? on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 17:21:02 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime-ann> Excellenz Info Bug - RAUM [][][] Berlin - 30.11.06 |
____________________________________________________________________ | | | 1 THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE 1 | | | | __Novus__ | | IMMATERIALIATI ,-' `-. HU 03112006 B | | ,' ,mmsmW@@Wm_ `. | | @ / i@@@@`@@@@@@s \ BERLIN, FRG | | , / d[ 8*+8@@@@@@i \ | | ,''\ | ,AMM@/VM@@@@@@[ | ### # # ## # | | ,' / \ | *m-'YbgW@@@@@@s | # # # # # # # | | ,' / \ | b_gWA*K@fd@@@@[ | ## # # ## # # | | \ / \ \ ~~MP ,A` @@@@@| / # # # # # # # | | \/________\ \ [,P V*` / ### ### # # # | | `. ! ,' | | NY 9/11 '_ _' The President | | ordo--mundi Xcellence | | | | 1 ONE INFO DOLLAR 1 | |____________________________________________________________________|
Excellenz Info Bug
9/11 War Eine Faelschung
Raum [][][] Schwedenstr. 16 13357 Berlin-Mitte/Wedding Germany Th., 2006/11/30 21:00 h
Special Guest: Luther Blissett as You
The German anti-americanism of PACE flags, the enemy Bush and the star spangled banner patriotism at the end of the newest enlightning film à la indymedia[1] are not sufficient, in order to clarify, how the situation is presently. The twists of the capital, e.g. in the FRG, under the protection of state, army and police etc. is always on world market level. One can read the ascent of the European Union under German leadership in the European Agenda 2010.[2]
The head of a renowned university[3] must therefore censor in the interest of masking the connections of elite formation and new (old) poverty everything coming too close while keeping the won status quo as top frontline institution of the classwar from above in the field of know-how/knowledge.[4]
His Excellency Information is obviously not simply a simple cabbalistic conspiracy[5], and also not eatable money, as Robert Anton Wilson had to recite 1998 in a movie[6] for a few euro dollar.
In the Room in the Schwedenstrasse 16, Berlin-Mitte (Wedding) Germany[7] there will be offered excellent good info bugs as credit for Mind&Brain[8] on 2006/11/30 starting at 21:00 o'clock, so that the new age(s) of the new world order(s), also known as "globalization", gets into the last big city province. We will show _Loose Change_ and a Robert Anton Wilson-Loop from _23_ on about 20 monitors, various euro[9] is in the real fake mix for almost nothing, 38317 plays short hymns to the criticism of immaterialism[10] and miga presents his heads-cutting-and-nothing-to-say "Reportage from Kraft der Erde".
[1] http://www.loosechange911.com [2] PRESIDENCY CONCLUSIONS LISBON EUROPEAN COUNCIL 23 AND 24 MARCH 2000 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/ pressData/en/ec/00100-r1.en0.htm [3] http://www.hu-berlin.de (dt.) [4] http://de.indymedia.org/2006/11/161107.shtml (dt.) [5] Loose Change from: Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Loose_Change_%28video%29 [6] _23_, http://www.movie.de/filme/23 (dt.) [7] http://www.berlin.de/stadtplan/map.asp?ADR_ZIP=13357&ADR_STREET =Schwedenstr.&ADR_HOUSE=16 [8] Mind&Brain, http://www.exzellenz.hu-berlin.de/projekte/d14115/ index_html (dt.) [9] http://www.various-euro.com [10] New Wave of Imaterialism, http://www.n0name.de/38317/newave
Raum [][][] http://raum.top-ev.de
Audiolivestream http://raum.top-ev.de:7998/listen.pls
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