Ted Nelson (by way of Janos Sugar) on Mon, 3 Jan 2000 17:54:40 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> gReetings fRom the futuRe


You've been wondering what would happen in the future.  Through
 advanced technosophy and frabbadabble you wouldn't understand,
 I am sending you this message from New Year's Eve, 2001-2.

Things are very different from what we expected-- in some ways
 better, in other ways, well, it's very hard to explain because as
 you read this you have no idea about the big issues right around
 the corner-- the NQW scare, the Squank Force, and most important,
 what to do about the queeblies.  And how Bill Gates keeps changing
 the standards for spare body parts.  You can't imagine what's going
 to happen when the tan hits the fish.

I didn't mean to get into that.  What you really need to know, and
 this is going to be vital if we're ever going to see each other again,
XX what to do about the pYYYYYYYY
XXl -- in other Gates keeps changing
 the staXX !@#$%^&*()_+<>{}[]arts.  You candards for spare body pYYYYYY
what we eYY
XXXX when the tan hits the fishvhe tan hits the fishvery different from
what we expectedways, well, it'st fromxanging
 the standardse fish@@@@@@ for spare body parts.  You can't imagine when
the tan hits the fish@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

XXXXXXXX !@#$%^&*()_+<>{}[]




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