tamara lai on Mon, 31 May 2004 10:44:26 +0200 (CEST)

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[nettime-fr] 'How beautiful we are! ' next...

Valery Grancher, FR
Loiez Deniel, FR
Philippe Monfouga, FR
Bruno Mrozinski, FR
Julien Rancoule, FR
Antonio Sassu, IT
Richard Piegsza, FR
Annie Abrahams, FR
Teo Spiller, SLOV
Mac Dunlop, UK/CA
Stewart Dickson, CAL
Jimpunk, FR
Roman Verostko, MIN
Marc Wathieu, BE
Roberto Echen, ARG
Philippe Boisnard, FR
Patrick Fontana, FR
Louise Desrenard, FR
Rene Berger, CH
Luc Fierens,BE
Robert Potier, FR
Mathieu Maes,BE
Regina C�lia Pinto, BR
Daniel Ganin, USA
Alberto Guedea, CA
Helen Varley Jamieson
�lvaro Ard�vol, ES
Artur Mar, FR
Caterina Davinio, IT
Atomic Elroy, USA
Christine g, FR
Nicolas Hessmann, FR
Herve Constant, UK
Luis Sosa, ES
Carla Della Beffa, IT/FR
Art Hunter, FR


> Quelques mots, quelques traces...
> - fragment�es, �parpill�es, �clat�es -
> que je d�poserai dans ton espace, ton intimit� virtuelle
> auxquels tu feras �cho,
> ou non
> que tu illustreras
> jetteras (dis-moi!)...
> ou non 
> que tu achemineras vers qui tu veux,
> ou non
> es-tu pr�t(e) ? envoi-moi un mail
> Some words, some tracks...
> - split up, scattered, burst -
> that I will deposit in your space, your virtual intimacy
> to which you will make echo,
> or not 
> that you will illustrate
> will throw (tell me!)...
> or not 
> that you will forward
> or not 
> are you ready ? send me a mail

Tell A Mouse

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