springerin on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 07:44:59 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> out now: springerin Issue 2/09, Model Laboratory Dance

Title: out now: springerin Issue 2/09, Model Laboratory Dance
out now!

springerin - Hefte für Gegenwartskunst
Issue 2/09, April-June:

Model Laboratory Dance

The current dance scene as a testing ground and paradigm for interdisciplinary work? As a field that reflects (self-)critically on itself and its methods, its institutions and working conditions, as well as on its status in the midst of other arts? This description certainly fits the Tanzquartier Wien (TQW), founded in 2001, and springerin's spring edition takes a look at the broad array of examples of dance, performance, discourse and crossover practices that have developed in and around this workshop. A small cross-section of the approaches that have developed or crystallised here seeks to show how this sphere can be understood as a role model for other artistic genres.

Net Section
Yvonne Volkart on the archive as a site of assembly.
Martin Conrads on the notion of »Re-creativity«.
Franz Thalmair in an e-mail conversation with media theorist Geert Lovink.
Nat Muller on contemporary media-articulations in the megalopolis of Cairo.
Roland Schöny on the medial history and career of  radio.
Futures & Pasts: Christian Höller on The San Francisco Tape Music Center.

Main Section

Bettina Hagen in conversation with prominent figures of  the current dance and performance scene.
Image Gallery: Philipp Gehmacher/Vladimir Miller, Dead Reckoning, (2009).
Franz Anton Cramer on the dance practice of Philipp Gehmacher.
Tim Etchells, Void Story, a project by Forced Entertainment.
Rabih Mroué A lecture performance on street posters in Beirut.
Judith Helmer on the choreographer Meg Stuart.
Annemarie Matzke »I Object« - Self-exposure as a form of objection.
Boyan Manchev Theses on the formation and experience of critical thinking.
Tanzquartier Wien Communicating projects between performance and public relations.


Critical reviews of new publications as well as exhibitions in Barcelona, Berlin, Boston, Graz, Istanbul, Cairo, Linz, Oslo, Vienna, Vitoria Gasteiz

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springerin is a quaterly magazine dedicated to the theory and critique of contemporary art and culture.

springerin - Hefte für Gegenwartskunst: quartier21/MQ, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien/Vienna.
T: +43 1 522 91 24, F +43 1 522 91 25, [email protected] 
FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION SEE http://www.springerin.at/en/

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FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION SEE http://www.springerin.at/en/

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T: +43 1 522 91 24, F +43 1 522 91 25, ISDN: +43 1 522 91 25-1959,  http://www.springerin.at
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