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<nettime> Marshal law in Bolivia |
date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 19:01:11 EDT from: [email protected] subject: [apf] Fwd: [radyouth] Fwd: please react and spread to: [email protected], [email protected] reply To: [email protected] --------------- Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 11:01:38 -0600 From: Ethan Jones <[email protected]> Subject: [radyouth] Fwd: please react and spread To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected] Reply To: [email protected] ------- The Just Before Twilight Zone 2000 is up and running! Come visit! http://www.crosswinds.net/~ejones42 McReynolds-Hollis 2000! Vote Socialist! http://www.votesocialist.org "In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --Douglas Adams --- Forwarded Message --- To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: please react and spread Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 15:19:37 EDT I am transmitting this appeal from the London office of War Resisters International to a number of lists. Fraternally, David McReynolds << Dear all: Please do not delete. Try to react. Some info also in Spanish at the end of the e-mail. Thanks. Roberta ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 06:41:27 -0700 From: Brian Hill <[email protected]> From: Richard K. Moore <[email protected]> >From: Charles <[email protected]> >From: Thomas Kruse <[email protected]> > >Dear Friends: > > Just a few hours ago Bolivia was declared under martial law. >People are being arrested, the army is occupying the streets, human >rights offices are being invaded by government agents, radio stations >are being closed by the military and huge sections of the city have >had their electrical power cut (I had to leave home to find a computer >that was still charged to write this). > > The situation is grave and we need help to get the story out. >Please share the brief article below as far and wide as you can with >anyone who will publish or broadcast it. My own media list is in >a computer which I can't access. For the time being I can still be >reached at 591-4-290-725. I will try to send updates as the situation >allows. Please do not worry for our safety, my family and I are >fine and keeping well away from the violence. IF YOU RESPOND, PLEASE >RESPOND TO THE EMAIL BELOW, NOT THE RETURN ON THIS ONE. > > Jim Shultz > The Democracy Center > [email protected] > >BOLIVIA UNDER MARTIAL LAW > > As of 10 am Saturday morning Bolivia was declared under martial >law by President Hugo Banzer. The drastic move comes at the end of a >week of protests, general strikes, and transportation blockages that >have left major areas of the country at a virtual standstill. It also >follows, by just hours, the surprise announcement by state officials >yesterday afternoon that the government would concede to the protests' >main demands, to break a widely-despised contract under which the city >of Cochabamba's public water system was sold off to foreign investors >last year. The concession was quickly reversed by the national >government, and the local governor resigned, explaining that he didn't >want to take responsibility for bloodshed that might result. > >Banzer, who ruled Bolivia as a dictator from 1971-78, has taken an >action that suspends almost all civil rights, disallows gatherings >of more than four people and puts severe limits on freedom of the >press. One after another, local radio stations have been taken >over by military forces or forced off the air. Reporters have been >arrested The neighborhood where most of the city's broadcast antennas >are located had its power shut off at approximately noon local time. >Through the night police searched homes for members of the widely- >backed water protests, arresting as many as twenty. The local >police chief has been instated by the President as governor of the >state. Blockades erected by farmers in rural areas continue across >the country, cutting off some cities from food and transportation. >Large crowds of angry residents, many armed with sticks and rocks are >massing on the city's center where confrontations with military and >police are escalating. > >Tom Kruse >Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia >TelFax: (591-4) 248242, 500849 >TelCel: 017-22253 >Email: [email protected] > >===================================================================== ======= >Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2000 08:47:07 -0400 >To: [email protected] >From: fran~don <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: Stopping Colombian Minister destroying Native peoples' > habitat >Cc: [email protected] >Mime-Version: 1.0 > >---<fwd>---- > >The (Colombian) Minister of the Emvironment, JUAN MAYR, is refusing >to recognise the rights of the Embera Katio Indians who have walked >800 kms to talk to him , and have set up camp outside his office in >Bogota. The Goverment, supported by the paramilitaries, (equivalent >to theBlack and Tans) began flooding their tribal lands without >relocating the Indians, who demand that; > 1 the Government should urgently resolve the ecological problems >cause by the Sinu River, which