G.H. Hovagimyan on Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:10:03 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Coming Soon: Hollywood Versus the Internet (MikeGodwin)

: if content producers effectively lose the 
> right to compensation from and 
distribution of their works because of 
> advances in technology, what do you think 
that's going to do to the quality 
> and availability of content?
> Eric

GH Comments:  
I was sitting around a dinner table in 
France when the conversation invariably 
turned to film.   The other people at the 
table were shocked when I told them I 
found film (especially Hollywood) to be an 
incredibly boring and outdated medium.  I 
posited a hypertextual film that would be 
different everytime you viewed it. Here's a 
question?  How can you copyright 
something that has no fixed form?  
 The copyright debate is a bullshit debate 
that doesn't address new forms of 
expression.  We all know that the film and 
media industry will not stand for anything 
that reduces their profits.  Ultimately who 
cares?  It's more interesting to work for the 
future. There will always be someone trying 
to preserve the status quo. 

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