Blaz Erzetic on Mon, 26 Nov 2001 22:46:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Pixxelpoint Invitation

Pixxelpoint 2001 - International Computer Art Festival

-- Newsletter - Nov. 26, 2001 --

Dear Pixxelpoint subscribers

You are kindly invited to attend the opening of festival in the City
Gallery Nova Gorica on Friday, October 30, 2001, at 8pm.

The exhibition will be open until Friday, December 7, everyday from 9am to

Information about lodging and concerts program at

Should you have any question, comment or suggestion, please send us an
e-mail to [email protected]

Best regards,
Pixxelpoint staff

If you don't want to receive further informations about Pixxelpoint, please
kindly reply to this email with "Remove" in subject line.


Pixxelpoint 2001 - Mednarodni festival racunalni�ke umetnosti

-- Novice - 26.11.2001 --

Spo�tovani prejemniki Pixxelpointovih novic!

Vljudno vas vabimo na otvoritev festivala v petek, 30. novembra 2001, ob
20. uri, v Mestno galerijo Nova Gorica.

Razstava bo odprta do petka 7. decembra, vsak dan od 9. do 21. ure.

Informacije o obvestivalskih dejavnostih (predavanja in koncerti) na

Za komentarje, vpra�anja in predloge lahko pi�ete na
[email protected]

Lep pozdrav,
Pixxelpoint team

Ce ne �elite vec prejemati novic o Pixxelpoint-u, prosimo, odpi�ite na
prejeti email z "odstrani" v naslovni vrstici.

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