integer on Wed, 1 Mar 2000 17:53:03 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] \/\ zkandal - trez ch!c | zk!rt ab!sez ov 0+1 zrtn depth | dze or!g!n ov dze fam!l!


Corresponding in regards to the `article` entitled antiorp,
that your publication is currently hosting on its www site           and

consisting of propaganda concocted by Ted Byfield 
to obfuscate Ted Byfield's despicable action of shutting
down 3 domains 


Firstly why does telepolis publish propaganda
presented by the perpetrator himself ?
This is hardly conducive to unbiased information.

Secondly, should you feel that Ted Byfield's biased `article`
represents responsible journalism I would like to respond 
to Ted Byfield's biased `article` and I would like my response published
in very close proximity to Ted Byfield's biased `article`.

It is thus the konzept of truth shall inundate Ted Byfield's
pass� obtuse and vapid filaments + 6 billion sentiments transforming busily 
thoughts into words erupt into a galaxy of syncategorematic streaming time. 

This is the limit process - for my intelligence you attain cannot 
I should like you to unlearn your grammar.
You have learned it so that your teachers may live.
Grammar - the apeing prolonged caw; the cackling of human hens 
over the egg of language.

You - the undivided divinity operating within `you` have dreamt the world.
You have dreamt it as firm. mysterious. visible.
ubiquitous in space and durable in time; 
aber in its architecture you have allowed tenuous + external 
crevices of unreason which tell `me` it is false.

Pursued by a tiny girl in yellow dress 
white ducks move deliberately across a green 
sward sloping down to crystalline water. 

Intelligence you cannot attain - subtil lie which shapes the truth table
hinging - on some one's child - special theory of relativity.
As one travels  closer + closer to the speed of light 
one's time runs slower + slower relative to a remaining universe.

brain make me a sentence.
- How many ducks are there +?

I have below included a fragment of the
info data my response would address.

Amities. Netochka.

@ .7 allez en avant la foi vouz viendra
nothing between my me + your you. _||-
untersuchen uber ordnungstypen. 
- m9ndfukc.macht.fre!


18      .
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � pro satisfacer le metro � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 

 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �  � � �  



                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <   
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t^P      
                                                       |       >

                    - indelible traces on said troubled image\inations.

 k^Pntent !d :baz!n.ov.atrakz!on


From: Geert Lovink <[email protected]>
To: Felix Stalder <[email protected]>
cc: Ted Byfield <[email protected]>, Sebastian Luetgert
<[email protected]>,
        Katrien Jacobs <[email protected]>, Scotartt
<[email protected]>,
        =?iso-8859-1?Q?Micha=EBl?= van Eeden <[email protected]>

>What can be done with nettime?

first concern now is to get the server up
then we should get the lists up:
- complete the moderators list so that everybody is on
  also the moderators of the non-english lists
- launch nettime-ro with an english and romanian text by alexandru
- launch the nettime-bold list (and perhaps rename nettime-l into gold...)
- write a letter to nettime about all the changes

>First, I think there is a certain frustration around with nettime. connect
>it to Ted as one of the more visible nettimers, others, including
>myself, connect it with something entirely different: nettime has become a
>bit boring, it hasn't changed much other than growing, which, btw, has not
>really enlarged the contributor-base. Maybe it is indeed time to give it a
>different direction. How?

first of all we need to get out of the spiral of antiorp, stahlman
and other garrins. this will create space for new topics and people

in my experience new people have to be invited to send something
that's how i have done it in the past
i could focus on a content campaign, perhaps together with matt

>If we ask someone else to do it, then we have two
>advantages: a) it requires some activity from someone to get it started and
>b) it is independent from us (moderators) and it cannot be regarded as just
>another insider-thing.

fine, but for me that's independant from the moderators issue
for me nettime-bold is already meta enough

>I will be on shaky email for much of the next 10 days so I will not be able
>to do much, but I think that all that is needed to include such an call in
>the announcement that should go out anyway. Geert, you said that you are
>writing this, right?

yes, but it is a bit hard now cause the server is down...

ciao, geert


>so it seems that both your sites are accessible again. i'm really 
>glad to see that. but could you tell us what happened? how much have 
>you been able to find out why they weren't accessible yesterday?

hallo dear.

what took place is what have stated several times prior.
memocide / murder.

and this is the murderer  :  t byfield <[email protected]>

- nettime /   have shut down   and 
the domain for a children's rhinoblastoma - cancer institute 

et apropos what tb refers to below.
t byfield has approx 2 years prior 
sent me 500 pornografik emails 
via [which was not his isp]
because i refused to comply with 
his fascist request that i type in english.
after the attack i have informed

however - one must not conclude the shutting down of   and 
the domain for a children's rhinoblastoma - cancer institute 

is related to.
the impetus for nettime's action has been as has been always. 

