Mapping Festival on Sun, 3 Apr 2011 20:13:18 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> Newsletter Mapping Festival 2011: volunteers and VJ Contest.

Title: Mapping Festival 19 - 29 may 2011
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Mapping Festival 6 - du 19 au 29 mai 2011


Des bÃnÃvoles gravitent autour du Mapping tout au long de lâannÃe et contribuent au bon fonctionnement et à lâorganisation du festival. Chacune de ces personnes donne une part de son temps et de ses compÃtences pour remplir une tÃche utile à la rÃussite du festival (programmation, production, communication, gestion des bÃnÃvoles...).

Pendant les dix jours du Mapping Festival ce sont 70 bÃnÃvoles supplÃmentaires qui aident au bon fonctionnement de lâorganisation. Les bÃnÃvoles du Mapping sont les piliers du festival qui, sans eux, ne pourrait exister!

Dans le cadre de la 7Ãme Ãdition annuelle du Mapping Festival, nous recherchons des personnes volontaires et motivÃes pour complÃter nos Ãquipes dÃs le 2 mai 2011.

Types de jobs disponibles:
Accueil / Bar / Caisse / Surveillance / Runners / Aide Cuisine / Technique (bricolage, connaissances vidÃo et/ou audio)

Si tu es intÃressÃ, il nous suffit d'envoyer tout de suite un mail à : [email protected]


Volunteers are a core part of the festival organization and its ongoing operations throughout the year. Each volunteer offers their valuable talents in programming, producing, communications and so on.

For the 10 days of the festival we need at least 70 volunteers. Without this help the Mapping Festival cannot exist.

For the 7th edition of the Mapping Festival we are looking for highly motivated people willing to dedicate their free time to join up with the Mapping Festival team from May 2nd, 2011 until the festival's conclusion.

Volunteer positions are available for:
bar tenders, ticket sales, runners, technical experts with knowledge of audio and video, catering assistant and more.

If you're interested, send us an e-mail at: [email protected]

  Mapping festival 2011


AprÃs le succÃs du VJ Contest de l'an dernier et l'Ãlection du meilleur VJ 2010 alias M&Y :, le Mapping Festival ne perd pas la main et continue l'expÃrience et la compÃtition. Le jury professionnel composà de personnalitÃs du monde entier liÃes à la vidÃo (Vimeo team,... ) sÃlectionnera et jugera les participants en quatre manches. Les vendredi 27 et samedi 28 mai, le Spoutnik sera ÃlectrisÃ, vibrant et sans pitiÃ!

De magnifiques et somptueux lots seront offerts aux vainqueurs du Contest, offerts par Codanova, Modul8, MadMapper, Art Computer, Vimeo, Resolume3...

Comment faire pour participer ?
Il te suffit d'envoyer un email Ã: [email protected] .En prÃcisant: nom, prÃnom, nom d'artiste, bio, photo, adresse, tÃlÃphone, lien vidÃo et ta taille de Tshirt.

Attention, tu as jusqu'au vendredi 15 avril pour t'inscrire!

NB: Le Mapping Festival ne prend en charge ni le transport, ni l'hÃbergement, ni le catering des participants.


Following the success of last years VJ Contest, the title of best VJ for 2010 held by M&Y will be contested with the renewal of the competition that will feature a jury of world renowned professionals from around the globe, working in the world of live video performance and curation. On Friday the 27th through Saturday the 28th at the Spoutnik Theater the contestants will be subjected to 4 brutal rounds that will test their VJ talents.

Prizes include offerings from Codanova, Art Computer, Vimeo, Resolume3 as well as licenses of Modul8 and MadMapper...

How can you participate?
Send an email to [email protected] with the following precise information: Name, Surname, Artist name, Bio and descriptive text, photo, Address, Telephone, Video link, T-shirt size

The deadline for submission is Friday, April 15th!

Please note that the Mapping Festival does not bare the costs for travel, catering or hosting.

Devenez Amis du Mapping Festival!

Vous aimez le festival, ses artistes, son concept, ses performances, ses soirées, son ambiance? Devenir Amis du Mapping est un moyen simple d’afficher votre soutien au Mapping festival. Avec une cotisation annuelle de CHF 40.- minimum, vous soutenez le Mapping Festival et en contrepartie, nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour vous remercier, voir Amis du Mapping

Become a Friend of the Mapping Festival!

You like the Mapping Festival, its artists, its concept, its performances, its atmosphere and evenings? Becoming a Mapping Friend is an easy way to show your support to the Mapping Festival. With a minimum annual fee of CHF 40.-, you can support the Mapping Festival and, in exchange, we will strive to thank you. Check out: Mapping Friends


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