nettime_announcer on Mon, 28 Feb 2000 14:43:26 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> announcer 00.09 [a]

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           [email protected] :   | 0 1 |
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               [email protected] : w w w . s u b v e r t i s e . o r g   | 0 2 |
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  [email protected] : mikro.lounge #23: vienna. mittwoch 01.03.00, berlin   | 0 3 |
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           Iosif Kiraly <[email protected]> : Timing Art - Filtering Art   | 0 4 |
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 Axel Bruns <[email protected]> : M/C Reviews Call for Contributors   | 0 5 |
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 Monika Fleischmann <[email protected]> : 6 positions available @ GMD   | 0 6 |
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         Lars Nicolaisen <[email protected]> : New: Transitions Online   | 0 7 |
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             Sylvie Meyerson <[email protected]> : Sandbox #8: BANG!   | 0 8 |
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      Natalie Bookchin <[email protected]> : TACTICAL EMBARRASSMENT   | 0 9 |
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                     Lt. Crack <[email protected]> : THING BLURBS 2/2000   | 1 0 |
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                                delivered each weekend into your inbox   |
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WELCOME to, the official website of The

The Revolution is a new political party that aims to be the voice of
the non-voter, the alienated, the visionaries, the rabble, and the
Internet. Combining left and libertarian politics with a kind of post-
political futurism and the love of a good laugh, The Revolution�
intends to bring all the subcultural tribes together to wrest control
of worldwide political systems from the drug warriors, the cultural
ayatollahs, and the various corporate mega-destructo gangs, ranging
from the military-industrial complex to the HMOs ad infinitum.

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The Medium Is the Message
A new generation of Bay Area 'culture jammers' manipulates media
By Sam Williams
w w w . s u b v e r t i s e . o r g, a radical arts gallery on the internet,
is launched on Sunday 20th February 2000.

Created by a global network of artists and campaigners, it exists to
document, develop and promote the artform of the post-corporate
millennium - subvertising. displays hundreds of images, photos, banners, billboards
covering a spectrum of issues including transport, war, climate-change,
racism, genetix, corporations, sexuality and globalisation. Many images
are anti-copyright and can be downloaded at high-resolution. All the
images also act as visual links to artists, campaigners and further

Subvertising is the Art of Cultural resistance.  It is the 'writing on
the wall', the sticker on the lamppost, the corrected rewording of
Billboards, the spoof T-shirt; but it is also the mass act of defiance
of a street protest.  The key process involves redefining or even
reclaiming our environment from the corporate beast.

Whether you need outrageous illustrations for your campaign literature,
graphics for understanding and explaining complex social issues, or
inspiration for an action, this website is for you.  Follow the links to
the artist, add your own images or even 'steal this site' as your own
gallery. is where 'Art Refracts Life'.

For further information email: [email protected]
Send submissions (less than 500k) to: [email protected]
Technical questions - Webmaster:  [email protected]
Postal address: Subvertise c/o PO Box '68, Oxford, OX3  7YS, ENGLAND.

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  /* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lounge nicht im WMF sondern im INIT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<;ORT=b;LL=13.385687x52.531110;GR=3

     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chausseestr 119/120, eingang rechts <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< */

     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  mikro laedt ein  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

         mikro.lounge #23: vienna
         Mittwoch, 1. Maerz 2000
         INIT, Chausseestrasse 119/120
         Einlass 19 Uhr, Beginn 20 Uhr
         Eintritt 5 Mark

     "Ich rechne damit, dass noch einmal ein emotionaler
     Ueberschwang am Wochenende kommen wird, wo sich die
     Altlinken, die 68er, die Jungen und die Internet-
     Generation noch einmal austoben koennen."

                               (Wolfgang Schuessel, OEVP)

     Waehrend das WMF Pause macht, geht die mikro.lounge
     auf Reisen. Am 1. Maerz laedt mikro ins INIT. Dort
     werden verschiedene Wiener Medieninitiativen ihre
     Projekte vorstellen, ihre internet-spezifischen
     Arbeitspraktiken erlaeutern und so einen Einblick
     in die unabhaengigen Wiener Medienkulturen geben.

