hight on Thu, 7 Jan 2010 04:27:50 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> moving words call for submissions

(edited by Camille Bacos, Jeremy Hight, & Carol Novack)

We are looking for narratives, fictions, word and language games and
plays, all sorts of poetic forms, in fragments and entireties. We are
looking for visually stimulating presentations, with or without
custom-made audio elements, but preferably with. Surprise and delight us!
Here are some samples of moving words we love:
slippingglimpse.org/; www.yorku.ca/caitlin/waves/;
nmartproject.net/agricola/mpc/volume6/encoded.html. A comprehensive
article about what?s broadly referred to as ?electronic literature? may be
accessed at eliterature.org/pad/elp.html.

Submit up to two works, and please prepare your file/s as follows:
QuickTime movies, h.264, "Fast Start," 640 x 480 or 720X480 , for 16:9 use
max. 720X480 with letter box , Data Rate 2000 kbits/sec. Audio AAC,
Stereo, 16 bit, 44.100 kHz, duration no longer than 12 minutes. We accept
flash & window media player formats.

Please submit your works directly to our server. For FTP info please send
an email to [email protected] (with "Moving Words
Submission" in the subject line) and include the following information
(feel free to cut and paste):

1. YOUR name; email address; bio - max 250 words.

2. Name AND exact file name of pieces to be uploaded: i.e. Lucy in the
Sky, lucysky2.mov

3. Permission to publish email address in Issue 12. YES ___ NO ___

4. Do you wish to include a bio pic? YES ___ NO ___

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