integer on Sun, 22 Jul 2001 07:24:29 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] i spekulat about using u

> So that will compel
>people to decentralize

imagine that. 

amuzant that the same life forms protesting globalization
are the adherents of ultra centralization - e.g. the western
mafia gangs at nettime + elsewhere.

how you delude your .selfs

11 months of employment et apres 01 excursie to 
the new + improved church of `protest`. in the company of
other believers evidament for to operate otherwise is
simply incompatible with your constitutions.

> So that will compel
>people to decentralize

imagine that. 

my cells say - we lv++ decentralization. YES PL EASE!!!!!

amusant aussi - that the same life forms protesting globalization
are the first to apply for government subsidies + generally
operate in packs since doing otherwise would be simply
dangerous yes.

how you delude yourselves

let US konklude with a totally OPEN>SOURCE+NON>PROFIT+ULTRA>DEMONSTRATIV komentary 
by the ultra elegant. exfoliated + perfumed nettime herd.

        "Rev Hyper B. Orean"  -  
         PAK : First Autonomous Church of MALE-INSANITY  :  exclaims

        "Proudly. With Bells On. I Wear it as a Badge Of Honour.

         korporat male fasc!ztz "

what a surreal play - totally inkompatible with the very life.
for this to be true 01 must POSSES lovely eyes.


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