Nils Röller on Tue, 10 Jul 2001 21:38:29 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> marsthematics

I do not understand your reply.
Best wishes Nils

[email protected] schrieb:

> You wrote:
> >Dear nettimers,
> >
> >I'm working on a series of small articles about artistic and scientific
> >concepts And I would like to publish this first one (others will follow)
> >in nettime. The idea is to establish with a friend in Peru a regular
> >exchange on this issue with the aim to build a warm-time-machine.
> >
> >Unity-Idiology: Imagine a world where calculations are different? With
> >their new album Idiology Cologne Pop-Band mouse on mars work on favourite
> >of a modified view on calculations and mathematics.
> >
> >Track 9 “unity-concepts” is devoted to “marsthematics”. marsthematics
> >stands for mathematics on the mars.  This approach to calculation is
> >different from the current digital one. The vocals of “unity-concepts” are
> >difficult to understand. The voice is charming and clear and seductive.
> >But one gets the meaning of the spoken words only by permanent rewinding
> >or simply by reading the text on the CD-tray. marsthematics find their
> >roots in a struggle on the foundations of mathematics at the beginning
> >20th century. In this struggle two concepts were fighting for the right
> >view on mathematics. One that with David Hilbert works with the concept of
> >correct operation and another with Luitzen Brouwer that keeps track of the
> >meaning. The struggle did make Turing conceive the Turing-machine and the
> >turing-mashine did lead to digitial computing devices. Digital stands for
> >discretness and exact distinction between one step and the other.
> >marsthematics do open a way for a different view on the relation between
> >one and the other. marsthematics focus on the connecting force. The vocals
> >say: “The one that if it is seen with others it is in the position to
> >become more than one”. Here a thought of Brouwer is reformulated. Brouwer
> >argues that the connection and not the discretness is first. Only at
> >second place the split into one and the other occurs and numbers and
> >calculation become possible.
> >
> >mouse on mars’ Idiology is an example of marsthematical music. The
> >soundfiles used by andi thoma, dodo nkishi, and jan werner are all
> >constructed. Constructed that does imply that every step of the sound
> >production is retracable to “Eigen” (selfmade)-sounds. They are all
> >produced by the musicians.  The opposite of construction is sampling of
> >found or copied material.  But is this information interesting? I doubt
> >that because it does reinforce distinctions and not connections ( between
> >construction and sampling, between one and the others). Instead of
> >informations about distinctions one should look for ideas of connection.
> >The connection between mouse on mars and Brouwers constructivism is
> >scholastic, it remains scholastic even in the context of Deleuze and
> >Guattaris Mille Plateus, where Brouwer is worshipped as a nomad.
> >marsthematical constructivism becomes inspiring looking at the context of
> >mouse on mars. A part from their career they do build a network of strange
> >musicians that support each other viceversa. For more information:
> > For more: on aethetics and problems of science:
> >(
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >#  <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> >#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> >#  more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body
> >#  archive: contact: [email protected]
> >
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fn:Nils Röller