.
All contributors are available for media contacts:
[email protected].


Dr Axel Bruns, General Editor                
[email protected]
M/C - Media and Culture        

nettime-ann mailing list
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