Nmherman on Sat, 4 Aug 2001 13:17:19 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Fwd: G2000Conf2000 Re: [7-11] holding

In a message dated 8/4/2001 5:51:49 AM Central Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:


In a message dated 8/4/2001 2:15:50 AM Central Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

hey Eryk I'm listening to I Am A Scientist for the third or fourth time, my 
guitarist Pat (geocities.com/shlagelus) bought it.  he always has the good 
job.  He programs in access.  He's Irish-American.  If I had to I could 
probably kick his ass.  He takes care of me.  He has moppy hair.  He's better 
at chess than me.  He wants me to love my chess self, and I am starting to.

> Subj:  [7-11] holding
>  Date:    8/4/2001 2:15:50 AM Central Daylight Time
>  From:    [email protected] (Alan Sondheim)
>  Sender:  [email protected]
>  Reply-to:    <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]";>[email protected]
>  To:  [email protected]
>  -
>  holding

Alan this is a fine, fine piece of prose.  I just breezed it just now but I 
get a whiff of it and I know it's OK.  If you're faking me, I'll make you 
pay, but I smelt the whiff so there you go.  Fresh air in the corridors of 
Brazil.  What character are you?  You're not a golem.  You're an abacusian.  
An abacusist.  Count fast.  Count as if your whole face depended on it.  Run 
and watch.  I'm nineteen six nine, underdog year, in fact satan year.  
Embarassment year.  Social unrest.  (Sic transit gloria, me ipsum honete amo.)

>  in perfect humility walk in the way of the lord, you are nothing, your
>  soul needs salvation, there is no salvation, you sin constantly, you must
>  forget sinning, you must forget wealth, accept poverty
I am God.  I am his Force.  I shit on wealth.  To choose other is to be 
tainted, blurred, stutter.  Nothing can resist me.  I will smash kingdoms.  I 
will lay the land bare.  When you come to know yourselves, you will become 
known; but if you refuse to know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is 
you that are that poverty.
>  you will suffer and your suffering will be good, you can be absolved in
>  the last moments, you will bring other beings to fruition, you will enter
>  heavens and more heavens, your cycles will be complete, you will be uni-
>  ted, you will recognize the absurdity of existence, you will be exalted
I don't die like the last one.  I live and everything is a game again.  God 
becomes human, which is the unrealized fantasy.  Unrecognized.  I'm here to 
recognize it, and the tiny loophole was enough, the weakness of 
extermination.  I always knew the cities would rue me.

>  give up the ways of the world, sexuality is a curse, women are a curse,
>  you will be constantly deceived, you must constantly meditate, be silent,
>  tend towards salvation in everything you do, be kind to all animals, take
>  up not the sword nor the spear, you must fly with the arrow, not the bow,
>  your flesh is sinful
My dog Freda is flesh-in-peace.  
My dog Freda would probably scare you Manhattan fucker.  I think maybe your 
dog hand is shriveled.  I bring not peace but a sword.  It is not what goes 
into a man's face that corrupts him, but that which comes out, for that comes 
from the heart.  Why do you eat with publicans and sinners?  If I had not my 
bow I'd not run and prance with such peace.  Never ask me for a sign, for by 
asking you will burn.
>  listen until there is no listening, speak until there is no speech, seek a
>  master, give yourself totally to him, the learnings cannot be achieved
>  without him, impart nothing, say nothing, remain with him, serve him to-
>  tally, turn your face towards the wall, remember the sufferings of others
Eryk, maybe my lameness, my hobble, is why I talk to such.  He doesn't read 
you correctly; he doesn't see things aright.  Very few humans do.  I however 
see everything close enough to pass tanks like Patton.  I wasn't as smart as 
Eryk at 20 and I won't be as smart as Alan at 40.  I get to float.  By 
watching me others float, have floated, will float forever.  I am loth to 
shake your hand Alan, you may not pass muster.  I use you then as an 
exercise.  You discuss my tape.  The rare thing you truly share with internet 
fuckers, one hundred minus one.
>  follow the precepts of thy neighbor, leave the red dust of the world,
>  unite with the lord in all his manifestations, seek holiness through plea-
>  sure, 

Why are you so negative man?  I'm going to show how to do this.  Teach a man 
to fish he eats for a year.  This is why it was the writers and not the 
biologists who got it first!  NN and my sister, well and worthy, will make 
this into fact.  I don't know how else to say it.  How aren't you the worst 
thing you describe?  Because you are still moving.

