Galerie Magda Danysz on Mon, 19 Oct 2009 21:11:57 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> Invitation 24 oct 2009 / Seen, Futura, Crash, Quik, Jonone, West, Miss Van, Blek Le Rat, Obey, Space invader, Zevs...

Title: Galerie Magda Danysz - Paris

en cas de probleme / if you have trouble reading it :

INVITATION 24 oct 2009 //// 6-9PM
at Galerie Magda Danysz
78 rue Amelot, Paris 11
__________From Style Writing to Art, the show - from oct 24th, 2009

Avec Seen, Futura, Crash, Quik, Jonone, West, Miss Van, Blek Le Rat, Obey, Space invader, Zevs.

A l occasion de la sortie de l ouvrage, From style writing to art, la galerie organise une exposition de graffiti et street art qui reunit les maitres des annees 70 et 80 ainsi que leurs successeurs les plus importants. Un evenement qui s'inscrit dans la continuite de l engagement pris par Magda Danysz, depuis deja plus de 10 ans en faveur de l art urbain.

Vernissage a la galerie de Paris
le samedi 24 octobre 2009 de 18h a 21h.

With Seen, Futura, Crash, Quik, Jonone, West, Miss Van, Blek Le Rat, Obey, Space invader, Zevs.

On the occasion of the publication of the book, From style writing to graffiti, a street art anthology, the gallery organizes a Graffiti and Street art exhibition which get together the masters of the 70s and the 80s as well as their most important successors and the renovators of street art. An event which is in line with the commitment taken by Magda Danysz, for already more than 10 years in support of Graffiti and Street Art.

Opening at the Paris gallery
on october saturday 24th from 6 to 9PM

En savoir plus Read more




__________From Style Writing to Art (a street art anthology), the book, by Magda Danysz

Sortie du premier ouvrage critique sur le street art. Pres de 400 pages expliquent et approfondissent l aspect artistique de ce mouvement. "Au debut, il y avait le tag et les inscriptions sur les murs. Cela a donne naissance a l ecriture sauvage et au graffiti. Ce qui s'est transforme en ce que l on connait maintenant sous le nom d Art Urbain ou Street Art. Un mouvement complexe et interessant qui merite bien plus que de simples raccourcis."

From Style Writing to Art, a Street Art anthology, vise a expliquer comment le Street Art est devenu un mouvement artistique majeur au tournant du 21eme siecle. Ce livre s'interesse aux pionniers du graffiti qui se sont illustres des les annees 60, il explore ensuite le succes des artistes des annees 80, et enfin il se penche sur les nouvelles questions et pratiques des annees 90. Avec plus de 50 parcours d artistes presentes et plus de 200 illustrations.
Publie aux editions DRAGO

Presentation et signature a la galerie de Paris
le samedi 24 octobre 2009 de 18h a 21h.

Publication of the first critical book about Street Art. About 400 pages explain and go into details the artistic aspect of this movement. "In the beginning, there was a the tag and the inscriptions on walls. It gave birth to the wild writing and to the graffiti. What was transformed into what we know now under the name of Urban Art or Street Art. A complex and interesting movement which deserves much more than of simple shortcuts."

From Style Writing to Art, a Street Art anthology, aims at explaining how Street Art became an major artistic movement at the turn of the 21th century. This book is interested in the pioneers of the graffiti who became famous from the 60s, the it explores the success of the artists of the 80s, and finally it looks into the new questions and practices of the 90s. Including 50 artist biographies and over 200 photos.
Published by DRAGO.

Booksigning at the Paris gallery on october saturday 24th from 6 to 9PM.

En savoir plus Read more

Hors les murs / in other places :
__________P. nicolas Ledoux - La Reserve (Paris) 20-25 oct

Chambres a part III
Vernissage le lundi 19 octobre
de 18h a 21h

Commissariat: Laurence Dreyfus

Perpetuant la tradition d’expositions telle que Chambres d amis instituee par Jan Hoet a Gand en 1986, Chambres a part III aura lieu de nouveau cette annee a La Reserve – Paris : Laurence Dreyfus propose une exposition d’artistes tries sur le volet, dans un cadre exceptionnel et prestigieux.

Inscrite dans le parcours evenement de la Fiac, Chambre a part III presente dans l’un des appartements du 10 place du Trocadero une selection d’oeuvres, resultat d une annee de peregrinations a la recherche de talents de l’art contemporain internationaux.

Parmi les artistes selectionnes : Dominique Blais, Alexandre da Cunha, Julien Friedler, Olafur Eliasson, Monique Frydman, Laurent Grasso, Jeppe Hein, Avish Khebrehzadeh, Thomas Kiesewetter, Kolkoz, P. Nicolas Ledoux, Daniel Lergon, Marilyn Minter, Robin Rhode, Pierre Rouillon, Wolfgang Tillmans, Oscar Tuazon, Iris van Dongen, Katja Strunz, Aaron Young, Yi Zhou...

Visites sur invitation et sur reservation uniquement : reservez par email

En savoir plus sur l artiste

Chambres a part III
Preview Monday the 19th of october
from 6 to 9 p.m.

Curator: Laurence Dreyfus

Perpetuating the tradition of exhibitions like Chambres d’amis established by Jan Hoet in Ghent in 1986, Chambres a part III will take place again this year in 2009 at La Reserve – Paris : Laurence Dreyfus offers an exhibition of hand-picked artists in an exceptional and prestigious setting.

As part of the programme around the Fiac Chambres a part III displays a selection of works, in one of the apartments of 10 place du Trocadero, the result of a year’s peregrination in search of international contemporary art talents.

Amongst the artists selected are Dominique Blais, Alexandre da Cunha, Olafur Eliasson, Julien Friedler, Monique Frydman, Laurent Grasso, Jeppe Hein, Avish Khebrehzadeh, Thomas Kiesewetter, Kolkoz, P. Nicolas Ledoux, Daniel Lergon, Marilyn Minter, Robin Rhode, Pierre Rouillon, Wolfgang Tillmans, Oscar Tuazon, Iris van Dongen, Katja Strunz, Aaron Young, Yi Zhou...

Visits on invitation and on reservation only: email us
More about the artist





Galerie Magda Danysz
(Membre du Comite des Galeries d Art -
Member of the French Art Galleries Comittee)


In Paris (in the Marais)

78, rue Amelot
Paris 11 - France
t.: +33 (0)1 45 83 38 51
Ouvert du mardi au vendredi de 11h a 19h et le samedi de 14h a 19h
Opens from tuesday to friday from 11AM to 7PM and saturday from 2 to 7PM


In Shanghai (on the Bund)

In the Bund18
18 Zhongshan East Road (E1), 4F
Ouvert tous les jours de midi a minuit
Open every days from noon to midnight


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