integer on Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:56:28 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-bold] 242.b!o!n4maz!e |
>> zku!!nt >????? > >Ok, let's talk business. since i am direktor ov leaves + petalz _ lets kall it inter.twining branches 01 very verdi + expensive okupazie. dialectically opposed to opensource dentritic arbors = simply.DELIZ!OUZ + v.konduziv 2 kortikal intimacy ____.. >Can you describe to me how exactly 242.nasdaq >works? What's the input, what's the output? input - stok symbol output - kost ist lovely 4 konstrukting stories \ natur e.g. digital organisms + lovely dress displays + dimming your lights are you an artist - then hier is your kost -[ss]daq and what is your accession nummer a +? >I need to find an object that can work as a metaphor for the noisiness of >our world ("Gesch<E4>ftigkeit"); dont you think _i am perfekt +? noise holds + delineates the unity of a people [and 01 mass of cell(f)s] + i _am 01 noisy.habitual.excellence. >an object I can use to translate (streamed) >data from the internet into musically meaningful data. >meaningful data zku!!!!!!k. varum +? uel. letz juzt za! dzat repeatedl! dr!v!ng @ 260 kmph through 01 forezt [! kall !t 01 .bio vakuum brush] haz revealed zomdz!ng 2 m! [z!l! (but ! need dze tangenta 4 belou) - eureka]. and 01 neu doma!n haz b!n l!fed. ! ou balzac shal tel > ov !t latr. + !n an! kasz ! = prfr _ - apropos - [ultra elegant !nternet vakuum utenz!l] et apres = performs similar routines. ditto for 242.404 + 242.broca.rna = interface with internet tzo __... 01 may try to listen to the entire internet whilst aging + aging. lets see who reaches apoptasis first. also provides interfaces to search engines + online dictionaries + allows for parsing of internet + lokal dokuments for urls. emails. images etc <interface with internet what is the internet if not 01 pliable door to 01 body. your synapses + my synapses are its batteries. its mem.branes = elastik z - look - p!!!!!!nch internet - tzo ....... in konjunktion with - will be launching 242.bioinformazie because i want to play with [vakuum +?] your genes. and playing with video data isnt as delectable as designing life forms <what has been your inspiration? why me - silly. think about it a. what is nn +? and how much `kaos` she has kaused. uel ... with 242.bioinformazie one can grow .bio life forms in the komfort of one's own very ultra personal m9nd++ how +? happily!!!!! !nter.m9ndfukc.macht.ganz.gluckl!ch+fre! da.da+da | \______________________________________________ | | very ultra personal m9nd++ juzt az ue = share dze un!versz tzo ue = share dze m9ndzkape. do u not th!nk tzo +? do u not th!nk tzo +? 242.bioinformazie = in progress. these are rather academic \ research routines hence shall be rather expensive++ since nn likes to make konglomerates appear precisely as that they certainly are _ pitiful + uneventful + ultra somnolent snails \ exploiteurs >I'm actually doing this work for an opera that's supposed to be performed at >the Munich Biennale next May. We'll have a dedicated nato computer for the >shows. My colleagues are pretty thrilled about the possibilities... lovely lovely - please type netochka nezvanova in the kreditz zekzie da. uavel!ke rezp!raz!e. b!e + b!e nn - the arkitektur ov !ntenz!on - Netochka Nezvanova - simply.SUPERIOR f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST head to toe and a few stops in between 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list [email protected]