net.wurk][.who][ on 5 Feb 2001 00:29:59 -0000 |
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[Nettime-bold] An Interview with ][ ][: Construction of aTe][xt][ndrillic via IRCscapes. |
][ ][ fingers the air, her headthorts beaming quickly thru the cerebrosphere... ][ ][ inserts cheers, and hears a lilting bell whis][tle][per... ][ ][ revolves, a spinning doorw][eight][ay, a wunderbarish crooning moving thru the l][ingual][ines ][ ][ picks an errant st][r][ing of flesh and m][outh][][w][elts ][ ][ s][ilicon][pins a dance step, static mounds of hellos flipping f][cd][rom her lips ][ ][ monitors][keyboards, N mouses][ her emo.ti][ng!][cons ][ ][ ob.serves, ob.lates, and w][eight][aits ][ ][ filtahs a circuitry note 2 helen, scribed with a packette tone][r][ of thx... ][ ][ f][r][izz][on][es N ][william][burroughs in2 thought, x.][text][tracting..... . <][ ][> shelley>>was going 2 say this is something i've been working on for a while now, engineering "flat" text into a live hypertextual x.perience... <][ ][> ...taking the word and x.tending it 2 a revamped meaning threshold... . ][ ][ sees the network shiver, a static round of sets N rules written in2 irc][ellular][s ][ ][ hears an echo, an erudite's s][l][ong][ing][, picked apart and lying die-sect][ion][ed ][ ][ holds up her hands, m][onit.ore][arble keys g.lowing][with a soft buttered sound][ ][ ][ hands sue a template, con.struc.ted of cracked screens and ribboned marble veins, a scribe of m][edia new][eaning ][ ][ b.ridges the gap, buttons the codes, solv][ent][s the s][ilicon][trands.... ][ ][ Signs Tactile Actuals Till Identity Clicks ][and STATIC links][ . <][ ][> joel>> i've written about this b4, i think when an institution begins a cohesive action to support an m.mergent genre then there is a distinct danger of a new and more restrictive canon b-ing formed... <][ ][> ...i make ][like my performance lines are here][, but talan's work may be relegated 2 n.other aspect of wot we umbrella term new media/lectronic/digital art... <][ ][> sure helen, and that's an s.sue that is an x.tremely m.portant 1, considering the genre-direction that net/web art is now undergoing.... . ][ ][ n.itializes, a text based cord surrounding text, an actuated wandering..... ][ ][ n.velops the text, a golden thread of reality unravelling in her arms... . <][ ][> deena> its an @.tempt][ing][ 2 evoke a constructed reader/writer that is flavoured by technology... . ][ ][ catches a grit of the past, a genre bound by power n packet driven cords, a sense of the static.. ][ ][ commun][al][N][repl][icates . <][ ][> my prefered term is "netwurker"; it e.vo][cative][kes the idea of communicating/creating/x.pressing via the network, that the resultant work uses the tendrils of communication intrinsically... . ][ ][ ][wo][man.ifests N di.jests ][it's all in good fun:)][ ][ ][ XXrosses, x.amining the burn point][allistic][s, revaluing the cross-comm's worth . <][ ][> deena> i think it's dependent on the accessibility quotient, the level the creator wants 2 m.plicate in2 the work itself, whether the meaning curve is set at a high or traditional lvl... <][ ][> deena>> i think][u][ge.ment is the key phrase here.... <][ ][> intr.Actor, as i say, talan:) <][ ][> does the game m.phasis x.tend the meaning? does 4 me.... . ][ ][ cs play as the key, the c][l][ue-in point, the c][usp][urve. . <][ ][> i think if we can snag a intrActor's attn, in a way that seems 2 break apart predicted notions of meaning absorption without b-ing overtly threatening, then that's fantastic...a play lead-in is wunderbar.... <][ ][> deena>> n.deed, s.pecially given the his][her][story of the genre...that fragmented juxtaposed meaning filament, the additive infocurve that we use thru the click or link, the behaviour we display when using a browser/viewer all combines. . . . .... ..... net.wurk][.who][ n.sert no here xXXx + .... . .??? ....... _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list [email protected]