     Selbstverst�ndlich findet die Lounge nicht zuletzt
     vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen politischen
     Situation in �sterreich statt. Die Diskussion soll
     jedoch weniger dazu beitragen, das gesinnungsmaessige
     Grundrauschen in Sachen Haider noch zu verst�rken.
     Vielmehr soll der Versuch unternommen werden, die
     derzeitig sich abzeichnende medienpolitische Entwick=
     lung, �ber den Wiener Zentralismus hinaus, in den
     Blick zu bekommen. Dabei wollen wir moegliche Formen
     von medialem Widerstand und deren Aussicht auf
     gesellschaftlichen Erfolg debattieren.

     In der Folge ist eine Veranstaltung f�r den kommenden
     Herbst geplant, die den Stand der Diskussion und der
     politischen Entwicklung aufgreifen und weiterfuehren
     soll. Genaueres wird noch bekannt gegeben.

         Meike Schmidt-Gleim (
         Carola Platzek (
         Oskar Obereder (silverserver)
         Christian Hessle (betazine)
         Johannes Grentzfurthner (monochrom)

         Oswald Berthold (farmers manual) + guest

     Videos + Web-Praesentationen:
         Julia Lazarus
         Die Erfreulichen

         Paschutan Buzari, Sebastian Luetgert

     besonderen Dank an:
         Init, WMF, Aroma

     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ...............  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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Call for Papers

Timing Art - Filtering Art
Dynamics of time and artistic sense
Handicaps in relating old and new media forms of art.
The theory of long periods in history and art.

April 7 - 9, 2000, Bucharest, Romania

The University of Arts Bucharest and the International Center for
Contemporary Art invites submission for the second seminar organized in the
frame of the project: "Reflection of social problems in art and media, after
1989, in Eastern - Central Europe".

The seminar is organized with the support of SCCA Network Program, European
Cultural Foundation, French Institute, Goethe Institute.

This seminar will focus on the shifting of artistic sense between art and
life spheres of contemporary society. The aim is to emphasize the relation
between new and old media and the influence of the new informational space
on traditional values of culture, society, economics and politics.

The structure of the seminar is:

1. Curatorial experience in dealing with border domains (photography,
archiving, recycling of social-cultural information) and with cross border

2. Artistic experience within the dynamic of old and new media and the
theory of long periods in history and art. New media as tools, as branding
elements, as carriers of tactical messages. Is there really anything new
about new media?

3. Management of the information. How to develop new strategies in the
neo-liberal context of the art environment.

Please confirm your participation and the topic of your presentation no
later than March 10, 2000.

For further information please contact:

University of Arts, Bucharest
tel: (40.1) 310.3977 fax: (40.1) 312. 5429

Roxana Trestioreanu, Head of the International Relation Department
([email protected])
Iosif Kiraly, Associate Professor, Photo Video Department ([email protected])

International Center for Contemporary Art
Irina Cios, Director ([email protected])
tel/fax: (40.1) 210.3070; (40.1) 210.7777

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               M/C Reviews - An ongoing series of reviews
                   of events in culture and the media.

                          Call for Contributors

M/C Reviews, the companion publication to the University of Queensland's
M/C -- A Journal of Media and Culture, would like to invite contributions
of review articles for its upcoming feature on the millennium.

M/C Reviews aims to provide an ongoing culture and media review forum for
those interested in media and cultural studies.  We hope that by
publishing critically engaging reviews (and ethnographies) of every
conceivable cultural form, M/C Reviews will provide a useful barometer of
culture-in-process and also, thereby, opportunities to share the kinds of
pertinent insights that are not usually available in academic
publications. We accept short and medium-length pieces, favouring ones
that are accessible and thought provoking.