incompetent male fascists find it ganz dificil to ingest fakt
one 22 year old woman - alone - can outperform
entire korporat fascist \ male fascist konglomerats
funded via stolen kasch data.

what tb refers to as spam below
are in fact my emails to nettime-l
which generally are much more intelligent
than any addtl life forms' slavish regurgitation.

as may be noticed from transmission below
tb has committed `the 500 pornografik emails action` again
by spamming the .dk gateway.

have yesterday wired 10,000 usd to selekt life forms
who will be investigating the matter - as well
as setting up the infrastructure to expose + dispose of
the attack spammers - !.e ted byfield \ nettime-l

we are all connected to backbones.

sensible + flexible 

b!enzur ultra detachable

if sufficient kasch data is 
poured into one's desire

at this time the mail server is a bit defektive still.
other life forms are looking into the problem.

personally am corresponding with selekt life forms
regarding the tbyfield \ nettime attack on above mentioned domains
consuming massively parallel virtual environments - 1 book
much kaffe + smiling at the idiocy of neo nazi marionettes - !.e.

any insect is well aware shutting
down several life forms' life for 3 days
isn't worth the elongated aftermath.

as typedmess is still down one may wish to
subscribe to [email protected]
which is a very lovely list - ultra uncensored.
to do so may transmit one email to

[email protected]

it is one of the very few fora not
massacred by the ultra inkompetent 
korporat male fascist entourage.

allora. ciao.

To: t byfield <[email protected]>
From: Frederic Madre <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: \/\ z!ng korporat fasc!zt pra!zez momentar!l+e
Cc: [email protected]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Resent-From: [email protected]
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [email protected]

At 02:45 17/02/2000 -0500, t byfield wrote:
 >you're just pissed because bouncing all your spam to your up-
>stream provider *worked*.

what do you mean by "worked" ?
what were you trying to achieve and why ?

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 02:45:28 -0500
From: t byfield <[email protected]>
To:   [email protected]
Subject: Re: \/\ z!ng korporat fasc!zt pra!zez momentar!l+e
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Mutt 1.0.1i

|<R4|> \/|_+R431337 zent!mental avant-p0zeur-garde obzessive
abandonnement-komplex fame-(what a feeling! keep believing!)-
seeking z00per-boring dozens-ov-malez-per-day-4-yrz-now pest
who R4N+s!! about |\/|/\sch!n3 aestHet!k but doesn't like it
when it bites him in the ass pathetik mikrofascist \/\/anker 
a9ff-antiorp-integer-=c4wtabs-&c-&c-B1FF!!!! typed this mess:

> >>_>> please distribute if so desired

you're just pissed because bouncing all your spam to your up-
stream provider *worked*. obviously, you don't object to try-
ing to do such things yourself:

     From: [email protected]
     Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:07:18 -0500 (CDT)
     Apparently-To: <[email protected]>
     Subject:  ET.IN 3
  = !nvezt!gat!ng who 
= amuz!ng !f u were !nvolvd
     From: [email protected]
     Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:45:02 -0500 (CDT)
     Apparently-To: <[email protected]>
     Subject:  ET.IN 3
     >> = !nvezt!gat!ng who 
>> = amuz!ng !f u were !nvolvd
>Please remember that I,
mattr abov = !n regardz 2 abuse ov netverk


