jerome joy on Thu, 24 May 2001 17:37:17 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] [collective jukebox 3.1] JOIN THE DIGITAL AUDIO PROJECT

s o r r y  f o r  m u l t i p l e  p o s t i n g s

a  provocative  sound  project  for  emergent  digital  audio  practices
permanent sound lab
audio database
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c o l l e c t i v e  j u k e b o x  3.1
co-op environment
evolutive system
next streaming project
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i n f o :
shared resources & homestudio
audio network
mobile flux and research
audio- and multisensory space
ambient sampling duplication replication
real-time and live results
performed and fixed sounds
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: just join the new audio community !
political positions
social involvements
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: j u s t  p l a y  i t !
immaterial mutations
catalyst for cooperation
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: j u s t  l i s t e n  t o  i t !
experimental strategies
creative backbone & ramifications
augmented and advanced workspace
lo- & hi-tech
free community manifesto
variable distributed rhizome
critical audio-lounge
listening groupware
cyberculture and microsillon
music on the edge
multiple interfaces
build your tools!
artistic and technological scan project & observatory
minimal tools
listen to digital artefacts
free software concepts
on-line workshop
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: please feel free to take part in!
open portable surfaces
ogg & free tools
send and receive exchanges
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: all infos here:

:::::::::: c a l l  f o r  p a r t i c i p a t i o n
actually the collective jukebox contains 1027 audio pieces, 407 artists
:::::::::: presentation of the new augmented version:
Version 3.1. Collective JukeBox
Strasbourg France 13 june - 16 october 2001 with a cd-player jukebox
short deadline: 5 june 2001
contact the moderator to take part in: [email protected]


::::::::::  i n f o s
Autonomous and evolutive system, co-operative and international project,
Collective JukeBox currently moderated by Jerome Joy is a kind of musical
and sound laboratory permanent proposed to the public.
2001: opening of the new ftp space on
Very soon, the opening of an extension of the project on internet as a
non-stop streaming radio and as an on-line jukebox


::::::::::  i n f o: h o w  t o
You can invite other friends if you want.
audio contributions can be sent by snail mail (MD, CD, DAT) to the address
or can be downloaded (mp3 files) at an url you'll send to me
no limit for durations of your contributions
Send your postal address and the exact title for the audio pieces and the name
under which you want to appear as an author(s).

Just keep the postal address for your sendings:

Collective JukeBox
BP 74
F- 06372

and we hope your participation.

collective jukebox.


Nettime-bold mailing list
[email protected]