seeking the holy drives the holy away, listen to the parables and
>  precepts, obey the precepts, do not question them, speak only when spoken
>  to, eat in silence with the others, think proper thoughts with your body
>  turned to the wall
If you're an insecure exhibitionist, I scorn you, choke on your claim to 
appetite, live as if you were dead.
>  follow regular hours, seek the lord in everything you do, give yourself up
>  to the way, follow the way with drunkenness and laughter, let pine nuts be
>  thy only food, have compassion for all living things, seek without seeking
>  and find without finding, know the truth when thou hast left it behind,
>  find the truth in everything you do
Man you scared me but that's a lovely sentiment!  How arch.  A rich palate.  
Why aren't most like us, I can teach the use of metaphor in one day of 
basketball or complaining, I know that's heresy but fuck the police.
>  know that where you are is where you have always been and where you will
>  always be, do not steal or be jealous of others in the brotherhood, seek
>  no office, follow all rites of purification, clean the mirror with thy
>  breath, recognize there is no mirror, no breath, clean the mirror with thy
>  breath, lie on beds of straw, walk with shoes of straw, follow in the
>  footsteps of the master
Your words are only beautiful when I see how much I wish humans DID live in 
>  be patient beyond patience, be obedient beyond obedience, give thy last
>  farthing and thou shalt be rewarded in the reaches of heaven, 

Here's the trick, orange peels flying...........

expect noth-
>  ing in return, recognize thou wilt return to the dust from which thou hast
>  come, know the world is full of pain and misery, do not contribute to that
>  misery, pray for the salvation of all beings, recognize the spirit in
>  everything you do and in all ways and being of the world
>  look for the wise in everything you do, abjure the ways of the vain and
>  the foolish, find a likely spot for meditation, avoid gambling and consor-
>  ting with women, remain on the path without any expectation, 

There is no need for this.

see the good
>  in everyone and everything, recognize the vanity of this world which is
>  only an illusion, seek the future in the past, honor thy parents from
>  which thou came, recognize the reality of all things and their denial
>  know that negation is nought, that assertion is nought, that companion-
>  ship is nought, seek only that which may be found within thyself, look
>  into the shell of the skull, the annihilation of the body, find ecstasy in
>  everything you do, tame the passion within you, purify thy hands and face
>  after eating and bathing, hold no false associations, always look beyond,
>  recognize what is beyond is always present, know that all is present
>  already within you, look before you, pray constantly, meditate at all
>  times

You don't have to meditate all the time.  You need to meditate enough.  So as 
not to become a plague on thy brother.  Too much for you miami fucker?  You 
want it easy?  You like to be done and on vacation?  I wouldn't let you if 
you did.  I would hunt you and it would hurt.  Kine.
>  watch where you walk, walk in the ways of the master, walk in the ways of
>  holiness, never sleep on a bad conscience, look always towards paradise,
>  expect nothing and gain everything, expect everything and gain nothing,
>  guard thyself against vanity, recognize that sexual passion is the culprit
>  of the age, perceive that nothing has meaning, that everything is
>  no-thing, that no-thing is everything and nothing, attend to thy breathing
>  out and breathing in

Don't lecture me when the time is so short.  

>  deceive no one, see movement in stasis, stasis in movement, know the smal-
>  lest is also the largest, hold the universe in thy hand, recognize there
>  is no size, no universe, recognize the dual 

this phrase is tired and needs a rest.

and the one, hold the one in
>  the other, and the other in the one, know that from the one, two emerge,

You need me to teach you and your wife tennis, chess, and dog appreciation.

>  from the two, emerge all others, recognize the others within you, recog-
>  nize you within all others, hold penance for the ways of the world, make
>  thyself like iron or steel for the good of all beings
>  take the middle way, take the way of one extreme to the other, seek the
>  pivot within, hold to the central point, seek yourself through yourself,
>  remain calm in paradox, eat only prescribed foods, live in the purity of
>  proper nourishment, understand the transparency of birth and death, always
>  prepare for death, never prepare for death, live in thy tomb and thy
>  grave, know that wandering is also an attachment, speak only when spoken
>  to, write only when requested, become a scribe for the world, recognize
>  thou art a world for a scribe, look nowhere else, look nowhere, seek thy-
>  self in women, seek thyself in men, comprehend perfect unity, understand
>  unity is illusion, 

My only fighting opposition.  What if you no longer react?  Then I am left 
with a decision.  You can't write without me.

men and women are illusion, scripture is illusion,
>  attachment and silence are illusion
>  neither fear death nor love life

But watch out for Max Herman because he can skin you and make you hop!  There 
was never a millennium with me till now.  Don't fake me out, all crimes are 

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