Pavilion on Sat, 2 May 2009 22:57:36 +0200 (CEST) |
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PAVILION UNICREDIT, BUCHAREST BIENNALE si PAVILION MAGAZINE pune la dispozitie universitatilor si liceelor, in mod gratuit, spatiu pentru organizarea de seminarii sau cursuri.
In cazuri de exceptie putem sustine realizarea unor publicatii teoretice, realizate de studenti si profesori, care sa dezbata subiecte contemporane.
Pentru inscrieri, sugestii sau idei de seminarii si publicatii va rugam sa il contactati pe Eugen Radescu, co-director, prin e-mail ([email protected]) sau la telefon : 031 103 4131.
Va reamintim de Pavilion Resources Room ce contine carti, reviste, cataloage, ziare, filme, video art etc. Sectiunea de reviste contine o selectie excelenta de titluri importante: Grey Room, October, New Left Review, Mute, The Art Newspaper, ArtForum, FlashArt, Frieze, Cabinet, A Prior Magazine, Frame Magazine, Fantastic Man, A10, Le Monde Diplomatique, Butt, Oris, Multitudes, 22, Journal of Performance and Art, Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies, Art-Hoc, Idea, Hunch etc. Deschisa in fiecare zi.
PAVILION UNICREDIT, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION MAGAZINE offers hosting of seminaries for high schools or universities, free of charge.
In outstanding cases, we may support publishing a reader on specific topics; requests for these should be communicated well in advance.
Also we would like to remind you about Pavilion Resources Room the inspirational area which contains books, magazines, catalogues, newspapers, films, video. The magazine section has a range of carefully selected national and international titles for you to read (Grey Room, October, New Left Review, Mute, The Art Newspaper, ArtForum, FlashArt, Frieze, Cabinet, A Prior Magazine, Frame Magazine, Fantastic Man, A10, Le Monde Diplomatique, Butt, Oris, Multitudes, 22, Journal of Performance and Art, Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies, Art-Hoc, Idea, Hunch etc.)
Please contact our co-director (Eugen Radescu) via email ([email protected]) or call 031 103 4131 to reserve a time or to send ideas for our program.
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