nettime_announcer on Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:14:15 +0100 (CET)

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                 New Langton Arts <[email protected]> : REALLY WIRED   | 2 0 |
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         ctgr <[email protected]> : La Cabine Enchantee 2 sur Nirvanet-pavu   | 2 1 |
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            [email protected] : ART OPENING!!!! --- Amanda Williamson   | 2 2 |
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                 Gena Gbenga <[email protected]> : networks and markets   | 2 3 |
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           <<bernhard loibner>> <[email protected]> : THEORY MUSIC   | 2 4 |
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                       Conor McGarrigle <[email protected]> : Spook...   | 2 5 |
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March 1, 2000
Contact Leah Broder  415 626 5416 or nla_arts


REALLY WIRED: "Information Mapping at" with Alex Galloway

Tuesday, March 14  8 pm
Tickets: $5 General, $3 Langton members, students, seniors
New Langton Arts  1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco

San Francisco - On Tuesday, March 14 at 8 pm, "Information Mapping at" kicks off Langton's REALLY WIRED, an ongoing series of public
forums that addresses the matrix of art and new technologies. Audience
members can pump themselves up with coffee and donuts while artist Alex
Galloway discusses two of his interface art projects, "Starrynight" and
"Spiral," both of which creatively map the information in the Rhizome
archive at Tickets are $5 general admission, $3
Langton members, students, and seniors. New Langton Arts is located at 1246
Folsom in San Francisco. For information and reservations call 415 626 5416.

Alex Galloway's "Starrynight" and "Spiral" appear as part of "Rhizome
Remix," an artist's series designed to creatively map the information in
the Rhizome online archive. is a non-profit organization and
online magazine dedicated to fostering communication and community in the
field of new media art. Located at, the Rhizome
Artbase is an online archive of Internet art projects while the Rhizome
Contentbase archives related texts, such as articles, interviews, and
conversations. Together they function as a comprehensive resource for
information and critical writing about what's going on at the intersection
of emerging technology and contemporary art. The "Starrynight" browser
window is just that - a sky filled with stars, each representing an entry
in the Contentbase. The user clicks on a star and triggers a pop-up menu of
keywords that appear in the text entry. The user then chooses a keyword and
a constellation linking all of the stars with that word appears to help
guide him or her through the Contentbase by related texts. In this way,
navigating Rhizome's new media art archive becomes an aesthetic, engaging
experience unto itself - a new media art project in its own right.

ALEX GALLOWAY is editor of, a leading platform for new media
art. He has written on theoretical issues surrounding digital technologies
and is editing the forthcoming book "RHIZOME: Net, Art, Culture." Galloway
lectures on new media art both in the US and around Europe. On March 15 he
will participate in the "Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium" at UC

Langton's REALLY WIRED series brings professionals from a variety of
disciplines together to discuss art in our digital age. The program will
don a few different hats; three types of events will create a balanced
program and offer audiences different types of engagement with the
speakers. In the first, represented by "Information mapping at", Langton will invite prominent artists, researchers, designers
and theorists to give lectures or presentations that explore the
relationship between artists, audiences and technologies. The second REALLY
WIRED format is an informal gathering to foster conversation. Another
REALLY WIRED will take the form of an artist talk. The artist featured in
Langton's Internet exhibition program NetWork will present his or her work
and discuss the artistic issues being addressed.

* * *

New Langton Arts is funded in part by Association Fran�aise d'Action
Artistique, Banana Republic
BankAmerica Foundation, Lewis Butler, Penny and James Coulter, Cultural
Equity Grants Program of the San Francisco Arts Commission, Cultural
Services of the French Embassy, eBay Great Collections , Etant donn�s,
Penny Perlmutter Fernandez, Simon Frankel, Joseph Furlong III, Grants for
the Arts/San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund, The William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation, Jeanne Meyers, The National Endowment for the Arts Creation &
Presentation Programs, Potrero Nuevo Fund, Robert Harshorn Shimshak, Marcia
Tanner and Winsor Soule, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts,
Susan and Richard Swig Watkins, the board of directors and members of New
Langton Arts.

