Ivana Marjanovic on Fri, 2 Sep 2016 17:16:31 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> Invitation - "Forever Together" WIENWOCHE 2016: September 16th - 25th


Dear friends and colleagues,


I would like to invite you to the WIENWOCHE festival managed and curated by my colleague and friend Nataša Mackuljak and me in collaboration with many. Save the date and join us on as many locations and events possible (in Vienna). I am sending you bellow the information about it.





From September 16th to 25th the fifth edition of Vienna-based cultural and activist festival WIENWOCHE will be in search of politics of connection, love and friendship founding any acts of solidarity.






“With the title ‘FOREVER TOGETHER. Politics of Connection, Love and Friendship’, it proposes a break to show where things do bloom and please our hearts, at least most of the time.

WIENWOCHE 2016 creates a space which focuses on ‘ordinary’ accounts of connection, love and friendship that we celebrate as something very special. Why? Because these are political forces that we have and we will need more of them as these times show. When ignorance and oppression rise, our capacity to contest them grows as well. We do so in everyday life and we do it at WIENWOCHE 2016:  in networks of support, circles of friends, activist groups, artistic projects as well as in bars, streets, at market places, theatres, at the hairdresser’s, in a time machine, just to name a few spaces and places that we inhabit.” More information about  festival concept and the process of program creation: http://www.wienwoche.org/en/432/2016






WIENWOCHE hosts a dozen of projects. Among them nine projects selected through the open-call, two open-to-anybody workgroups undoing the common selection-procedures within the cultural field. Also, this year there is a workshop-co-operation with Kunsthalle Vienna.


We are opening the festival on 16. 9. in WERK X-Eldorado with the “Red Love” by Olga Dimitrijević, a play about the revolutionary idea of love as well as its reality in a capitalist and patriarchal world. The number of free tickets is limited, please reserve yours as soon as possible (we are running out of places). More information: http://www.wienwoche.org/en/446/the_red_love.

After the play, from 21:30 the Opening Party will start with artists, musicians and DJs #L0V3_H4CK1N6, Chilo Eribenne, Mario Grubišić, esRAP … Special guest: Pireli (Wien) feat. d-bo (Berlin). Admission free. No registration. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqbYDz941ZE&app=desktop

More Information on the Opening and projects:


Finally, WIENWOCHE has this year special guests: Jasmina Tešanović, Yugoslavian feminist, activist and writer, and Bruce Sterling, American writer and one of the founders of the cyberpunk movement in science fiction. On the last day of the festival they will give a lecture/performance/confession with the title: "In Bed With Exotic Enemy". Free admission. barrier-free. Due to a limit on the number of participants, please register. More information: http://www.wienwoche.org/en/450/in_bed_with_the_exotic_enemy






The whole festival programme is online and is available as a printed catalogue as well.









All events are free of charge.


WIENWOCHE  is supported by the City of Vienna and it is carried out by the Verein zur Förderung der Stadtbenutzung.


Follow WIENWOCHE on Facebbok: www.facebook.com/wienwoche   

Subscribe for newsletter: http://www.wienwoche.org/de/wienwoche/



We are very happy to see you and share with you the work we have been doing in last months!


Very best,






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