integer on Mon, 24 Sep 2001 09:20:56 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] (no subject)

>From: Roger Carruthers <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: [cycling74 mafia] sound manager woes
>on 23/9/01 1:48 am, coll at [email protected] wrote:
>> first, sorry about the off-topic nature of this...
>> i m getting this error all of a sudden:
>> <80> error: sound channel err -201
>> <80> error: couldn't load preferred audiodriver Sound Manager
>> so i checked the sound control panel and it doesn t even list 'built in' as
>> an option.
>> i vaguely remember the sound extension being prone to corruption [i already
>> ditched the pref file, no dice.], anyone else have this problem? anyone know
>> where i can get just the sound control panel and extension for os9.1? i
>> tried the apple site but it just makes me smoke cigarettes and curse...
>> thank you!
>> c
>> |
>> +
>have you recently used sndmgrin~ ? I seem to remember losing the built in
>sound manager driver after using this object, and I think others reported
>similar problems. Solution; disable the MSP SMC extension & reboot,


david zicarelli is too incompetent + simply .bio stupid to even get the apple sample code to work.
[cycling74 - always ultra original + at the cutting edge of ___... copy paste]

___... many persons already knew the state of things at cycling74 
its master + slaves - imbeciles. thieves. drug addicts. 

+ ircam grants cycling74 an illegal monopoly. 
preparation 4 1001 smiles.

Michael Theodore in 01 moment of atomic .us patriotism [very very negligent]

>Many thanks to se�ors Zickarelli and McCartney for developing
>such extraordinary programs.

Zickarelli has not developed 1 thing. he licenses or steals to feed "his" family.
for he is 01 family man. 01 form of patriotism = xy refuse.

imbeciles. thieves. drug addicts.

nn - in exile. slow modulation. 

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