gregory chatonsky on Sat, 14 Jul 2001 22:26:14 +0200 (CEST) |
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������������������������������������������������������� IO-N.NET is a cooperative project in FLASH which presents artistic proposals whose starting points are "neutral" technological elements (HTML code, iteration, synthesis, downloading, screensaver, etc.) and whose point of arrival is the constitution of new perceptions: technologies far from being instruments subjected to our will, restructure our being-in-world, our identity, our imaginary and our esthetics. The sub-projects of this platform finish by the locution "ION" and have each one his own domain name, for example "TERRITORIALISAT.IO-N.NET" OR "POSIT.IO-N.NET", etc. You are invited to submit new projects. FLASH interactive animations must be 700X350 pixels. You can directly send your projects on [email protected] by joining your source file FLA., the title of your project and topics, your name, country, age and if you want a short cv. If you want to use advanced technologies like ASP, PHP, MySQL, or others plugins, contact me. For more informations on the project concept, go to PRESENTAT.IO-N.NET or DEFINIT.IO-N.NET Gregory Chatonsky * Thank to diffuse this call for sumission. * Supported by CICV and Next Movies. ������������������������������������������������������� Last works: Incident Center (IC) url : ������������������������������������������������������� abdication abduction aberration abjection abjuration ablation ablution abnegation abolition abomination abreviation abrogation absolution absorption abstention abstraction acceleration accentuation acceptation acception accession acclamation acclimatation accommodation accreditation accumulation accusation acquisition action activation actualisation adaptation addition adduction adequation adhesion adjonction adjudication adjuration administration admiration admission admonestation adoption adoration adulation aeration affabulation affectation affection affiliation affirmation affliction agglomeration aggravation aggression agitation aglutination agregation agression aimantation alienation alimentation allegation alliteration allocation allocution allusion alphabetisation alteraction alteration altercation ambition etc... ������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list [email protected]