Tetsuya OZAKI on Thu, 12 Jul 2001 20:47:15 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] ___ R E A L T O K Y O vol.35___

R    E    A    L    T    O    K    Y    O
_____13_07_2001_Fri_vol.35___________ http://www.realtokyo.co.jp/

[This Week's Index]

(1) Tokyo, 4 Weeks:
         See the World from a Different Angle
         Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
         recommended by Ogura To

(2) Present of the Week:
         Invitation to 'Iwai Toshio Technology Playground 2001 - PHOTON'
         and more!!

This week's RT Picks:
art+cinema+music+stage+design+town = 46 events
including 18 new ones!  Check them out!


(1) Tokyo, 4 Weeks

See the World from a Different Angle
Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
recommended by Ogura To

Dates in a drive-in theatres, science fiction B-movies, pony tails, chats
with friends at a diner. But also pyjama parties, monkey dance, beaches,
crazy, windsurfing 'bad boys'... 16 year-old high school student Florence
is secretly in love with one of them. His name is "Starcat"! ...So far the
scene could be taken from one of those naive Connie Francis movies or a
"Father Knows Best" type of American home drama, and this piece is in
fact set in the same period: the late 1950s. The 'golden '50s,' the
prosperous time of the American dream. The America that was portrayed
in (TV) films such as "Boy Hunt" in the '50s and early '60s was a wealthy
and clean one - sweet as a bubblegum, and with a scent of air freshener.
The characters were all good and honest, and of perfect health. Yes! It
was a world without sexually perverted (!), mentally sick (!!), and
physically handicapped (!!!). If that isn't 'clean'. . . .


(2) Present of the Week

We've prepared lots of presents!  Send in your name!
Be aware that each present has a different closing date.
Instead of announcing the winners we just send them their prize.

       Invitation to 'Iwai Toshio Technology Playground 2001 - PHOTON'
       Invitation to a preview screening of 'Il Mare'
       REALTOKYO stickers (ten per set)

To apply and for further information, please contact:


Please send your ideas and opinions to [email protected]. Three
users who send us mail will be chosen to receive a little gift.

Tetsuya OZAKI

Editor in Chief / REALTOKYO
[email protected]

Nettime-bold mailing list
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