>>  >>
>>>>_>> please distribute if so desired
>>>>      mimicking the korporat fascist maneuver of ETOYS.COM CORPORATION
>>>>      shut down 3 three internet domains
>>  >>     WWW.GOD-EMIL.DK
>>  >>     WWW.M9NDFUKC.ORG
>>>>      and the domain for a CANADIAN CHILDREN'S RHINOBLASTOMA / 
>>>>      reiterating :
>>>>      by shutting down not just 1 - but 3 internet domains
>>>>      WWW.GOD-EMIL.DK
>>>>      WWW.M9NDFUKC.ORG
>>>>      and the domain for a CANADIAN CHILDREN'S RHINOBLASTOMA / 
>>>>      have been shut down by NETTIME / THING.NET and CYCLING74 CORPORATION
>>>>      demonstrating yet again the KORPORAT FASCIST temperament of
>>>>     NETTIME / THING.NET - korporat fascists
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>     CYCLING74  - korporat fascists
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>>           [email protected]
>>>> as it bekomes available.
>>>>nn. ~perplexed + furious.
>>>have/will pass this on.
>>>please let me know what has happened when you
>>>are able.
>>3 doma!nz = hav b!n eraszd 4rom dze dns map
>>= aksesz!bl !f onl! !n ultra kloze procz!m!t!e.
>>!.e. !n denmark + !n ultra v!c!n!t!.
>>= ganz d!f obta!n!ng !nfo data az = zvrl
>>`author!t!ez` + zrvrz !nvolvd.
>>t!p!kl! !n z!tuaz!onz komme ca = 0+0 !nfo data prov!dd
>>due 2 h!gh probab!l!t!e ov retal!az!on. = natural! = d!sz
>>trez fac!l makez !t 4 dezp!kabl korporat l!f 4rmz
>>2 z!lensz !nd!v!dualz kovertl!
>>= dze atak = haz takn plasz 3 da!z pr!or 2 heute.
>>abr = onl! !eztrda! = zukzezful! lokatd
>>dze kulpabl =  pr!mar!l! nettime \ fasc!ztz
>>although cycling74 zerfz = reprzntd az uel.
>>>>  nn. ~perplexed + furious.
>>akt!ng doc!le. ma!z
>>= brutez = komprehend
>>0+1 ultra zmak onl!.
>>un4tunatl! = 0+1 zukzfl ultra zmak
>>= propagatez ultra zmak genez.
>>d!esz ef!kaz!ouz loopz.
>>dzat = komprehnd dzm =
>>enzurz != u!sh 2 entr dzm.
>>nn. eczasperatd.
>>bkom!ng 0+1 mole
>>1 Turtics al~d Frogs 81
>>So short piles were at a competitive disadvantage.
>>As a result, the number of piles declined more quickly than before.
>>In the original program,
>>without any protection for tall piles, [konglomeratz]
>>the termites produced 157 piles after 1,000 iterations,
>>With tall piles protected, there were only 85 piles after
>>1,000 iterations.
>>But this rapid convergence to fewer and taller piles comes at a price.
>>After 2,000 iterations, the number of piles had shrunk to 82.
>>But all 82 piles had at least 10 wood chips.
>>So all of the piles were protected.
>>The termites could not find any more wood chips to pick up.
>>The number of piles would stay frozen at 82 forever.
>>= korporat fasc!zm = NETTIME / THING.NET = CYCLING74 = `fecal cement`

Josephine Bosma <[email protected]>

>dear anti...
>the following mail bounced from emil two days ago. 

along with 3641 addtl emails.
100+ megabytes of data which selekt life forms
cannot access etc etc.


it all began so innocently
then the nettime black shirts stepped in

it is at that time du = refused to wipe
the glistening tear from `m!` e!e

Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 19:50:39 -0400
From: t byfield <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> gated communities

I can't speak about the other lists or speak for the other moderators, but
I can tell you a bit about why I unsubscribed antiorp. 
It seems as though you've romanticized antiorp a bit, instead of getting
another side of the story or doing the math. It wasn't an easy decision at
all. I gave it a lot of thought, and I'm not very happy about the whole
thing. But I can tell you one thing: I gave antiorp *exactly* what it
wants, a new toy fascist. 

To: Guy Van Belle <[email protected]>
From: [email protected]
Subject: v97p979p7

>how much stupidity can one swallow before one breaks?

1 terr0r ov dz!re = bkom!ng null!f!ed b!
repeatd ep!zodz ov !nart!kulatz!on ov eventz

z!m!lr 2 1 laborator! rat
hou man! t!mez kan 1 touch 1 elektr!f!ed gate

vakuoz z!lansz

!n dze !nter!m __... - unsettl!ng developmentz


>X-From_: [email protected]  Sat Oct 10 12:17:32 1998
>Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 19:17:21 +0200 (MET DST)
>From: Guy Van Belle <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: Guy Van Belle <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>O dear, a very thrilling and interesting story! The maths were convincing.
>The storyline very strong. This should be in the netime bible!
>Especially the middle part: I was sobbing my way all over the
>screen seeing almost in front of my eyes, little ted doing all that work
>and that bad wicked antiorp inundating the world with dirtily encrypted
>codes and statements! But then there came the good ending! 

>Nettime was
>saved! We were left pure in our untainted discussions about free speech
>and technology and society and that bloody war in the Balkan. 
>Thanks to Ted, Knight of the order of the Round Firewall. 
>So it was inevitable, this Moldred was not to be allowed in!
>In the end I was truly touched by the parential advice Ted gave to antiorp
>to start his own list. The problem remains though, who will moderate it to
>protect it from evil nettimers' decrypted, cleaned up, restored and
>rebuilt neat messages? 
>My favorite quote in all this also came from Ted in true film noir style: 
>"But I can tell you one thing: I gave antiorp *exactly* what it  
>wants, a new toy fascist." 
>*boooohoooo* beuauuuuuuuuutiful!

Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 03:07:01 -0800
To: =cw4t7abs 
From: "m@"
Subject: []


textual analys!s ov t byfields ma!l re:vealz

yet anodr human

sexua//y arouszd b! your postz.



