McDioxine on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 15:10:29 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [nettime-fr] Bolkestein l'enquete avance a grands pas

Il semble qu'il y a un imbroglio incroyable derriere cette affaire...
J'ai appris qu'une enquete parlementaire europeenne serait en train de
se constituer pour evaluer le "cas" Bolkestein-Inc.

Je vous donne les dernieres news, le blog de bolkestein inc vient d'etre
mis a jour, et la derniere news est succulante.
Je vous donne l'adresse du RSS de leur blog qui est vraiment incroyable...
Commentaires (et ca vaut le detour):

La news en question:

    Fast developping operations and sustained attacks

Par Axel Heramicks, jeudi 26 janvier 2006 à 05:03 :: General
<> :: #5
:: rss <>

Past few days have been really difficult but promising.

Due to our openness, we seem to have been the target of several media
attacks and our hosted datacenter has been the target of Denial of
Service attacks.

Our new business partners are also keeping us busy as the new european
consulting service support contract that we won is extending to
different countries. A joint press release will be soon issued detailing
our new strategy in Europe.

It seems that we have been incorrectly labeled in the press and by
various activist groups:

First and foremost, we have been associated to Frits Bolkestein, whose
directive is very interesting to us, but who has NO DIRECT RELATIONSHIP
to our company. Some European Congressmen stated that he was a
shareholder in Bolkestein Inc. This is complete non-sense and several
executives of well known companies can testify on this.

Another issue dealt with our organization being linked to the XLRMX
organization by various journalists and internet users. I, Axel
Heramicks, has been previously involved with the XLRMX organization in
the past. But due to my recent corporate activities and lack of time, I
have quit this organization which goes on its own path. Somehow, this
helped us in getting involuntary allies in these leftist
socialist-hearted groups and providing us insights on how these evil
forces try to block legitimate business.

Bolkestein Inc. held a special Board Meeting yesterday to solve all
these issue. The board is pleased to announce that the company, despite
these numerous attacks, has been gaining unprecendented momentum and
will again announce several major customers in the future.

To our ever-growing staff and our customers, we want to express our
sincere gratitude,

Best regards, Axel Heramicks, CEO & General Manager. "InSourcing TM Is THE Solution"


On voit qu'il parle de nous ici: "internet users" et "involuntary allies
in these leftist socialist-hearted groups and providing us insights on
how these evil forces try to block legitimate business. ". Je me demande
ce qu'ils ont reussi a avoir comme allies comme ils disent...

D'apres ce que j'ai compris (j'arrete pas d'envoyer des emails aux
mecs), leur patron la ce Axel vient en Europe bientot. Ca serait drole
qu'il se fasse arreter et interroger par les parlementaires europeens non?

Bon, quelqu'un a plus d'information sur leur bureaux en europe?

Quand aux DoS, ca a du fonctionner pendant quelques temps mais la tout
est normal et j'accede a nouveau au site sans probleme.

Bien a vous,
MC Dioxine

Loiez D. wrote:

> Suite de l'enquête sur la société
> La piste de l'hoax artistique se précise.
> "Voilà peut-être le cerveau derrière tout ça. Ils travaillent 
> ensemble en tous cas sur xlmrx.
> dotclear/index.php
> Les deux adresses pour le dépôt de domain name sont à quelques patés 
> de maison l'une de l'autre à SF. Les deux sont passés par
> je te forwarde un mail que j'ai reçu en réponse (pas convaincant et 
> ma réponse).
> TIens moi au courant si tu trouves qqchose. J'en parlerai 
> éventuellement sur Transnets.
> Cela fait-il beaucoup de bruit en France/Europe?
> a++
> f~
> – -"
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