In 1999 we have initiated a series of themed feature sections designed
to collect and juxtapose various angles on particular issues.  Each
feature consists of five to fifteen review articles.  Previous features
(which are still available online) have focussed on Star Wars: The Phantom
Menace, the Stage X Youth Festival, the E-Journal genre, the National
Young Writers' Festival, and Food.

M/C Reviews invites contributions to the upcoming M/C Reviews feature:

         Freedom Dreams: Politics and Alternative Media on the Net

                           Edited by Guy Redden

M/C Reviews would like to invite contributions of review articles for its
upcoming feature issue about politics and alternative media online. M/C R
accepts short and medium-length pieces (500 - 1500 words), favouring ones
that are accessible and thought-provoking. We seek contributions from all
interested and involved parties including activists, journalists, NGOs,
politicians, academics and independent 'netizens'. Critiques, ethnographies
and reports (first and third person), reviews of sites, interviews and any
other original pieces that shed light on this multifaceted theme will all
be relevant.

There seems little doubt that the mobilisation and information-sharing of
concerned groups and individuals over the Internet played a decisive role
in last year's protests against the World Trade Organisation in Seattle.
Daily, massive amounts of political information - from action alerts,
political propaganda, exposs and alternative media reports to independent
research, petitions and press-releases - are circulated through Websites,
Usenet, and email discussion lists. Alternative video sites show hours of
political and protest footage edited from TV; issue-based coalitions are
created nearly overnight and local groups post information relevant to
their communities.

Martin Luther started a social revolution by posting a public message on a
door. Yet it was because that message and others were propagated by the
then-radical new print media that the Reformation took hold. Are we then,
as some suggest, on the brink of a digital political revolution? Are new
forms of alliance/participation-based civil society emerging to counter the
status quo held in place by representative democracy, corporate plutocracy
and the conventional mainstream media? Or are online activists and
alternative journalists largely irresponsible purveyors of conspiracy
theories? How is mainstream politics adapting to the Net? Will 'e-
government' become a reality?

Some suggested topics for 'Freedom Dreams' include:

Cybercampaigns - the roles of computer networks, especially the WWW, email
and Usenet, in high-profile activist campaigns such as those against
landmines, militarism, biotechnology and genetically-modified foods, trade
liberalisation, environmental degradation and economic globalisation (WTO,
MAI), third world debt.

Alternative media - resource and portal sites, alternative news services,
email newsletters, NGO sites, activist sites, challenges to mainstream
media, 'reliability'.

Party politics - political campaigns online (especially the US
presidential), official and unofficial sites, 'Web-slander' and sabotage.

Groups, netizens and alliances - the role of the Net in the running of
organisations, one-to-many communication, creating links, critical mass,
the perils and payoffs of making the online transition, information
overload, exclusion of the netless and the 'globalisation' of activism, the
libertarian impulse.

Government and business - reactions of governments and businesses to online
information flow, their use of the Net, censorship, surveillance, PR,
government and business engagement with online NGO research and lobbies,
attempts at incorporation.

                                         Submission deadline: 3 April 2000.

<> - M/C Reviews Website
<> - M/C R contributors'
   guidelines (please read before submitting)

[email protected]  -  enquiries and submissions

Examples of previous feature sections and how to contribute can also be
found on our Website.

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6 positions available immediately
research scientists / artists / theorists (3 years + 2 years)
@ GMD CAT-project

GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology
(, Institute for Media Communication (,
Media Arts Research Studies (, D-53754 Sankt
Augustin. Contact: Mrs. Monika Fleischmann, e-mail: [email protected]

To apply please send the usual documents (informal application, CV, etc.)
with the respective code to:   GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik
Abteilung Personalbetreuung
Schloss Birlinghoven
53754 Sankt Augustin

deadline 15 maart

Research Area:
Connected Communities
(Code E16/2000)
Implementation of  communication and cooperation environments for Connected
Communities / CAT-network (communication, art & technology). Conceptual,
technical and aesthetic development of a platform in cooperation with
artists : media integration, models of participation, knowledge-management.
Qualification: Masters/Docs/Postdocs in Computer Science or equivalent

Research Area:
Media Production
(Code E17/2000)
Editorial work on the content of the CAT-network and implementation of a
series of media-cultural events and topics. Media integration
(Internet/TV/radio/stage) in context of cross-media, digital production
processes. Contact to the area of interactive media. Networking with
partners from culture and business. Qualification: Masters in Arts or
equivalent experience.

