Bill Spornitz on Thu, 20 Dec 2001 18:10:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Hey wait a minute -- aren't you guys *Canadian*?


I'm afraid to report that the distinction *Canadian* has taken a 
direct hit, *on the home front*, thanks to a number of factors.

Whatever it is we _were_, what we _are_ very quickly becoming is 
estate workers;  keepers of _your_ wells,  [email protected]; our water 
for your thirsty lips and neon lights, our oil wells quenching your 
thirst for speed and convenience; comes with bullet-proof shell, 
interiors designed by your finest ergo-technocrons.

What's that? No problem! How high? - all sold to you, f.o.b. your 
place, at your prices.

We are joining the rest of the world, taking our place in the 
hollywood line-up of butlers and maids. Of well-keepers. Of butlers 
standing in wells. Just trying to get away from the smart bombs.


>------ Forwarded Message
>From: Culture Jammers Network <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: <[email protected]>
>Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 06:34:39 -0800
>To: Culture Jammers Network <[email protected]>
>Subject: Smell a rat?
>Have your activities come under increased scrutiny in the aftermath of S11?
>Ours have.
>Recently, our Corporate America Flag billboard in Times Square, New York,
>attracted the attention of the federal Department of Defense, and a visit
>by an agent who asked a lot of pointed questions about our motivations and
>intent. We wondered: What gives?
>"Just following up a lead from a tip line," the agent admitted.
>That's the kind of fourth quarter it's been for many social activists. Any
>campaign that dares to question U.S. economic, military or foreign policy
>in these delicate times, any critical appraisal of the handling of the
>"War on terrorism," risks casting the critic as a kind of enemy of the
>state, if not an outright terrorist.
>Vigilance we can live with. Intimidation that amounts to persecution is
>another bucket of fish. According to some of the emails and phone calls
>we've received lately, many other groups have also found themselves under
>investigation in a political climate that's starting to take on shades of
>Our response to all of this is to set up our own "rat line." If you know
>of social marketing campaigns or protest actions that are being
>suppressed, or if you come across any other story of overzealous
>government "information management," please tell us your story. Go to
>If you do not want to continue receiving these updates, send an email to
>[email protected]
>Adbusters Magazine The Media Foundation
>1243 West 7th Ave Vancouver BC Canada V6H 1B7
>p. 604.736.9401
>f. 604.737.6021
>------ End of Forwarded Message
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