- end -

For more information contact Leah Broder at 415 626 5416.
If you would like to be removed from this list, reply with REMOVE in the
body of the email message.

New Langton Arts
1246 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415.626.5416 ph
415.255.1453 fx
[email protected]
Featured NetWork site:

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[ english sometimes yes !]

La Cabine Enchantee 2 sur Nirvanet-pavu

28 fevrier  00-pavu

Nirva(not)TV-pavu /
Cette semaine : �La Cabine Enchantee 2�
Trashy beach ! j vais l dire a ma mere !

SoundNation/Labels :
Cette semaine : � Recoil�
Pour ce nouveau concept-album Alan Wilder (ex-Depeche Mode) a fait appel
� Diamanda Galas, Nicole Blackman, Samantha Coerbell, Rosa Torras, The
Golden Gate Jubilee Quartet et bien d�autres. Pour un resultat fascinant
voire inqui�tant, mais toujours aussi homog�ne. Sortie le 07 mars.

Satellite-News-pavu/Transfert magazine :
Cette semaine : � Palm soigne son look et sa m�moire �
� Avis aux jeunes loups branch�s : tr�s bient�t, le vieux Palm III sera
compl�tement ringard. Les nouveaux mod�les viennent de d�barquer en

Video of the Week :
� Burning man the Experience � (Lefevre/Girodon)

Disc Of The Week :
Various Artists
Romanian Fracasniev

Le Plantage de Yahoo ! et e-Bay, ou comment affoler la NetEconomy avec
un programme � deux francs�..
Il se passe de dr�les de choses sur Internet en ce moment, c'est
pourquoi Nirvanet a d�cid� de donner la parole � Kitetoa. Kitetoa ? �
serveur de distribution de l'information �.
Ils oeuvrent depuis quelques temps sur le r�seau afin de mettre le doigt
l� o� �a fait mal, afin de nous montrer leur vision d'Internet� suite

Apres les Voyages video dans Nirva(not)TV, l'�quipe de Nirvanet vous
propose des voyages sonores, des mix accompagnant vos d�placements sur
Nirvanet, une trace musicale de ces artistes-musiciens qui hantent le
web pour le plaisir des internautes en general, pour notre plaisir,
partageons donc ces mix ensembles. Ces morceaux d'une heure environ sont
diffuses en MP3 stream�.
D�couvrez cette nouvelle console, appuyez sur direct play et laissez
vous portez...

Suprasonic 2000:
Quelques sentiments egares et retrouves pour ces 10 ans de
musique electronique. Un Suprasonic special '2K' qui a ete difficile a
resumer. Lorsque des choix aussi compliques s'imposent, on se refere a
ses emotions puisque c'est de ca qu'il s'agit,... musiques et emotions.
(alain benisty)  - (photos philippe lvi)

Nirvanet-pavu Compilation Vol 1
Une nouvelle compilation 100% Nirvanet. Decouvrez-la en ligne, puis
faites la livrer chez vous par nos partenaires CDuctive.


Nirvanet is a REEF-pavu Production : Reef-pavu and
Nirvanet-pavu are
powered by prestigious partners such as Axis, Cisco Systems, Informix,
KLELine, Macromedia, RealMedia, RealNetworks, pavu i-Booster and UUNET/Worldcom.



Pascal Joseph pavu
Nirvanet-pavu Editor

*REEF-pavu is a global provider of Internetware
for online publishing, e-commerce, Web site
administration and dynamic asset i-Boosting management.

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Amanda Williamson * Pretty Baby
Opening reception: Friday March 10 (7-10pm)
Soapbox Gallery * 65 Hope Street,Brooklyn, NY * 718.599.9411

"Sex has currency in the market and as a woman I am smart enough to enjoy
what works for me. What�s new and really valid is that I�m a smart female --
I know how it works -- I wanna play the game so�"
-- This from some girl trying to help me, oh, or was it from TV?

