CONT3XT.NET on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 19:38:39 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> Lecture series: About Public Actions and Aesthetic Journeys | by CONT3XT.NET

A lecture series with contributions by Karin Bruns, Marc Ries, and Ruth Horak

Digital images can be transferred from one computer to the other in real-time, they are available anytime and anywhere - they are interconnective. Photos the existence of which is not yet founded on zeroes and ones will be digitalized with the utmost probability. One click is enough to (re)produce digital photos, to change their form of organisation, to make them available to a large audience and last but not least to make them readable for machines... The lecture series "About Public Actions and Aesthetic Journeys - Photography and the Internet" deals with the ongoing discourse about the impact of the Internet on digital forms of photography.

Museum auf Abruf, FelderstraÃe 6-8, 1080 Vienna/Austria

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Thursday, November 11, 2010, 7 pm
*I Shot Myself" - Photography as Intimate Medium of Protocol
Leture by Karin Bruns

Karin Bruns is a media and literature scholar. Since 2003 she works as professor of Media Theories at the University for Art and Industrial Design Linz, since 2004 she is head of the Media Department. Her research is mainly based on media theory, intermediality, gender and media, as well as the culture of rumors in the World Wide Web.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010, 7 pm â
Becoming Aliquid - Portraiture and the Internet
Lecture by Marc Ries

Marc Ries is a media philosopher, curator and professor of Sociology and Theory of Media at the Academy of Art and Design in Offenbach am Main. His research is mainly based on media and cultural theory with a special focus on photography, cinema, TV, digital media and architecture, as well as on the phenomenological and semiotic analysis of images.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010, 7 pm
Remarks on the Influence of the WWW on Photography
Lecture by Ruth Horak

Ruth Horak is an art historian and curator. She lives near Vienna and works as author and lecturer in the fields of Contemporary Art and photography. She regularly contributes to magazines, catalogues and books. In 2003 her book "Rethinking Photography- Narration und neue Reduktion in der Fotografie" was published by Edition Fotohof Salzburg.

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