De�: tamara lai <[email protected]>
Date�: Sat, 01 May 2004 17:30:22 +0200
Objet�: How beautiful we are!
Quelques mots, quelques traces...
- fragment�es, �parpill�es, �clat�es -
que tu accueilleras dans ton espace, ton intimit� virtuelle
auxquels tu feras �cho,
ou non
que tu illustreras
jetteras (dis-moi!)...
ou non
que tu achemineras vers qui tu veux,
ou non
es-tu pr�t(e) ? envoi-moi un mail merci
Some words, some tracks...
- split up, scattered, burst -
that you will receive in your space, your virtual intimacy
to which you will make echo,
or not
that you will illustrate
will throw (tell me!)...
or not
that you will forward
or not
are you ready ? send me a mail thanks
Tell A Mouse