ICG Email (by way of richard barbrook) on 27 Dec 2000 21:56:55 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] C R I S I S W E B N E W S

C R I S I S W E B   N E W S
Thursday, 21 December 2000
Five New Reports

We would like to draw your attention to five new ICG reports and
briefing papers posted on CrisisWeb between 18 and 21 December 2000:

* Burma/Myanmar: How Strong is the Military Regime? (21 December 2000)

    A preliminary assessment of the strengths and vulnerabilities of the
State Peace     and Development Council (SPDC), the military regime
ruling Burma/Myanmar.

* Scramble for the Congo: Anatomy of an Ugly War (20 December 2000)

    A 120-page report on the intertwined regional, national and local
dimensions of     the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

* Serbia on the Eve of the December Elections (20 December 2000)

    A briefing paper analysing the challenges facing Serbia on the eve
of the 23             December elections.

* Indonesia: Overcoming Murder and Chaos in Maluku (19 December 2000)

    A fresh assessment of Indonesia's Maluku conflict.

* Bosnia's November Elections: Dayton Stumbles (18 December 2000)

    A briefing report on Bosnia's 11 November elections.


New in French

* La crise algerienne n'est pas finie (French translation of the report
The Algerian Crisis: Not Over Yet , first published in English on 20
October 2000)


--> See http://www.crisisweb.org for the full reports


And best wishes for 2001.

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