michaelis-galleries-l on Wed, 10 Apr 2019 00:04:23 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> [Michaelis Galleries] Walkabout: Conversations - an exhibition of work by staff at the Michaelis School of Art

As we near the closing of this exciting exhibition entitled Conversations: an exhibition of work by staff at the Michaelis School of Art on Friday the 12th of April: we wish to invite you to a final walkabout:

Walkabout facilitated by Virginia Mackenny
Thursday 11 of April at the 
Michaelis Galleries 
31-37 Orange Street, 
UCT Hiddingh Campus.

Exhibition documented by Cassandra Jacobs.

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Description: Screenshot 2019-04-09 17.05.54.png

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