on Tue, 4 Dec 2001 19:03:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Hello from Wholesale-Paintings.com

Thank you for your time.

Wholesale-paintings.com is a professional hand-made 
oil paintings wholesaler in Shenzhen, across the 
border of Hong Kong. We have qualified artists groups
to keep you hands-free and work out museum quality
oil paintings for you as long as you can provide

We even create oil paintings from IDEAs. Recently Alex Veness, a British
Art Professor in South Ampton University, had required such a project:
(1) 6 artists paint their own Chinese home.
(2) 6 paintings of their imagination of British artists' home.
(3) 6 self-portraits of the head (close-up) of the Chinese artists.
(4) 6 photos of the artists that are painting the self-portraits.
Alex Veness was excited when he received the paintings. He's planning a solo
exhibition in a gallery in London. After the exhibition, he'll put all
images online around February. We'll set up a link on our homepage to his 
website by then.

The paintings size from 3"X5" to 72"XYards. Pending on
artists groups in different level, prices range from
USD0.80 to USD480.

For our online catalog (over 1,500 pictures in 
17 category), please visit:

Best regards,

(Vice President, Overseas Marketing)
Shenzhen Narda Industrial Co., Ltd.
Add: 4th Floor, Bldg. No.7, Pengsheng Garden,
Bagua 1st Road, Shenzhen 518029, P.R.China.
Tel: +86-755-249 1804
Fax: +86-755-241 6043
Email: [email protected]  [email protected]


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