josh zeidner on Sat, 8 Sep 2001 00:31:07 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] the neo-narrative OR 'the novel is no longer novel'

 The novel has been dead for some time.  Our new media
environment accellerates and reterritorializes the
written[typed] word, taking it beyond the realm of
linear tangibility.  The only valid strategy is to aim
to transect info-space along semiotic, logical,
superhistorical, postscientific, and mythopoeic
dimensions.  Writing and information in the electric
world has a rhythmic quality, rather than a purely
symbolic[artistotelian], any discernable [standpoint]
realizes itself through hyperspacial manifestation, a
repeatable drumming transversation with [the other]. 
Theor[hetoric] is open-ended[non-totalistic], begging
the participant to complete it in any number of
imaginable ways.  [privacy/literacy] is impossible, as
are individual points of view.  In this world,
[right/wrong] , [correct/incorrect] give way to
unceasing [harmony/disharmony].  Hold on tight, as we
approach the event-horizon, your [selfhood]
disintegrates into pure signal.

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