New feminism embraces capitalism and cleavage, wow how radical.  "The Artist
as Glamour Puss(y)." Amanda Williamson is no new feminist. Her work is a
crazed hallucination of consumer culture�s fetishized child.

In 1984 Orwell described a society which used restrictions on sexuality to
control people -- clearly he was wrong about how things work. To have
successful social engineering and propaganda corporate capitalism needs
pragmatism -- the throw the shit on the wall and see what sticks school of
advertising. Get half naked 15 year olds and then you got something. Look
around, advertising exploits our basic instincts and perverts them. As Alan
Ginsberg would say, "Anyone who wouldn�t want to fuck a 15 year old Israeli
boy is a liar." Well ok, for the flaming heterosexual male and the strict
lesbian maybe we have to add the 15 year old Israeli girl, but you get the
point. Thank you and your pragmatism Mr. Klein, Ms. Prada, Mr. Disney, and
Mr. AOL!

AOL, Disney and other "family fun" transnationals are taking the e-generation
into a Brave New World that even Huxley couldn�t predict. Former Mouseketters
are controlling the pop charts -- Underage girls churning out soft porn music
videos in the tradition of Madonna, the Spice Girl and Mariah Carey. Is this
New Feminism or a Mouseketeer reunion with the likes of 16 year old Britney
Spears' "Baby (do me) One More Time", and Christina Aguliera "What a Girl
Wants" -- both were nominated for "best new artist" at the Grammys.
congradulations to Christina -- maybe Britney's just getting too old.

As for all those poor teens left out of the club, well there�s still hope in
this Brave New World � there�s the web. Sex is the dirty (not so secret)
engine behind the World Wide Web --  The backbone of its commercial success,
if a zero sum / pyramid scheme can be called a success. There�s chat rooms
and instant messages (and porn �- endless naked teens.) There is a new
generation of girls growing up and growing crazy online. � girls of the
e-generation � brought up on the net -- having crazy life experiences far
beyond their years thanks to clever pragmatists like Steve Case CEO of AOL.
Hey what ever works! So does anyone know the web site for 15 year old Israeli
girls? Well at least I�m sure you can find one to chat to.

So if you are a pretty young puss come to Soap Box and play the game -- hey
wanna do a studio visit?

- Chris Murray

1.) The Artist Is a Glamour Puss  -- The New York Times By ELIZABETH HAYT  --
April 18, 1999, Sunday
2.) Mickey Mouse Club has also spawned some male equivalents � groups like
the Party, MMC, 'N SYNC, and the Backstreet Boys.


Amanda Williamson * Pretty Baby
Opening reception: Friday March 10 (7-10pm)

Show runs: March 11 thru  April 9
Gallery Hours: Saturdays & Sundays (Noon-5pm or by appointment)

Soapbox Gallery * 65 Hope Street,Brooklyn, NY * 718.599.9411

Directions:  L train to Lorimer St., Williamsburg
go west on Metropolitan walk under BQE expressway

turn left on Marcy then make the first right onto Hope


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an online forum presented by the Institute of International Visual Arts
(inIVA), London, and the X Art Foundation, New York

13 March - 23 May 2000


to subscribe, send an email to [email protected]
with the following single line in the message body:
subscribe iniva


This forum explores the rise of networks and markets as organising
principles of global societies, and the new forms of identification that
they bring. It explores how these forms intersect with the field of
artistic endeavour, suggesting new possibilities for cultural and
critical intervention.

Involving participation from both cultural and business communities,
Networks and Markets will take a fresh look at consumerism and explore
emerging global market ideologies in a serious and critical way. Well
aware of what Manthia Diawara describes as the declining importance of
history in the face of these market ideologies, as well as their
de-localising effects, it will stress the importance of histories and
localities in all their varied instantiations - while engaging
participation from communities and regions that are underrepresented in
net discussions.


