Florian Cramer on 6 Oct 2000 14:39:48 -0000 |
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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> HORST MAHLER: THE ROLE OF A SAD SACK |
Am Thu, 05.Oct.2000 um 13:19:09 -0400 schrieb richard barbrook: > HORST MAHLER: THE ROLE OF A SAD SACK > > John Barker <[email protected]> > > 'FORMER BAADER-MEINHOF GUERRILLA CONVERTS TO NEO-NAZI PROPAGANDIST.' This In Germany, this is rather old news. As a convert from the extreme left to outright neo-fascism, Mahler is just the most extreme case of political 'turns' in the biographies of the German 1968 generation. But he is not the only one. Examples: - Rainer Langhans, prominent ex-member of "Kommune 1", today promotes redefined fascism as a part of esoteric spirituality. In an interview, he said: "We must be the better fascists, because in my view a fascist is somebody who of course wants to have heaven on earth, somebody who wants something good. In this viewpoint, Hitler of course as a great teacher for all of us, and nobody will be able to reject this. In this special case of spirituality I would say: Hitler is a failed spiritualist who had that what belongs to the inner levels on his outer levels".[1] - Reinhold Oberlercher was the leading SDS activist in Hamburg and a chief theoretician of the German SDS (next to Rudi Dutschke and Bernd Rabehl). In 1981, he became a member in the FAU where he published a "Manifest deutscher Anarchisten" ("Manifesto of German Anarchists") which claimed that "foreign competition destroys the job market" so that "German anarchist demand an immediate ban on hiring foreigners" ("deutsche anarchisten fordern daher sofortiges einstellungsverbot f�r ausl�nder...", quoted from <http://www.trend.partisan.net/trd1099/t321099.html>"). Today, he is considered to be one of the most important ideologists of the German neo-nazi movement. He advocates a "Fourth Reich" <http://www.deutsches-reich.de/oberlercher/schulungstexte/index.html>. (Oberlercher's homepage is located on the neo-nazi webserver <http://www.deutsches-reich.de/oberlercher>). He also is a close collaborator of Horst Mahler. - G�nther Maschke, a former SDS member in Frankfurt where he was closely associated to Daniel Cohn-Bendit, became a writer for journals of the extreme right in the 1980s (according to the left-wing source <http://www.jungewelt.de/1999/02-03/008.shtml> and to a source on the Neo-Nazi "Thulenet" <http://www.thulenet.com/texte/neudallg/text0009.htm>) and today is a close collaborator of Mahler and Oberlercher. Mahler, Maschke, and Oberlercher are the authors of a manifesto "Kanonische Erkl�rung zur Bewegung von 1968" ("Canonical Declaration concerning the Movement of 1968") which states that "the movement of the years around 1968 stood up neither for capitalism, neither for Third World or Eastern, nor for Western values, but solely for the right of every people of national-revolutionary and social-revolutionary self-liberation".[2] (Original German text on <http://www.horst-mahler.de/texte/kanon.html>.) This manifesto praises the Baader-Meinhof group as a "Waffen-SDS" (alluding to "Waffen-SS") and quotes Bernd Rabehl's infamous Danubia speech (see below) that the 1968 movement wanted to create "seeds of a European liberation front to push the great powers and their collaborators out of Central Europe". Gretchen Dutschke, Rudi Dutschke's wife, responded to this manifesto with an article "Was Rudi Dutschke zu den Irrwegen der abgefallenen Achtundsechziger sagen w�rde" ("What Rudi Dutschke would say about the aberrations of the fallen-off 1968 activists") which is online under <http://www.members.partisan.net/sds/sds00299.html>. Her response is interesting since Dutschke considered himself a German patriot and was - untypical for the 1968 movement as a whole - a passionate advocate of a reunified Germany. She writes that Dutschke had been afraid that his theses could be appropriated by the extreme right and that his former SDS comrades are falsifying history. On the other hand, she admits that Dutschke was never outspoken about the Holocaust, that he spoke against, literally, "Americanization and Russification of the German people" (albeit, she says, without nationalist