Darko Fritz on Wed, 2 Aug 2017 16:33:38 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> grey) (area . Anne Marie Maes: Sensorial Skin / Guerilla Beehive

grey) (area . Korcula

> AnneMarie Maes: Sensorial Skin / Guerilla Beehive
> 03 - 30 . 8 . 2017
> curator: Darko Fritz
> http://sivazona.hr/events/koza-gerilska-kosnica
> opening and artist talk . Thursday August 3rd . 21 - 23 h
> The exhibition reveals a part of author's long-term research towards the Intelligent Guerilla Beehive. The project is on the edge between art and science, focusing on issues of sustainability, more specifically the survival of the honeybee species, and using new materials and new digital fabrication technologies, more specifically, sustainable bio-plastics. AnneMarie Maes is awarded Honorary mention in the Hybrid Art category of the Ars Electronica Festival 2017, for the project ‘Sensorial Skin for a Guerilla Beehive’
> The visual language in this installation is multilayered. Every artifact is the outcome of a particular experiment. All objects are part of a larger development for building and fine-tuning an Intelligent Guerilla Beehive, a mobile shelter for homeless honeybees. This radically new device tackles a domain where human and non-human actors collaborate to maintain the resilience of an ecosystem in decline.
> In the Laboratory for Form and Matter AnneMarie Maes works with a range of biotic and abiotic elements. She views this lab as open environment for experimentation, a space for contradiction, criticism and evaluation. She combines organic components such as vegetal matter, propolis and chitine, with living systems such as fungi and bacteria to create artifacts for the future. Author's micro-organisms grow biofabrics and she researches how these membranes can be enhanced and made useful through embedded electronics and how more sensorial qualities can be implemented in these membranes via living technology.
> Navigating between blueprints and ‘Proof of Concept’, her objects can be classified as ‘Future Archaeology’: fragments of a Forgotten World as well as fragments of a World To Come.
> The hive is a system of homeostasis, a property that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition of properties like temperature or pH. It can be either an open or closed system. As nature is polluted by industries in most countries of so-called "first world" (that includes Belgium, where Maes operates from) it shows that bees start to prefer less polluted urban environment than very polluted nature full of pesticides, fertilizers and so on. Monitoring bees shows the state of biocoenosis (biological community, ecological community, coined by Karl Möbius in 1877). That includes the broader environment with all its inhabitants, whereby humans are acting as the most influential change-makers.
> Bruno Latour urged that we - humans - must rework our thinking to conceive  the existence of the “Parliament of Things” [We have never been modern, 1993] whereby natural phenomena, social phenomena and the discourse about them are not seen as separate objects to be studied by specialists, but as hybrids made and scrutinized by the public interaction of people, things and concepts. Following Latour, we could think of the possibility of conceptualizing larger networks where non-human actors resist programmed subdue frame of proportion and appear rendered by being observed in the light of processes they take part in.
> AnneMarie Maes is an artist and researcher. Her work incorporates sculpture, photography, video, installation and public participation. She creates projects that stimulate the development of a more sustainable world. Her research practice combines art and science with a strong interest for DIY technologies.
> Her installations and long term projects – such as the Transparent Beehive, Urban Corridors or the Politics of Change – use a range of biological, digital and traditional media, including live organisms. She makes use of technological mediation to search for new forms of communication with the natural world, to make the invisible visible.
> AnneMarie Maes is the founding director of the Urban Bee Lab and has for decades been a recognized leader pioneering art-science projects in Belgium, using highly original ways to bring out hidden structures in nature by constructing original technological methods to probe the living world and by translating that in artistic creations through sonification, visualization, sculptures, large-scale long-term installations, workshops, lectures and books.
> She has a strong international profile, having exhibited (amongst others) at Bozar in Brussels, Koç University Gallery in Istanbul, Borges Center in Buenos Aires, Arsenals Museum in Riga, Skolska Gallery in Prague, the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona, the Designmuseum in Mons and the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin.
> She is affiliated to the artist collective Okno Brussels. She has managed several international art projects granted by EU Culture and she collaborates on regular basis with science groups in Brussels, Paris, Barcelona and Tokyo.
> AnneMarie Maes at the exhibition of Sensorial Skin at the grey) (area gallery, Korčula
> AnneMarie Maes: lightboxes left: Scanning Electron Micrograph (honeybee tongue); right: Microbial Skin with organic leftovers (insects)
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> Grey Area: Kovački prolaz 2 . Korčula . daily 21 - 22 h
> supported by
> Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia
> Endowment Kultura Nova
> HTP Korčula / Korčula Hotels
> Korčula Town
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