JORDAN CRANDALL, artist and media theorist, founding editor of Blast and
director of the X Art Foundation, New York.


BRIAN HOLMES, cultural critic, translator, and member of the activist
art group Ne Pas Plier in Paris.

MARK LEONARD, director of The Foreign Policy Centre in London.

STEVE OUDITT, artist, lecturer at the Caribbean School of Architecture
in Kingston, Jamaica and Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena in
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

GILANE TAWADROS, director of the Institute of International Visual Arts
(inIVA) in London.

*Invited Guests*

~8 - 14 March~
MARIA FERNANDEZ, art historian who focuses on the intersection of Latin
American art, postcolonial theory, and electronic media theory.
FRANK POPPER, art historian, author of _Art of the Electronic Age_ .

~15 - 21 March~
OLADELE BAMGBOYE, artist with interests in the aesthetic, ethical and
philosophical relationship between the transcultured object and its
digital copy within contemporary art.

~22 - 28 March~
ARLENE GOLDBARD, writer and consultant to cultural organisations,
specialising in independent media and community-based groups.

~29 March - 4 April~
TIZIANA TERRANOVA, lecturer on digital media in the Department of
Cultural Studies at the University of East London, with interests in
digital economy, cybernetic control, technoevolutionism, and Internet

~5 - 11 April~
JERRY EVERARD, senior policy analyst and Information Warfare Adviser to
the Australian Department of Defence, author of _Virtual States: The
Internet and the Boundaries of the Nation State_.

~12 - 18 April~
DAVID GELERNTER, professor of computer science at Yale working on
parallel programming, artificial intelligence and information

~19 - 25 April~
SASKIA SASSEN, Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago,
author of works on urbanism and the global economy including
_Globalization and Its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People
and Money_.

~26 April - 2 May~
MANTHIA DIAWARA, Professor of Africana Studies at New York University,
looking at the ways in which Black cultural forms produced in
"modernity" pre-figured much of what now gets called "post-modern."

~3 - 9 May~
DAVID WHITTAKER, founding partner of Ascendant Partners Ltd. and
involved in several Internet start-ups, with an interest in art,
interactive technology, and business.

~10 - 16 May~
TIM JORDAN, lecturer in Sociology at the Open University, emphasis on
new social movements and online culture, author of _Cyberpower: The
Culture and Politics of Cyberspace and the Internet_.

~17 - 23  May~
RAVI SUNDARAM, Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Developing
Societies in Delhi and the Joint Director of the Sarai, the New Media


The Institute of International Visual Arts (, based
in London, is an organisation at the forefront of developments in
contemporary visual art, new technologies and cultural diversity.  The
X-Art Foundation (, based in New York, furthers
critical work on technology and culture, primarily through the online
forums of Blast.

For further information, please contact Jordan Crandall at
[email protected].

A book version of Networks and Markets will be published.


to subscribe to Networks and Markets, send an email to
[email protected]
with the following single line in the message body:
subscribe iniva

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"Theory Music" is a collection of sound works by Bernhard Loibner. These
works were created originally for Kunstradio, a weekly radio art program
on the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, and for other related network
projects. "Theory Music" was released on CD as part of Edition
Kunstradio in February 2000. The on-line version is available at: .

"Theory Music" is comprised of sonic treatments of texts spoken by their
authors, and of found voice material from radio and other sources. The
voices were chosen first, the musical compositions were built around
this material. I used various strategies to make the speech musical.

The title describes what this project is about--that is the fusion of
'theory' and 'music'. In the tracks of this CD, these normally discrete
entities work with, within and against each other. After more than 4
years of work with these voices and sounds it has become impossible for
me to distinguish between the 'theory' and the 'music' within these
tracks. This blurring of normally separate domains was one of the goals
of the project.