Research Area:
Visualization of Data and Communication
(Code E18/2000)
Analysis of media and time-based data of communication for internet
applications. Focal point of research: spatially oriented analysis and
visualization of data, generative realtime visualization of data, data
mining, GIS with special focus on Connected Communities. Qualification:
Masters/Docs/Postdocs in Computer Science or equivalent experience.

Research Area:
Information- and Communication Design
(Code E19/2000)
Development and implementation of audio-visual desktop applications,
intuitive navigation structures for online-applications. Professional usage
of digital design and typography, interactive guidance of users,
webprogramming languages, integration of current database formats.
Implementation and administration of dynamic websites. Qualification:
Masters in Web Design or equivalent experience.

Research Area:
Database Systems
(Code E20/2000)
Modeling / Implementation of database systems on various operating-systems
(Linux, Windows NT). Implementation / administration of dynamic websites,
programming (C, C++, Java, Perl), dynamic access to databases in web-based
communication- and cooperation environments. Qualification:
Masters/Docs/Postdocs in Computer Science or equivalent experience.

Research Area:
Multimedia Service
(Code E21/2000)
Integration of Multimedia Services in Internet-based communication
environments for the virtual platform CAT: high and low bandwidth multimedia
services (ATM, Realstreaming), integration of TV and interactive media.
Compression techniques, Multimedia standards (MPEG4 etc.), digital
broadcast. Qualification: Masters/Docs/Postdocs in Computer Science and/or
communications engineering.

/* Artists, Technology, and Ownership of Creative Content */

By way of the New Media Research list

>Greetings all,
>Mark Latonero here-- doctoral candidate at the Annenberg School for
>Communication, University of Southern California.  I'm part of a
>organizing committee for a February 2001 conference-- "Artists,
>Technology, and Ownership of Creative Content."  An interdisciplinary
>collaboration of academics along with industry folk, we are exploring the
>tensions that arise as cultural (media) products enter into the age of
>digital reproduction and Internet culture.  We are focusing on three
>areas:  film, music, and visual art.  The format is for one person to
>present an original case study, and panelists to discuss.  I admit that
>the focus is more on the American case (in terms of Law and industry) this
>time around, yet we intend to expand discussion for international-global
>concerns for a later conference with a similar topic.
>If you are interested or can suggest the top scholars, researchers, or
>practitioners doing work in these specific areas please forward names to
>me at <[email protected]>.
>BTW in case u missed Phil's intro of me--  I'm investigating Internet
>music's development and its impact on the socio-cultural
>structures/practices that constitute the music economy.  I'm also a
>researcher at the Normal Lear Center:  "Exploring implications of the
>convergence of entertainment, commerce, and society"

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Transitions Online (TOL) ( is the leading Internet
magazine covering Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the former
Soviet Union. If you aren't already a member, fill out our registration
form at to receive your free two-month
trial membership. If you'd like to become a TOL member right away, go to
<http://member.html>. And if you're a citizen of a post-communist country,
go to to sign up for a FREE annual membership.


Now online: expanded Country Files! TOL's value as a research and reference
tool just got better. This expanded section contains maps and links for all
the 27 countries in the post-communist world. TOL Country Files also
feature the OMRI/East-West Institute Annual Reports, which give a detailed
year-in-review for every country. Written by top local and Western
analysts, these exclusive Annual Reports are a crucial resource for anyone
interested in the region.

