Ralf Bendrath on Tue, 28 Mar 2000 20:36:09 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> neighbourhood of lists

Felix Stalder wrote:
> as some of you might have seen, the nettime web site
> [http://www.nettime.org] has been updated. The front page now includes a
> section called _neighbourhood of lists_ which contains links to email
> lists (and possibly other collaborative environments) that are close to
> the (fuzzy) interests of nettime.
> We would like to expand the neighbourhood section. If know of a list (or
> other technical platform) that is not yet included but should be added to
> this section, please write a short piece about this list and send it to
> nettime-l. We will then add it to the _neighbourhood of lists_ section.

I am running a German language list on information warfare and all other
interesting aspects of military and computing, including surveillance
(echelon etc.), imagery, media and military propaganda and the so called
"revolution in military affairs". About 3-8 mails each day, not
moderated. The main focus is on tracking the new developments in this
field, but it serves also as a networking tool for the critical
commmunity, which my research group FoG:IS (http://www.fogis.de) has
been building since it was founded last summer. I don�t know if this is
too specific, but I would really like the list to appear in your
The list page is at http://www.fogis.de/mailingliste.html, and there is
also a link to the list archive. 

Greetings, Ralf Bendrath

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