eyescratch on 27 Feb 2001 05:24:34 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> serbs/roma/targets/journos digest [ilich, integer]

>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>suggested there is, at least, some support for the victims of racial
>racist intimidation.  Aside from the appointment of Ljajic as ethnic
>intended to crack down hard on them.
>the city center.
>Misa Levi, described the assaults on his community as "isolated incidents".
>take adequate measures.
>leaving Serbia."
>prosecution of racist offenders: for the first time in Yugoslavia, racial
>belong in Serbia".
>place in eastern europe prior to and it is fueled by 01 elongated history.
>- remain exactly where you are.
> <...>
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

vat r-hive-d in my malebloks - czech te rute__! ::

         "Stefan Dufgran"<[email protected]>,
         "Svjetlana Djuric" <[email protected]>,
         "Miki Dedijer" <[email protected]>,
         "Filip David" <[email protected]>,
         "Sara Danius" <[email protected]>,
         "Olof Dahlberg" <[email protected]>,
         "Mona Dahlberg" <[email protected]>,
         "Anna Dahlberg" <[email protected]>,
         "Slavenka D." <[email protected]>,
         "Johan Croneman" <[email protected]>,
         "Sophie Claesson" <[email protected]>,
         "Leif Claesson" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
         "Maria Carlshamre" <[email protected]>,
         "Terry Carlbom" <[email protected]>,
         "Flora Brovina" <[email protected]>,
         "Nina Brenning" <[email protected]>,
         "Inga Brandell" <[email protected]>,
         "Marianne Bråddesson" <[email protected]>,
         "Peter Borgström" <[email protected]>,
         "Maria-Pia Boethius" <[email protected]>,
         "Mårten Blomkvist" <[email protected]>,
         "Louise Bjurwill" <[email protected]>,
         "Mia Björkbom" <[email protected]>,
         "Nina Björk" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

Recently attention has been drawn to the plight of a 17 year old Nigerian girl named Hariya Ibrahim LAGAZU who lives in Lagos. Hariya gave birth to a boy after being raped by three men. Under Islamic sharia code, Hariya was found guilty of premarital sex and making unsubstantiated claims against the men, despite the fact that seven witnesses gave evidence in support of Hariya's allegations of rape.

Hariya was sentenced to receive 100 lashes on the 27th of February 2001.

Please show your support for Hariya LAGAZU by adding your name to
this list. This girl has already been violated - don't let the
violation continue.

Copy this email, add your name and forward it to as many people as
possible. When the list reaches 50, please email it to Dr R.A Soule,

Nigerian High Commission at [email protected] or fax it to
(02) 6282 8471.

> 1. Joanne Smith, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
> 2. Brian Smith, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
> 3. Chyonne Kreltszheim, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
> 4. Melissa Monks, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
> 5. Sylvia Monks, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
> 6. Maria Dewys, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> 7. Luana Smith, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> 8. Shelley Wheatley, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> 9. Elizabeth Lacey, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> 10. Christine Davidsson, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
> 11. Joanna Jacewicz, Gothenburg, Sweden
> 12. Annica Salomonsson, Hestra, Sweden
> 13. Jennie Johansson, Anderstorp, Sweden
> 14. Åsa Kronvall, Hestra, Sweden
> 15. Carina Björkander, Hestra, Sweden
> 16. Susann Lidqvist, Gothenburg, Sweden
> 17. Camilla Grahm, Malmoe, Sweden
> 18. Joanna Thede, Glasgow, Scotland
> 19. Anna Karin Dandenell, Linkoping, Sweden
> 20. Anna Dandenell, Stockholm, Kista, Sweden
> 21. Anders Linder, Stockholm, Sweden
> 22. Anna Roll, Stockholm, Sweden
> 23. Gunila Ambjörnsson, Sweden
> 24. Ann-Kristin Sandberg
> 25. Elise Einarsdotter
> 26. Astrid Assefa
> 27. Majgull Axelsson, Sweden
> 28. Aina Bergvall, Stockholm, Sweden
> 29. Katarina Sternudd, Stockholm, Sweden
> 30. Julianna Srebro, Stockholm, Sweden
> 31. Annika Thor, Stockholm, Sweden
> 32. Hanna Heilborn, Stockholm, Sweden
> 33. Lotta Lundquist, Stockholm, Sweden
> 34. Monica Sohlman, Amsterdam, Netherland
> 35. Sylvaine Lundberg, Sweden
> 36. Eva Thorslund Benson, Stockholm, Sweden
37. Cecilia Ruben, Stockholm, Sweden
>38. Katarina af Sillén, Stockholm, Sweden
39. Marie Deijfen, Stockholm, Sweden
40. Ljiljana Dufgran, Stockholm, Sweden
41. Vesna Grgincevic, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
42. Nikola Dzafo, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
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