george legrady on Fri, 30 Nov 2001 08:46:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] open position in digital media at UC Santa barbara

Digital Media Arts Position
Tenure-track Assistant Professor level

The Media Arts and Technology Program (a new graduate program jointly
offered by the College of Letters and Science and the College of
Engineering) and the Department of Art seek a practitioner in the field of
Digital Media Arts. The available position is at the assistant professor

The candidate should be an accomplished digital media artist with an
established record of achievement in digital and media arts who possesses a
broad understanding of both contemporary visual arts and computer
technologies, and has a clear understanding of the state of the discipline.
The candidate�s work should reflect a deep knowledge of digital media
production in one or more of the following areas: 3D visualization (virtual
reality visualization, immersive environments; virtual architecture,
synthespians (cybernetically constructed actors); telecommunications (GPS
tracking, netspaces, etc.); mixed realities (interactive media
installations, motion sensing, etc.); data mining/datastructures as
environments for narrative; algorithmic art; and robotics, or computer
controlled devices. In addition, the candidate should demonstrate a working
knowledge of one or more programming languages and familiarity with digital
media theory.

The new appointment will help to develop digital production facilities,
establish an environment for learning cross-platform tools as well as
theoretical and critical issues, and teach undergraduate and graduate
courses. University teaching experience, a doctorate, MFA, or equivalent
degree required, with significant exhibitions and/or publication record
preferred. Starts July 1, 2002.

Applications should include a cover letter that details areas of expertise,
professional and teaching experience, CV, and representative samples of work
in digital form (DVD, cd-rom or websites). This may include supplemental
materials such video documentation of installations or published catalogs of
digital works. Applicants should also include a SASE, and at least three
letters of recommendation sent by academic/professional references. Review
of applications will begin on December 1, 2001, and continue until the
position is filled.

Send materials to: Professors George Legrady and JoAnn Kuchera-Morin,
co-Chairs of Search Committee for Digital Media, Department of Art Studio,
UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative
Action Employer committed to excellence and diversity. Women and minorities
are encouraged to apply.

For further information: and UCSB is the
host site of the UC system-wide Digital Media Innovation Program
( and the UC system-wide Digital Cultures Project

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