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[Nettime-bold] Security Bulletin- June 2000

From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 12:30:24 -0700

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:  Jeremiah Hume
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 12:19 PM
> To: Geo USA
> Subject: Security Bulletin- June 2000
>    Topic: "Phone & Fax Scams"
>    Recently, employees have received phone calls and
> faxes from individuals attempting to scam Autodesk. This is a reminder to
> all employees to be on guard when dealing with incoming phone calls. If
> you receive a suspicious call or fax from one of the below con artists,
> give out no information and report it immediately to Security (email
> Security or call the Security Hotline at (415) 507-5555).
>    Here are some recent scams that employees have
> reported. These are old scams but they continue to make the rounds in
> Corporate America:
>    Phone Technician Wanting To Test Your Line Scam
>    A man calls claiming he works for the phone company
> and wants to test your phone line. He will then ask you to transfer him to
> extension 900. If you do this it will enable him to obtain an outside
> line. Now he can call anywhere in the world at Autodesk's expense.
>    The Nigerian Letter & Fax Scam
>    Employees have received two different faxes related
> to the Nigerian get-rich-quick-scheme. If these swindlers get a company's
> bank account number, the address and fax number of the bank, along with
> copies of signed but otherwise blank company letterhead and pro forma
> invoices, they could plunder the account.
>    Here is one of the faxes received by an employee:
>    "Myself and a few government functionaries at the
> Federal Ministry of Finance (F.M.F.) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
> have purposely over-invoiced to the tune of thirty million USD ($30m) on a
> contract carried out by one of our registered contractors (foreign). The
> foreign contractors original sum has been fully transferred to his
> company's bank account overseas remaining this over-invoiced which we now
> want to have for ourselves. Our problem is, as Government functionaries we
> are not allowed to own or open a foreign bank account.
>    Can you be of help to us by allowing us to transfer
> this sum into your bank account?
>    If this is acceptable by you, get back to me on
> phone/fax for you to know your share for assisting us. Please with regards
> and utmost secrecy."
>    The Toner Phoner Scam
>    An employee receives a call from a person asking
> them for the model number of the copier machine in their work area. The
> caller says they are an authorized dealer and that they need this
> information to update their records.
>    If the caller gets your name and the model number of
> the copier machine they then can ship toner cassettes and bill Autodesk
> for the cost (with your name on the invoice). The price of the toner
> cassettes of course will be as high as three times the normal price we
> would pay for them.
>    Have a safe and security-minded day!
>    Jeremiah Hume
>    Security Coordinator
>                         Autodesk, Inc.
>                         Security Hotline: 415-507-5555

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