Federspiel, Stefan" (by way of Tilman Baumgaertel <[email protected]>) on Sat, 8 Apr 2000 14:51:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Electronic media art competition

Electronic media art competition

The Fraunhofer Society's E-Business Innovation Center is awarding a prize
for an electronic media work of art which will be installed at the five
linked sites of the partner institutes.
We invite all artists with experience in the field of electronic media art
to send a conceptual contribution to the competition.

The following prizes will be awarded:

First prize       DM 5000
Second prize  DM 3000
Third prize      DM 2000

For the realisation phase of the work of art an additional budget is
available (details see below)

A competition jury will select and award prizes to the three most
interesting entries. Legal recourse is excluded.

The jury consists of: 

Prof. Peter Weibel, Chairman of the ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe,

Gertfried Stocker, Director of the Ars Electronica Center (AEC), Linz,

Tilman Baumgaertel, editor at the "Berliner Zeitung", at the moment Guest
Professor at the University of Paderborn

Thomas Renner, Head of the E-Business Innovation Center 

Stefan Federspiel, artist, web designer

The media art work will be expected to meet the following criteria:

Artistic and content requirements:

A confrontation - which can be critical as well - with the economic
processes and consequences of the Internet-age is required. This includes
for example world-wide networking in general, the change of the Internet
through commercial use, the permanently rising private and professional use
of e-business, the change of trade through the use of the Internet, the
elimination of geographical and temporal limits etc.

The Internet is the shared platform used by artists, commercial companies
and scientific institutions. The Fraunhofer Society points to this relation
with the installation of a work of art at the E-Business Innovation Center. 

The work of art can be realised using all kinds of pictorial, associative,
playful, tactile and/or acoustic elements which are available today. We do
imagine a work of art which works with multi-media elements and, possibly,
uses the Internet or the networking itself. The artist should deploy
appealing, exciting, fascinating means which stimulate viewers to spend time
exploring the work of art. Viewers should be offered a new perspective or a
new means of experiencing the theme.

Technical requirements:

- a work of art for conventional browsers and web-servers, realised with
html, Javascript, JAVA, CGI script etc. 
- a work of art as stand-alone multi-media software or presentation (e.g.
realised with Macromedia Director, JAVA etc.)

Each with or without interaction between various sites via intranet or
Internet (e.g. via the sites of the five Fraunhofer partner institutes).

Integration of innovative visual and acoustic media or unusual combinations.

Equipment and software must be capable of maintenance by standard IT

Concept to be submitted:

The concept must contain a detailed description of the media art as well as
a draft outline of its technical realisation.

The concept should be structured into the following elements:

1) How is the media work of art structured, what processes or responses does
the viewer initiate, what do the screens or pictures look like? (Possible
thumbnails or drafts in attachment).

2) How is the theme, as it is described in the artistic requirements,
reflected in this structure?

3) Draft a schedule showing when the work could be completed.

4) List the costs for software, possible software development, materials and

5) Describe the technical resources; what equipment/hardware will you need
in order to realise the work of art?

6) What will the cost of maintaining the installation be?

7) Further comments.

8) Name, address, e-mail. (We shall not publish or pass on the address data
in any form - this information will only be used by us for internal
archiving and to make contact if necessary.)

The concept should not be more than 20 pages. Images, sketches, etc. can be
sent in an attachment.

One of the concepts should be realised at the Innovation Center.

The following resources are available for the realisation of the media art

Artist's fee: approximately DM 35,000
Technical equipment and materials: up to DM 25,000 per site

The Fraunhofer IAO employs a number of IT & Internet specialists. These
specialists could support the realisation phase, if asked for by the winner.
Details have to be discussed.

Please inform us by April 28, 2000 whether you wish to take part in the
The closing date for concepts is June 16, 2000.

By e-mail to: 
[email protected]
The following formats are allowed: Word 97, PowerPoint 97, HTML without
frames, JPEG pictures. Attachments should be no bigger than 1 MB, larger
files should be split into several e-mails.

By post to: 
Fraunhofer IAO
Markus Lebender
Nobelstrasse 12 
D-70569 Stuttgart


Stefan Federspiel
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +49 (0)711 / 970-2419

Markus Lebender
E-mail:  [email protected]
Telephone: +49 (0)711 / 970-2422 
Fax: +49 (0)711 / 970-2401

Home Page E-Business Innovation Center


About the E-Business Innovation Center

The E-Business Innovation Center (EBIC) provides consultative support and
information about the integration of electronic media in business processes
and develops applications and example solutions.
The main objective of the E-Business Innovation Center is to demonstrate
ways in which e-business can be used to the benefit of companies. The EBIC
approaches this task by demonstrating concrete solutions for the use of
Internet technologies for selected applications areas such as the
implementation of virtual companies, new procurement methods or the use of
"virtual reality" processes for product presentation purposes. Information
about the current state of the art such as networking and encoding/secure
technologies is also provided. 
The requisite know-how has been acquired and deepened by the five
collaborating Fraunhofer Institutes

           Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart, 
           Fraunhofer ESK in Munich, 
           Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt, 
           Fraunhofer IIS in Erlangen and
           Fraunhofer IPK in Berlin

during the course of actual practice-related projects so that solutions can
be found and elaborated for any issue relating to e-business by bundling
individual competences.
The Fraunhofer intranet enables the E-Business Innovation Center to be
decentralized across the Institutes' five locations and example solutions to
be demonstrated at each location.
The Innovation Center is also involved in the field of new media art
organising  exhibitions and documentation.
(A detailed description of the E-Business Innovation Center is enclosed or
you find it here:

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