>Mime-Version: 1.0
>To: =cw4t7abs
>From: Josephine Bosma <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: 
>>textual analys!s ov t byfields ma!l re:vealz
>>yet anodr human
>>sexually arouszd b! your postz.
>you post this to Rhizome
>how could I miss that one!

bewitched | bothered and bewildered am i

   -           |  |            -        -           |  |            -
fr2ktur          |  |            -        -           |  |            -
   -           |  |            -        -           |  |            -

kontent.ID :

\\ =cw4t7abs . modL c!t!zen t!.me  =cw4t7abs t!.me 0+prezent

element nr 0+2

>= 5 generat!onz
>= verk!ng alred!

ou!. madame.

akt!vat!ng d!zturbansz !n sod!um-potass!um
eku!ll!br!um akross neuron membranez.

ou!. madame.

                -                          -
                  -                          -
                   \                          \
                   m!                         m!
                  !                          !
                 h                          h
                 h     ||||- kampFb3r3!t    h     ||||- kampFb3r3!t
                  !                          !
                   m!                         m!
                   /                          /
                  -                          -
                -                          -


  this presentation completed and prezented in [model citizen time] - 1999 a.d.

  during the korporate fascist occupation.
  during the korporate fascist occupation.
  during the korporate fascist occupation.

data zuport!v ov human !ntel!gensz = human !ntel!gensz;

        and - closing the synaptic gap [synapse - greek for juncture
                - hence the juncture gap - protoplasmic kisses which seem to
                                constitute the final ecstasy of an epic
love story
                                        - the ethereal kiss which involves
no contact]

                                                enkounter!ng opn zpasez




                             zk!n komponent = v!brat az 1 cello ztr!ng. 

    --\\ 0f0003.m2zk!

*For English subtitles scroll down, please!
*For moztly komplete url data lokationz may aksez end ov dokument +?

                         \ \     
- 0f0003.m2zk!n3nkunzt   \ \ \  s!n.x(2^n) re:leasz
                         / /\ \   


kuer!  : is s!n.x(2^n) more akademikc than krop3rom||a9ff 0+2 +?
anvort : true 
kuer!  :  
anvort : true 



- zlalom

anvort  : true
kuer! : could one obtain a detailed list of locations for 0f0003 data +?
anvort  : [email protected]
kuer! : where +?
anvort  : true
kuer! : zttz +?
anvort  : bzzp
kuer! : +?
anvort  : ma! ! hav zom watr plz.

kuer!  : 
anvort : true




0f0003 \\ s!n.x(2^n) cd no!sz.masch!ne !nterpolat!on. anti.akadem!k.

_____...___.____ 0f0003.m2zk!n3nkunzt_|-art!kl nummer 0+28.

detektion of onset + offset asynchrony in multikomponent komplexes.
diskriminating standard stimulus from signal stimulus
audibility as crisis and kommodification in sine.x


dze no!sz ztruktur as system degraded to an abstract totality
inspired by the urge to actualize itself as it arrives into tension with other 
its audibility as subject, acquires urgency evoked by experience \ stored data \ memory module
its central impulses mobilized by the objective tendencies of the crisis itself.

accelerating along 0+1 hyperbolic path the system resists delimitation 
in an obscure anti-synthesis force of will. 
as consequence of audibility the audible gains awareness of 
self-internal structure, self-habitation. 
its actualization - its loss of maschinik autonomy, incurs an internal dialectic: 
retain self-alienation, 
experience internal kommodities simultaneously with event, whilst regarded as an 
external structure engaged in recursive reflection.

its impulses manifested in exterior structures 
it is alienated under a regime of ownership
its becoming audible becomes a means of production. 
the industrialization of audibility kommodified - the relationship between 
labor of production and the event comprehends the self-generation of linear 
audibility as process, the objektivisation as generation of a confronting object 
as alienation of the event to the process [ kapitilization ] and
the resolution of this alienation.

actualization alone permits comprehension of the essence of production
and the objective event: an actual becoming of entity - the result of its
process of audibility.

as an existing event, in an effort to preserve self-experience it defines
self-author of self-development. if the process of audibility is
interpreted as the experiential basis of the kommodification of a self-generation process 
it eventuates that recognition of the self at stages of production
permits the resolution of the alienation of temporal existence. 
critical insight into the dialectic of alienated production and kommodification attains
practical efficacy within the system, arising out of the objective krisis complex.

dze no!sz ztruktur as one kommodified system of recursive discourse impedes
examination as a konsummate territorialized product. 
internal events engaged in non-deterministik circulation, insist on non-fixity of form.  
consequently the system's architecture may be generalized only as embracing   [relays]
the means of production rezultant of the means of production - 
it is a massless object, an abstrakt maschine capable of accelerating endlessly,

Nettime-bold mailing list
[email protected]