intentions). - Klaus Reiner R�hl, ex-husband of Ulrike Meinhof and chief editor of the then-important left-wing paper "Konkret" in the late 1960s, turned it the so-called "new right" around Rainer Zitelmann in early 1990s (Rainer Zitelmann himself allegedly is an ex-member of the post-1968 communist party "Kommunistischer Bund"). Today, R�hl is a writer for the right-extremist paper "Junge Freiheit" (which the German Verfassungsschutz [internal secret service] officially lists as an "anti-constitutional publication"). - Bernd Rabehl, one of the chief 1968 "student leaders" in the SDS/Rudi Dutschke circle and professor of Political Science at my university, became notorious with a lecture "Nationalrevolution�res Denken im antiautorit�ren Lager der Radikalopposition zwischen 1961/1980" ("National revolutionary thinking in the anti-authoritarian camp of the radical opposition between 1961 and 1980") he held at a convention of the right-extremist student fraternity "Danubia" in 1998. In this lecture, Rabehl said that "the military, militant and fundamentalistic seclusion of particular [immigrant] populations from their hosts and the hostility to the national values of Western Europe and Germany they articulate at the same time, create discord, hostility and 'xenophobia'. They also lead to the ghettoification of European cities and smalltown. In addition, there is growing crime in the grey zones between civil wars or in the framework of the seeds of foreign 'statehood' that are growing inside the European Union."[3] Rabehl argued that the German 1968 movement understood its opposition against the U.S.-American and Russian politics to a relevant extent as a "struggle for national liberation". (An interesting analysis of his lecture can be read here: <http://www.kalaschnikow.de/onlinezeitung/kommentare/fruehjahr00/charly031.html>) Rabehl also drew heavy criticism from the public and his colleagues when he tried to hire Horst Mahler as a guest lecturer at his department. *** Is has always suprised me that the German 1968 movement, and even the Baader-Meinhofs (who, at least when they had firmly constituted themselves as a group, were not only a strictly hierarchically organized paramilitary organization, but also straight-forward leninists whose utopia was Soviet communism), become such a subcultural myth especially in Britain. There are many unpleasant continuities from the Third Reich and 1930s ideology to the political culture of the German left. The German Green Party, for example, is the official successor of the party "Aktion Unabh�ngiger Deutscher (AUD)" ("Initiative of Independent Germans") whose historical roots were in a block of extreme right parties ("Block der Heimatlosen und Entrechteten"). One of the prominent founders of the Green Party, Herbert Gruhl, later signed the right-wing "Heidelberger Manifest", which stated that immigrants are a cause of environmental problems, and one of their once-most prominent politicians in the federal parliament, Alfred Mechtersheimer, has also turned to the extreme right. Both the German 1968 movement and the ecologist and "peace" movements from the 1970s/80s had strong Anti-American undertones. If one looks at German politics from outside, the Green and Social Democratic left has actually been more nationalist (under Kurt Schumacher in the 1950s, with Brandt's "Ostpolitik" in the 1970s, the peace movement in the 1980s and the rhetoric against globalization today) - or nationally focussed, which boils down to the same thing - than the Christian Democratic and liberal right (which heavily pushed Germany's integration into the West in the 1950s and 1960s, the integration into the European Community/Union in the 1980s and 1990s, and made sure that the reunification in 1990 would happen within the framework of NATO and EU; i.e. everything what Mahler & Company, then on the "left", now on the "right", despise). Mahler's, Rabehl's, Maschke's and Oberlercher's writings are interesting as deconstructions of the agenda and rhetoric of the German post-1968 left. They expose ruptures and subtexts in its political code, issues which used to be overlooked, skipped and which those who identify with the left avoid to face and refuse to acknowledge. Another