data]h![bleede on Sun, 23 Apr 2000 10:55:23 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-bold] A]h![ Pape.urr/Re[ap]port::The Na[to]ture Ov The data]h![bleede |
_data]h![bleedein::eLectro.duct.ion_ . 1ce up]down[on]under[ a]h![time, /me wroTe a lettah 2 the starrs. thiz lettah contained all the available data]h![ on TTT ]Textual Time Travel[. TTT iz a produce of that L-lusive new mind.set[i], the ]time[m]achined[ezangelled way of thinking ]out.n.proude.loude[, produc]e N woole N earthe[ing, ]wo[man.i]n[festing. . /me had to stoppe 4 a sec ]juzt a sec![. . [clue n-sert: sum ov the square brackettez setz r backward]inge off e-vil]e[]. phonetic-tocks r m]de[]ployed[. spaces r created. re.aline yr construcktz. fl.ow]![ N sparke N gleane.] . [meaning code: this dialogue is riddled, troubled; no multilogues exist here to assist it, make it a true net.wurk log or decipherable text. try and muddle on, anyway. N means "and", or "in". "r" means "and" or "are", etc. reading out-loud may help validate the phonetic allusions. posthoc reasoning will not help comprehension. read that first paragraphic again.] . /me waitz, wantin the nodez 2 catch on]up[, comprehendin nuthin, regurgitatin everythang ]pleze[. . . . . _data]h![bleedein::/me thodologee]![_ . /me had thorts uncoded bi the sanc]t[itee ov the net.wurk. the san.c]t[itee was pro]fession.all[founde, the data]h![ traffic lozt. the rhyth/me brok]e[en. howe 2 convince the nodez of their egg.]re[sistance? . [clue n-sert: u, deer co]axial[author]N read.her[, r the nodepointte. the point in the fluid]ance[. the pointe that flowez b-tween]ing[, b-hinde, b-4....comprehension cr]ucial[itical.] . [meaning code: as the web grows more neural-like, more animated/integrated/dense, the less interactive it is able to become; a node/viewer is forced to respond with proscribed reactions; flickers of the swarmic genuine embed within the directional, the unilateral. where is the lateral [en]courage? stigmata reactions should assist where appropriate. data]h![bleede comes from this staccato, moving through the neural in waves, swarming into active channels, critically hitting inactive potentials. it is small, a miniscule infoalert. incremental. translating easily when decoded. a node datadigest pill. repeated exposure increases incidental learning, facilitating absorption. read the posts again, once from this list, twice from another. it won't hurt.] . . . _data]h![bleedein::Re]duce[]in[sultz]2 injuree[_ . /me flippes, again. rejo]y[ic]e[ing in the e]m[b]ed[b. /me swarmz actionz as time, data]h![ con.dens]e[ing around the pulse]8[ pointte. converge/diverge,constricte/x-pand, the data]h![ moves, a-li]fe[ve. . [cluelezz:the nodez muzt de:side]within/out[] . [meaning code: a freeforming idea that can get stuck, this lateral sliding into play. are you starting to assign your phrases to square brackets? go on, read it again. it's all there, isn't it? just as you pepper your thoughts and verbal sentence strings with tangents, memories, the future, so the data]h![ bleeds into itself, breaking down the linear, the expected - you start to switch to valvular conceptions of data absorption. time fractions are meaningless. so are resolute traditional meaning cues.] . . _data]h![]her[sion_ . /me constructs a]h![ kode, made fromme a chat-consruckted n-turrface, the maine character is tit]z N arse, purrhapz, or sacs and shardz[led "/me". "/me" onlee x-ists when on-line, iz covered in sponsorshippe logoz that r textlasered on/off with a]h![ neuralnet gunn. action linez de.term.ine the narrator.tiff. . [clue n-sert: lick yrself a ball of organobiotic glue, drenched with human]e[ genome sequencez and mechanised DNA ten.drillz. inject sponsorshippe pixels through a binary need]& want[le. molde ah pet virus, designed 2 x-pell annoying prototypologeez and shifting character/floating nuances. will you b happy then?]. . [meaning code: if narrative is essential to comprehension, then TTT is not for you. turn reading "off" and filter "on". if, on the other key, you enjoy dream sequences/ sequentials, reverse the last.] . +++|++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++|++??? data]h![bleede-inge un.till it hertz + +++|++++++++++++++++++|+++++++++|++??? _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list [email protected]