[email protected] on Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:09:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] zizek seminar rotterdam


>From the 10-12 June 2002 the Faculty of  Philosophy of the Erasmus
University Rotterdam  organizes the 3rd Erasmus Summer Seminar Social
Ontology (ESSSO)

Globalization � and Beyond
>From Social Ontology to the Political
special guest: Slavoj Zizek (University of Ljubljana/Princeton)

Other guests
Rosi Braidotti (University of Utrecht), Marc de Kesel (Jan van Eyck
Academy/ Arteveld Academy Gent), Paul Patton (University of New South
Wales), Robert Pfaller (University of Linz), Hugh Silverman (State
University New York, Stony Brook), Erik Vogt (University of Vienna), Theo
de Wit (Catholic University Nijmegen).

Participating Staffmembers
Jos de Mul, Andr� Nusselder, Gijs van Oenen, Henk Oosterling, Awee Prins,
Heleen Pott,Jack Vromen, Theo van Willigenburg.

For more information, please, visit: www.eur.nl/fw/essso
Or email to: [email protected]

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