interesting issue: German neo-fascism must be taken serious as (a) a strong underground culture and (b) as a net culture. It is a "rhizome" and, as implied in the previous two points, a significant contemporary practice of "minor media". It should teach other net cultures that being "underground", a "net culture" or a "minor media" practice has no ethical meaning and is nothing to be proud of per se. Romantization of these terms and attributes is dangerous. Florian Cramer (Two texts come into my mind who point this out: At Documenta X, 1997, Samuel Weber investigated parallel terminology in Deleuze/Guattari and Le Pen's Front National; and neo-fascists are also part of the underground communication network in Thomas Pynchon's "The Crying of Lot 49" - which might, we don't know, only exist in the imagination of the character Oedipa Maas.) Footnotes [1] "Wir m�ssen die besseren Faschisten sein, denn der Faschist ist in meinen Augen jemand, der erstmal nat�rlich das Himmelreich auf Erden holen wollte, also der wirklich was (betont) Gutes wollte. (Schnitt, gr��erer Bildausschnitt) Also unter dem Gesichtspunkt ist Hitler selbstverst�ndlich f�r uns alle ein gro�er Lehrer, das wird keiner dann �h, ablehnen k�nnen. �h, jetzt aber im speziellen Fall dieser Spiritualit�t w�rde ich sagen: Hitler ist ein verhinderter Spiritueller und er hat �h, das, was in die (betont) inneren Ebenen geh�rt auf den �u�eren Ebenen" <http://mitglied.tripod.de/RaFuchs/politik/byebye68.htm> A quote from another interview: "Spirituality in Germany means Hitler. And you have to be a step ahead to overcome this, but until then you have to accept the heritage. We have no chance: We must take over this heritage from our parents, not in the sense of faithful, excluding anti-fascism, but in the sense of further developing what Hitler attempted to do. We have no choice, even we try hard to avoid this. In this respect, we have remained children, the negative theory of fascism from 1968 is not sufficient, we have to develop it into a positive (theory of fascism)". ("Spiritualit�t in Deutschland hei�t Hitler. Und erst wenn du da ein St�ck weiter bist, kannst du jenseits davon kommen, bis dahin aber mu�t du das Erbe �bernehmen. Wir haben keine Chance: Wir m�ssen dieses Erbe von unseren Eltern �bernehmen, nicht im Sinne dieses braven, ausgrenzenden Antifaschismus, sondern im Sinne einer Weiterentwicklung dessen, was da von Hitler versucht wurde. Es bleibt uns keine Wahl, wir k�nnen uns noch so sehr dagegen str�uben. Hier sind wir Kinder geblieben, die negative Faschismustheorie der 68er reicht nicht aus, wir m�ssen daraus eine positive entwickeln. <http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/daneben/langhans.htm>) [2] "[...], da� die Bewegung der Jahre um 1968 weder f�r Kommunismus noch f�r Kapitalismus, weder f�r drittweltliche oder �stliche noch f�r westliche Wertegemeinschhaft aufstand, sondern allein f�r das Recht eines jeden Volkes auf nationalrevolution�re wie sozialrevolution�re Selbstbefreiung <http://www.horst-mahler.de/texte/kanon.html> [3] "Die milit�rische, militante und fundamentalistische Abschlie�ung der einzelnen Volksgruppen von den Gastgebern und die gleichzeitig artikulierte Feindschaft zu den nationalen Werten Westeuropas und Deutschlands s"en Zwietracht, Feindschaft und "Fremdenha�". Sie f�hren auch zur Ghettoisierung und Zerrei�ung der europ"ischen Gro�- und Kleinst�dte. Hinzu kommt die wachsende Kriminalisierung, die sich in den Grauzonen der B�rgerkriegsfronten oder im Rahmen der Konstituiereung der Keimformen von fremder "Staatlichkeit" im Rahmen der europ�ischen Union vollzieht. <http://www.kalaschnikow.de/archiv/online99/apo0001.shtml> Additional Links An article on the 1968-turned-to-extreme-right people in the anarchist paper "Graswurzelrevolution": http://www.comlink.de/graswurzel/237/68er.html The attempt of a differentiated reading of Rabehl's lecture, from a left-wing perspective: http://www.kalaschnikow.de/onlinezeitung/kommentare/fruehjahr00/charly031.html (Personal note: I might not be able to reply to responses before Oct. 12, FC) _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list [email protected] http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-bold