Nis Rømer on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 22:10:22 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> free culture camp

The culture that we all create should not be owned or privatized by
corporations. The instrumentalisation of art and culture for economic
gain is an invasion of our life worlds that needs to be addressed and
countered. We will produce with lust for life and dance on the graves
of the bloodsuckers from the creative class and the experience
Free culture is a 3 day camp in rum46. Events and talks will be mixed
with performance, production and group works. It will be a live-in
environment for cultural production, and exchange between academics,
artists, social movements and a participating audience. Welcome!

Sine Bang (DK), Kayle Brandon (UK), Kristine Briede (Latvia), Adams &
Itso, Field Work (DK), Groupwork/Students from the Art Academies (DK),
Andreas Wegner (D/AUS), Henrik  Moltke (DK), Amy Balkin (US), YNKB

Time: CAMP: 28th of February-1st of March 2008, open to all.
Exhibition: 1st - 16th of March
Place: rum46, Århus, Denmark (
Organizers: Field Work (Lise Skou and Nis Rømer) in collaboration with rum46
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