The placement of the word 'theory' in front of 'music' should be read as
a sign that music, despite its abstract nature, can and does reflect
certain political, social or economic issues. This is certainly the case
for electronic or digital music, which deals necessarily and elastically
with the frenzy of constantly evolving hardware and software.

During the course of this project's development, it has become
increasingly obvious that the emerging, maturing techno-culture has
defined itself as an ideology-free zone. "Theory Music" exists in the
divide between a fun-loving culture (as understood by those who live it)
and the reflections of a somewhat distant intellectual community that
writes volumes of essays attempting to interpret this cultural
phenomenon. My own work oscillates between these poles. I am fascinated
by the beats of the techno-culture but feel the need for observation and
analysis of this culture's substance. There is no better demonstration
of the rapid, massive change caused by new technologies in our
increasingly disintegrated societies. This music, my choice of sonic
modifications--the techniques I use to manipulate the source
material--delivers thoughts about this culture.

Consumption seems to be the common denominator in this disjointed world.
This is certainly true for a techno-culture being commercialized at
breath-taking speed.  What began as just an expression of a 'moderately'
different way of life has quickly ended up being the marching orders for
various techno 'parades'. The ideology-free zone gets stuffed with
products which ideally exist within a certain "semantic fuzziness
between its slogan and the projected image" (1), amplified by a
marketing cult which leads to a "quasi religious devotion to certain
products or product groups" (2).

Jaques Attali shows (3) that tracing the social and economic status of
music through history enables us to observe general changes that develop
in other parts of society later on. Mass production; the decreasing
significance of a product itself in favor of distribution and marketing;
the transformation of counter- and protest culture into mass culture;
the metamorphosis of cultural diversity into easy-to-consume uniformity:
the music and entertainment industry has shown us the way...

In the emerging digital economy, music is again the avant garde. Since
the introduction of the Compact Disk in the early 1980's, music has been
more purely digital than any other commodity. It is no surprise that
music is the test pilot for the new forms of on-line distribution and

"Theory Music" is not designed to render a consistent, analytical
picture of these complex socio-economic changes. It is a stack of
descriptions from different worlds, writing and speaking, and sound and
music. It is a dialogue between modes of perception and nodes of
communication. In this era of mediated culture the contemporary artist
has an essential role to play, as an observer, commentator and
transformer. It is always important to pay attention to how artists
respond to new technologies, to listen to what they say when they deal
with change, to watch how they sometimes retreat into traditional
territory, and how they claim new media as their field of operation.
This is what "Theory Music" is about.


(1) Robert Adrian, The Real Thing, in "Medienkultur", Memesis - Die
Zukunft der Evolution, Ars Electronica 1996
(2) Norbert Bolz, Die Sinngesellschaft, Econ Verlag
(3) Jacques Attali, Noise - The Political Economy of Music, University
of Minnesota Pres

 Bernhard Loibner
 [email protected]

 "Komponieren ist ein Synonym f�r komputieren."
 Villem Flusser

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a new online project by Conor McGarrigle


+ On 1st June 1999 an unusual pattern of hits from military servers was
noticed on the Stunned ArtZine site.

+ A high level of activity was noticed from one server in particular. In
an attempt to find out the reason for this we decided to find out where
else this server had been and who else they were looking at. It was time
to watch the watchers.

+ A server trace was initiated using the Stunned Spook-Bot . Spook-Bot
over time tracked this military server's path through the net, mapping
and logging it's activities. Spook.... uses as it's raw material the
traces of movement through the web, it discovers tracks and traces left
behind and analyses these for patterns which reveal purpose. The
resulting data forms the basis of Spook...

+ Spook... is a distributed net project which explores issues of
surveillance, tracking and covert activity on the web in an interactive
website based on the conventions of computer games.

+ Spook presents in excess of 50 sites visited by the same server and
we invite users to help us establish the connections between these sites
and post their theories to the Spook... site. Spook is an ongoing
project and users can  nominate their favourite military servers to be
tracked by the Spook-Bot to be added to the site.



Stunned ArtZine

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