florian schneider on Sun, 1 Jul 2001 20:35:04 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] 2001 border camps start with live stream

07 JUL 2001 21:00 CET (+ 0100 GMT)


On Saturday, July 7, at 9 pm CET, a video live stream will be
broadcasted through the net. Video, text, sound and data streams coming
from Campsfield, Krynki, Lendava and Tarifa and other places will be
picked up and mixed up to single live video stream. It's an experiment,
meant to disseminate the common goals and the diversity of each camp,
their local contexts and the specific histories of each border, but also
to express the motivation of the different projects and to broadcast the
live atmosphere at the campsites. 

"Freedom of movement" is the main objective of six bordercamps in summer
2001. Year by year the barbarism of the migration regimes causes
thousands of deaths along the borders between east and west, north and
south. As it is getting easier for the fluxes of money, goods and
capital to roam around the globe, crossing a border is becoming more and
more difficult for most people. 

Borders are there to be crossed. People have the right to decide for
themselves where they want to live and how. We don't need a
globalisation designed for corporations and their hunger for more and
ever cheaper labour, no matter if legal or illegal. 

So we are going to the borders of Europe and the US, we are gathering to
bring forward a real international from the bottom, which meets the
needs of people to communicate, exchange experiences and cooperate.

Each of the six camps is a site for political, cultural and media
activities, they are creating a space to gather and meet, discuss,  make
actions and create connections. Camps are happening in:

TARIFA (es) july 2-8

LENDAVA (si) july 4-8 

KRYNKI (pl) july 5-12

GENOVA (it) july 21-24

FRANKFURT (de) july 28-aug 5

TIJUANA (mx) aug 24-26

The distributed bordercamp communication structure starts with the  J7
live stream on July 7 and will offer various services and opportunities:

J7-ANNOUNCER: A mailinglist for further and detailled information about
the live stream on july 7 and further on. Please subscribe to that
(strictly moderated) list at:

NOBORDER.ORG: <http://www.noborder.org> as the portal site, where
general and background informations about the noborder network and the
bordercamps 2001 are available

NOBORDER-CAMP SHOW REEL: A public video presentation of the camps at the
countersummit in Genova, July 19

NOBORDER-CAMP ARCHIVE: A video archive, where material from the
campsites will be stored for further usage

CAMP INTERFACES: Several public or semipublic interfaces will be up and
running soon, hosted by <http://www.indymedia.de>,
<http://www.indymedia.uk>, <http://barcelona.indymedia.org>

MEDIA PROJECTS: All the camps will be connected with the help of at
least three explicit media-projects:

The "Publix theatre caravan" is travelling to the WB protest in
Salzburg, the bordercamp in Slovenia, Genova and the border camp in
Frankfurt. A theatre group, various performers, and several DJ's are
participating in a media bus project travelling from Vienna, Salzburg,
Slovenia, Corinthia, Genova, Frankfurt. All together between 30 and 40
people in about ten vehicles, a big bus, some smaller vans and cars. 

A big bus full of media equipment travelling from Barcelona to Tarifa.
The back window of the bus can be used as a screen for video
projections, slides can be viewed on the windows. There is also
equipment for digital  editing and recording, video and audio streaming

A media bus is travelling from Campsfield in Britain to the Polish camp:
A solar driven energy system for sound  and projections, video editing
suite and computers.

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