brian carroll on Mon, 9 Jul 2001 08:05:57 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] fwd: e-symbolism

early asciideas...

Date:         Mon, 9 Jan 1995 09:22:13 CST
Sender:       "Basic and applied design (Art and Architecture)"
               <[email protected]>
From:         "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject:      Re: limits of description

    --the mirror of nature, invisible: camoflaged, natural environment
   |                                 |                               |
   |            I                    |                 /I\           |
   |            I                    |                 /I\           |
   |            I                    |                 /I\           |
   |            I                    |                 /I\           |
   |            I  ____              |                 /I\           |
   |            I  I  I  __          |            \L//  I            |
   |::::::e-pole:::transformers::::::| boulder:::bush::::tree::::::::|
              artifice                           natural
   |                                 |                               |
   |          __I__                  |               .__I__.         |
   |           \I/                   |                 \o/           |
   |            I                    |                  I            |
   |            I                    |                  N            |
   |            I  ____              |                  Y            |
   |            I  I  I  __          |            \L//  I            |
          World of the Present                   Classical
             - o u t s i d e -                - i n s i d e -
   |                                 |                               |
   |          __I__                  |                __I__          |
   |            I                    |                  I            |
   |            I_/@                 |                  I            |
   |            I/                   |                  I            |
   |            I                    |                  I            |
   |            I                    |              @   I            |

   |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|    \:::::::::.::::.:::::::):::|
   |::::::::::__I__::::::::::::::::::|     \:::::::::.__I__.:::|:::::|
   |::::::::::::I::::::::::::::::::::|      \::::.:::..\o/..:-.o:-:::|
   |::::::::::::I_/@\::::::::::::::::|       \:::::.::::I::.:: : ::::|
   |::::::::::::I/:| \:::::::::::::::|        \:::::::://:.::: | ::::|
   |::::::::::::I::|\o\::::::::::::::|      o/ \::::::::\:::::.:.::::|
   |::::::::::::I::| |\\:::::::::::::|     /|   \:::@:::I::.::.:.::::|
      in shadows of electric light,        in shadows of the stars
      to encounter the eternal night

      Religion and Electric Power             ? Church and State
      ? The Virgin and the Dynamo

      Mass in the Electric State:
      Mass- Television Programming     \
      Mass- Rock Concerts, Evangelical  \
      Mass- Movie Theaters               \
      Mass- Video Tape Movies             \__ Religious Symbolism is a sub-
      Mass- Radio Programming             /   set to each of these mediums.
      Mass- Cable Television             /    The Church exists "inside" the
      Mass- Satellite Television     ___/     e-state, utilized for worship.

   |                                 |                               |
   |          __I__                  |                __I__          |
   |            I                    |                  I            |
   |            I_/@                 |                  I            |
   |            I/                   |                  I            |
   |            I                    |                  I            |
   |            I                    |              @   I            |

     This Western Aesthetic is an International Standard.  Even China
     and the Middle East, Iran and Iraq contain these pervasive symbols.
     In the functionality of design- it is a logical construction of
     bearing the necessary weight of tension over the grid of modernity,
     and yet it has a powerful unspoken history, a greater power over
     sense and freedom of mind and our ability to describe what is real.
     So simple and true a relationship between the powers that be,
     as A=A, so does the electrical system continue classical architecture.
     We are all slaves in this E-State, unless we should decide otherwise.


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