Features: The Thin Blue Line
by Aliaksiej Shydlouski
"I don't give a damn that somebody has been beaten," says Alyaksandr V., a
Belarusian police officer. "Certainly, I wouldn't like to do it myself ...
but if there is an order, what should I do, refuse? Then I'd be sacked and
have nothing to live on and feed my wife." The police force -- who are
given carte blanche in terms of their treatment of civilians -- is one of
the more sinister arms of President Alyaksandr Lukashenka's rule. An
exclusive report from Shydlouski, who in August 1997 was sentenced to 18
months in prison for writing anti-government graffiti ("Lukashenka is a
dictator" and "Long Live Belarus").

Features: Independent Thinking
by Zeljko Ivanovic
President Milo Djukanovic is feeling the heat from all sides over the
question of independence -- pressure from Montenegrin politicians,
reluctance from the West, and the atmosphere of increasing panic in Serbia
are making things all the more pressing. But despite the success of the
convertible mark and the growing popular support for independence,
Djukanovic is still playing it safe. The wild card, of course, is President
Slobodan Milosevic, who is taking advantage of the division in Montenegro
to maintain tension.

Opinions: Nowhere to Hide after Haider
by Lubos Palata
Western Europe's uproar over the inclusion of the far-right Freedom Party
in Austria's new governing coalition is also a warning for the EU candidate
countries where similar political groupings hold a strong position. As even
the EU Enlargement Commissioner Gunther Verheugen admitted, the current
conflict with Austria is "preparation" for similar problems that could
occur with the applicant states.

Media: Clashes on the Final Frontier
by Emil Danielyan
"You should have seen what was being done to NATO and U.S. official sites
during the Kosovo crisis," says Vahan Mkhitarian of the Armenian Computer
Center. "That was a war." But though he and other officials and pundits are
quick to downplay the recent hack attacks between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
the recent retaliation from Armenian hackers demonstrate the deep-seated
ire between the two nations over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Books: Shock Without Therapy
by Iulian Robu
"Of the two possible paths for transformation, the slow, Chinese one, and
the Polish 'shock therapy,' we have chosen ... the Moldovan way: shock
without therapy," writes Vasile Soimaru in "Caderea premierilor" (The
Falling Prime Ministers). The collection of essays and articles by one of
Moldova's top economists takes an informed look at the sham transition in
Moldova, with an insider's perspective on the corruption and self-interest
that has plagued attempts at reform.

Opinions: Education in Bulgaria Needs Evolution, Not Revolution
by Boyan Biolchev
The newly elected dean of Sofia University argues that the entire
educational system in Bulgaria should be reshaped to meet the country's
changing needs.

A Czech nonprofit dedicated to promoting independent journalism, TOL is
based in Prague and uses a network of local correspondents to provide
unique, cross-regional analysis. TOL was recently named site of the day
by Central Europe Online (, a top information

We encourage you to visit our site, subscribe, and become part of a dynamic
new media project dedicated to building independent journalism in Central
and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union. And be sure
to also visit our partner sites:

- Central Europe Review (, the weekly Internet
journal of Central and East European politics, society, and culture

- The Network of Independent Journalists of Central and Eastern Europe
(NIJ), a weekly service run by the Croatian-based STINA press agency. To
subscribe to STINA's NIJ weekly service, giving you timely news of events
in the region, send an e-mail to: [email protected]

- Index on Censorship, the international journal for free expression
( Through interviews, reportage, banned
literature, and polemic, Index shows how free speech affects the political
issues of the moment.

Lars Nicolaisen                Tel. (4202) 2278 0805
Marketing Assistant            Fax. (4202) 2278 0804
Transitions Online
Chlumova 22                    email: [email protected]
130 00 Prague 3      
Czech Republic


TOL is the only online magazine exclusively covering Central and Eastern
Europe and the former Soviet Union. Register for a free two-month trial
membership at <> and find out if you qualify
for a free annual membership.

