Sophie Le-Phat Ho on Fri, 8 Dec 2006 18:43:04 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> CFP Artivistic07 :: un.occupied spaces

[ please distribute widely / sorry for x-posting ]

A r t i v i s t i c  2 0 0 7
[ October :: Montreal ]


[ [ [ un.occupied spaces ] ] ]

We are infiltrating all levels of society. Artists, activists,
academics, architects, bureaucrats, the homeless, anarchists, first
nations, immigrants, doctors, geeks, lawyers, teachers, witches,
philosophers, clowns. Artivistic does not only provide a platform for
political artists and artistic activists, but partakes in the very
movements that work for change. In the pursuit of temporary moments of
pleasure, we move towards freedom, for resistance is perpetual and
oppression, ever-changing.

We oppose the progression of monolithic thought and work for the
development of new and dynamic forms of knowledge, exchange,
representation and practices of everyday life. We aim to stimulate the
mind, the imagination, and the body. We seek alternative models,
portals unto un.occupied spaces. Artistivic moves beyond the moment, becoming a process of contamination through interpersonal dialogue that exceeds the event.

Building on the 2005 generation, Artivistic in 2007 will continue to
ask questions that do not leave us thinking we have resolved the
issues. We strongly suggest that you answer one, or all, of our
questions with a question of your own. Please submit your proposal for
participation related (but not restricted) to the following :

< what is indigenous ? >

The very use of the term “indigenous” presupposes a claim to the
existence of rights. The right to land. The right of return. The right
to self-determination. The right to a life with dignity. In what
context does indigenous mean something and how is it represented today?
What is the relationship between identity based on place, the land
and/or territories and the right to resources? What is indigenous in
the context of globalisation, migrations and mobility? (Perhaps the
question is not what is indigenous but how is indigenous?) 

< what is a natural space ? > 

The environment is in a pretty bad shape. Yet, does not typical
environmentalism often propose “solutions” which alienate the very
people that could make a difference by using a false dichotomy
(natural/human-made, natural/artificial, nature/culture) and by
perpetuating the myth of a pristine nature? Current strategies often
make use of fear and guilt to provoke action, yet will we not be
helping our environment in a more efficient way once we let go of our
arrogance as humans and start living with and in the world rather than
of, and alienated from, the world?

< what is (there) to occupy ? >

The term “occupation” often inspires images of invasion, enclosure and
rape. How are spaces and bodies ruled over? What is public space,
ultimately? Why do reserves exist? To ask what is occupation is in fact
to ask what is left to occupy for occupation is more pervasive than it
first appears. At the same time, occupation echoes resistance when it
comes to certain forms of appropriation. So how does one occupy
appropriation or how can one appropriate occupation?

Your abstract or project description should be no longer than 250 words, your bio 75 words (seriously, we will stop reading after that).

Please also include 50 words on how you will stimulate audience participation (sorry, NO paper reading).

We welcome proposals for : roundtables, workshops, expeditions &
walks, interventions, performance, projections, show-and-tells,
broadcasts, games, visual arts, media & technology arts, street
arts, informal arts, experimental arts, is-it-art arts, etc. and any
combination of the above.

We also welcome proposals having to do with personal experience,
lessons learned, or future projects that could include other
participants of Artivistic (this is a good place to start organising
and collaborating).

Deadline : 15 February 2007

Please send your proposals to : [email protected] 

> The Autonomous Conference

Artivistic also includes an open-source component. Participants will be
able to sign up on the day-of to hold an ad-hoc session that is not in
the official program but is fully part of the event. You can prepare in
advance, but you don’t need to submit anything. 

> Co-presentations

Artivistic cannot fulfil its networking and pluralist agenda without
collaborating with existing organisations of overlapping mandates. If
you are an organisation interested in mutual aid in the context of
event planning, please contact us (considerably in advance) with your
idea for an event that you would like to organise and present with us :
[email protected] 

> Volunteers

If you want to help us before, during and/or after the event, that
would be really nice of you! We need a lot of extra hands with
promotion, billeting, set-up, facilitation, cooking, tech,
time-keeping, documenting, wrap-up, etc. Please email us at : [email protected] 

> Travel funding

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide funding for your travel (we are
not even getting paid to do this), but will be happy to offer any
assistance with your own steps in finding funding. On the other hand,
in-house accommodation and food will be provided to all Artivistic

> Press

If you want to cover Artivistic, please send us your information by email here : [email protected]

Artivistic [
] is a transdisciplinary three-day gathering on the interPlay between
art, information and activism. Artivistic emerges out of the
proposition that not only artists should talk about art, academics
about theory, and activists about activism. Founded in 2004, the event
aims to promote transdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue on
activist art beyond critique, to create and facilitate a human network
of diverse peoples, and to inspire, proliferate, activate.

General inquiries : [email protected]

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