Jaka Zeleznikar on Fri, 9 Jun 2000 14:09:28 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] ]=---- net.art.literature.poem


two information:

1. i made new net art project:

 Pesmi za Aleksandro Globokar (Poems for Aleksandra Globokar)
 april 2000, work in progress (in translation, actualy :).
 In Slovene only (at the time)

 Requirements: IE5+, Java Script and VRML 2 (cosmo player plug-in works best)
 Suggested: font; Verdana, PC

 It's in Slovene only but it's geting translated (we have huge problems
 with this - it seem to be allmost immposible to translate it into
 non slavic languages (grammar sex of the words, cases, ...) but
 we (me+translators) work hard on it).

 What you can see is: permutational poem + VRML visual poem.

 Of course you can still enyoj the VRML part of the project, it's
 only visual.

2. i updated my page:

 There you can find links to all of my projects and you can allso
 subscribe to newsletter so you can get notice when i made new work
 or i have some performance/presentation,... - 1 to 2 mails/month)
 [ you can join allso by sending e-mail to:
   [email protected]
   mailto:[email protected] ]

best regards,

Nettime-bold mailing list
[email protected]