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Sandbox is seeking writers, composers, musicians, sound artists,
singers/performers, DJs,photographers,  cartoonists & general sound
pranksters with strong opinions about sound/music/noise today for Sandbox
#8: BANG!  & Sandbox Event: BANG ! both of which are scheduled for September

BANG! seeks to explore  sound/music/noise production that is esthetically
subversive and/or socially experimental today. The magazine will feature an
interview with Diamanda Galas. We are open to a wide range of topics which
may include (but is in no way limited to) some of the following:

DJ music (dub, techno, ambient, and freestyle.), critiquing/subverting the
music industry today, vibration & the physics of sound,  live broadcast:
internet radio and/or micro radio, psycho acoustics, multi-media: eg. video
& sound, architecture & sound, sound & performance, MP3 and its impact,
found sound (eg. urban or industrial sound vs. natural sound),
post-serialists and post-minimalists, noise rockers, cross-cultural ethnic
musics, academia & music, the concept of noise, home-made instruments...

We are also looking for advertisers & sponsors so if you know of anyone who
might be interested please contact us.

Submission guidelines:
Include article outlline and any supporting materials necessary including
articles, reviews, recordings etc., as well as SASE if submitting by mail.
Submission deadlines are as follows:
Project Proposals for both magazine & event - April 18th
First Drafts - May 18th
Final Drafts - June 18th

Sandbox Magazine, Sandbox Performance/Installation Events and Sandbox
Webzine are projects of Sandbox Open Arts, a not-for-profit arts
organization whose mission is to encourage experimentation in the visual
arts, the performing arts, music, and literature with a particular emphasis
on interactive and multi-media work. We are also particularly committed to
exploring the connections between art, culture and society. Sandbox,
Magazine of Creative & Subversive Play is published semi-annually. Each
issue is theme-based and is released in conjunction with a performance and
installation event.

Sandbox #7 - Art vs. State: Reclaiming Public Space Through Art features
anti-corporate saboteurs �TMark, the Digital Zapatistas of the Electronic
Disturbance Theater (responsible for crashing President Zedillo�s website
through a virtual sit-in), street artist Robert Lederman  (arrested 40 times
for his caricatures of NYC Mayor Giuliani) and activist group Reclaim the

Available for $4.75 in NYC at:
St. Mark�s Books, Tower Books, Virgin Megastore, Coliseum Books, Untitled,
Ear Wax, Ink, Beacon�s Closet, Pierogi 2000, Printed Matter, The New Museum
& Labyrinth. Distributed by Desert Moon, Ingram Periodicals, Printed Matter
& Tower Books. (Also available directly from us for $5 per copy. Please send
check or money order made out to Sandbox Open Arts, Inc.).

CANADA:  $11

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CalArts and the Museum of Contemporary Art in
Los Angeles present RTMark and special guests Fiambrera,
Wednesday March 8 at 8:00 PM.

The presentation "Tactical Embarrassment"
is free to the public and will be in
the MOCA Ahmanson Auditorium, 250 South Grand Ave.

RTMark ( is a brokerage that benefits
from limited liability just like any other corporation.
Using this principle, RTMark supports the sabotage of
corporate products by channeling funds from investors
to workers. As ordinary corporations are solely and entirely
machines to increase their shareholders' wealth (often to the
detriment of culture and life) so RTMark is a machine
to improve its shareholders' culture and life
(sometimes to the detriment of corporate wealth).

Andrei Codrescu, prolific writer and National Public
Radio commentator says of RTMark:

        "RTMark continues to gain territory in the ongoing
        battle against faceless corporations and what used
        to be known as human beings, now in the process of
        becoming corporate appendages.... I must congratulate
        RTMark ...on its victories in cyberspace and in the
        secretive lands of Corporate Art, where their advances
        have been nothing short of stunning."

Fiambrera (
are a collective who live and work in Valencia,
Sevilla and Madrid. Billboards, dog shit, airport signs,
flamenco music and video games are some of the political
tools Fiambrera use to reinforce a will for grassroots
radical democracy.

Together RTMark and Fiambrera are developing new
strategies for today's artist, tying artistic work to real
political and social challenges -- not just referring to them--
but helping to build them *from the inside.*

<> is a series featuring net artists,
net activists and net collectives from around
the world. The series, which continues through May
2000, brings together for the first time in the United
States artists and activists known throughout the world
for their low tech and interventionist strategies of
experimental and radical cultural production,
collaboration, and critique on and off the Internet.

