Joseph Gray on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 02:24:34 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> Processing and Arduino in Tandem: Video Mixer and Audio Visualizer

[apologies for cross-posting]

Hi All,

I'm teaching two new classes for O'Reilly at CreativeLive, building off the original 5 session course Processing and Arduino in Tandem.

These new classes are also about coding interactive motion graphics in Processing with an Arduino-based physical controller.  One is on how to code-up a video mixer, providing an example of how to work with video in Processing to create a stand-alone application for visual performance.  

The other is on how to analyze an audio stream for controlling visuals using the Minim library.  The software created during this class will build off of the video mixer, adding live audio as an additional control data stream.

These courses are free while they are being broadcast from CreativeLive in Seattle.  The video mixer class is on February 25, 2011 at 10 a.m. (PST) and the audio visualizer class will be on March 11, 2011 at 10 a.m. (PST).  These are recorded and edited into video download packages for purchase and are bundled with detailed slides, source code and tip sheets. Source code will be available to follow along with the free live broadcasts as well.  

Both pieces of software use the projBox as an example of a custom physical computing interface controlling custom software.  You can build your own projBox variant from parts (and a little ingenuity) following the instructions here:

I've also developed a kit that is available for purchase (now on Maker Shed!) with all the parts necessary to follow those assembly instructions.  The projBox kits are "craft manufactured" at Metrix:Create Space in Seattle.  They are aimed at those new to electronics interested in learning, from example, how to create a finished project with Arduino and integrate it with their own custom code.  The kit is available at:

Hope you can attend, and/or if you know someone who may be interested please forward this along!  

Joseph Gray
nettime-ann mailing list
[email protected]