The series is a collaborative effort between the CalArts
Programs in Photography in the School of Art, the
Integrated Media Program, and MOCA.

For further information please call 323-644-1762 or send
email to [email protected] or see the website:


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THE THING [newsletter]                           February 20, 2000
Vol.2, Nr.1

Lt. Crack here with the latest infomercials!
Let's start with the good news...



Domain is back online:

Since the official capitulation of eToys on January 25,
Network Solution (NSI) told the press that they need an
order from court to put etoy back on the net.  After facing
another email firestorm and looking at the eToys disaster
they gave in and reinstalled the DNS without an official order.
How are the etoy.SHARES doing? Well..."STRONG BUY" of course:
Don't miss the victory parade in NYC this weekend.
Find out more at: [threads]>>at>>>postmasters>>>>459>>W>>19>>>street>>>>>>>>>>>


As you might have read in the New York Times real estate section, the
Starret Lehigh building has been sold to a bunch of aggressive real
estate developers.  Although they claim they want to turn the building
into a center for art, media and technology, they show no appreciation
for the arts whatsoever.  As a matter of fact they already forced out
Paul Miller and Sandro Chia.  Leslie Tonkonov is leaving in the fall and
THE THING was strongarmed into moving its office from the 16th Floor to
a new space on the fourth floor.  Well, the view is gone, but the
elevator ride is shorter, a big advantage since the elevators are now
filled with all those nerdy dotcom slaves...
To make the story short:  We'll be down for a few hours sometime in
early March when we switch the T1 lines over.

Now, the program...


NEU:  Daniel Pflumm.
Berlin media mix master's interventions into the world of
corporate logos and imagery. [video]

[video {live}]

Get in the HOVlane of the info highway with GH Hovagimyan:

Tuesday, February 22, 2pm
Live from New York, it's Collider!  GH interviews Whitney
new media curator Christiane Paul.  Mark this in your
calendar right now!

Tuesday, February 29, 2pm
New show, new format:  10001-1011, a review of
the "Greater New York" show at PS1.  GH and guests.
Live mix of location video and studio talking heads.

All Collider productions are netcast live from THE THING's
Chelsea studio.  Scholars and archeologists may dig for
archived shows in the [video {archive}]. All audio and video
netcasts require a real player G2.

[audio {live}]

Friday, February 25, 8pm
Live from the Guggenheim, NYC: Carsten Nicolai, Prototype1.
The Prototypes are constructed sound patterns based on sine waves
and noise constellations.  For more info on Nicolai, also known as
Noto,  visit
This netcast is a Guggenheim, e-flux and The Thing collaboration. [welcome] or find a link at the
Guggenheim website at


This website presents to you a new and fascinating product. With
VinylVideo, you can now transform your old record player and your
TV set into a brand-new home movie medium.  With the revolutionary
VinylVideo picture discs, for which numerous top-name artists have
already produced exclusive works, you can now design your own TV
viewing program featuring extraordinary picture quality. [projects]



thingist: the contemporary arts and techno culture discussion list.
No hogwash.  Pure vitamins.
To subscribe send msg to: [email protected]
and write in msg body: subscribe thingist blah wuff

das unbehagen in austria - a discussion about the political and
cultural situation in Austria.   Your host: Rainer Ganahl.
To warm up play the new Meiko and Ryu game "Austria Defend." [threads]


New and improved!  Where do you want to go today?
Selective gallery (and other artstuff) listings for greater NYC.
We blackmailed Steve Kaplan into doing it for free, so next time
he asks you to buy him a beer, buy him a beer.

Over and out!
Love, Lt. Crack

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>>domain hosting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

PS: If you forgot your password, go to [info] and click  "Password
for Dummies."   Your password will arrive within seconds., your portal to restless culture.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > > > >

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#  <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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#  more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body
#  archive: contact: [email protected]