is resulting in famine downstream of >the dam > > 2. their rights be respected as guaranteed in International Law > >Amnesty International issued an urgent action on 9 March 2000 for >fear for the safety/possible disappearnce of JAIRO BEDOYA HOYOS, an >Indigenous Rights activist who was working for the security and >protection of the Emberra Tribe, which exposed him to attack from >unknown (as yet) armed forces > >Not only is this Minister supporting oil exploration on the ancestral >lands of the famous UWA tribe, (NE Colombia), he has openly granted >approval for goldmining in the river Caqueta in the South and the use >of MERCURY in the process is poisoning all the river life as it runs >into the Amazon system > >PATRICK VON HILDREBRAND, an environmentalist, (brother of Martin, >winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize for his work with Indians in >the Amazon) has been working for years in the pristine reserve in >Lower Caqueta. At this moment, his life is in danger for speaking out >on this issue. > >We are ALL connected and this further pollution of `the Lungs of the >World' is an outrage in this supposed enlightened age of the 3rd >Millennium. > >Urgent international action is needed against the actions of this >Minister of the Environment. He has two more years to serve and will >no doubt wreak more destruction. Protesters in Colombia are >silenced or killed. > >Please do what you can to highlight this grave situation by writing >to your M.P.s, Senators, M.E.P.s, Cabinet Ministers etc., the media >and any one of the following: > >1. Dr. JUAN MAYR, Ministro del Medio Ambiente, Calle 37 No 7 - 76 >Bogota, Colombia [email protected] > >2. Dr. Humberto Martinez, Ministro del Interior, Carrera 8, >no 8 - 09, Bogota, Colombia > >3. The Rt. Hon. Robin Cook, MP, PC., Foreign Secretary, House of >Commons, London SW1. > >4. Margot Wallstrom, D.G. for the Environment, 200 Rue de la >Loi, B-1049, Brussels Belgium. [email protected] > > >@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ > >P.S. The Atlanta Foundation produces a monthly newletter about >trying to `green' Colombia and it is well worth joininh their mailing >list via >Mary Kelly, Atlantis House, Burtonport, Co Donegal, Eire >[email protected] >--- >E-Mail: [email protected] >The National Music Trust Project > > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Don Chisholm 613 476 1700 fax 476 6331 >http://home.ican.net/~donchism/dchome.html >GPC http://www.enviroweb.org/gaia-pc/ > * "Our ignorance is not so vast as, * > our failure to use what we know." > M.K. Hubert >"The fact that this has not happened before says > nothing about what's needed now for survival." > R. Theobald 99 >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ En castellano Equipo Nizkor Derechos Human Rights Serpaj Europa Solidaridad Urgente 10abr00 CONTINZA EL ESTADO DE SITIO Y LAS MEDIDAS REPRESIVAS DE CONTROL POLMTICO-SOCIAL. El estado de sitio continza vigente. Se estan dando enfrentamientos violentos al Norte de la Paz, tras los cuales Monseqor Jeszs Juarez declars que cuatro personas habman muerto. En Cochabamba se ha anunciado que Aguas del Tunari ha decidido dejar Bolivia, pero este anuncio no ha encontrado credulidad entre la poblacisn que ha salido a las calles y los ciudadanos que han venido bloqueando las principales arterias de entrada y salida a la ciudad. Los miembros de la Coordinadora, coalicisn de organizaciones civiles que lidera las acciones, se ven abocados a desarrollar su trabajo en la clandestinidad. Han anunciado que su resistencia continuara hasta que reciban una confirmacisn firme del acuerdo alcanzado con Aguas del Tunari. El Gobierno de la nacisn dice que enviara una delegacisn a Cochabamba maqana por la maqana (10abr00). Entre tanto, la APDHC ha sido informada de que tropas militares se encaminan a Cochabamba procedentes de lugares tan remotos como Beni (al Noreste del pams) En este momento, las preocupaciones principales de la APDHC son las siguientes: 1) Que las 17 personas arrestadas en la madrugada del sabado sean liberadas y devueltas a sus lugares de origen. Estas personas estan confinadas en una zona aislada del pams, San Joaquin. MIEMBROS DE LA COORDINADORA DETENIDOS Y TRASLADADOS A SAN JOAQUIN: 1. Gabriel Herbas, Presidente del Foro Cochabambino del Medio Ambiente; 2. Walter Antezana, Ejecutivo de la Central Obrera Departamental; 3. Emilio Sejas, Ejecutivo de Transporte Pesado de Cochabamba OTROS LMDERES DETENIDOS Y TRASLADADOS A SAN JOAQUIN: 1. Ascencio Picha, Dirigente del Tropico de Cochabamba; 2. Angel Claure; 3. Sacarias Pereira; 4. Victor Cossio; 5. Francisco Partis; 6. Santiago Gareca; 7. Victor Nina; 8. Enriqueta Imaca; 9. Emilio Rodriquez; 10. Filomeno Rivera; 11. Felipe Flores; 12. Osvaldo Toco; 13. Juan Yapura; 14. Pedro Soto; 2) Que el estado de sitio sea levantado y que a los lmderes que se han visto abocados a la clandestinidad les sea permitido volver a sus hogares y con sus familias. Nos preocupa en concreto el peligro que corre su seguridad personal en este momento. Hemos visto coches de policma no identificados circulando por la ciudad. Estimamos firmemente que los lmderes siguientes estan en peligro y pedimos a las organizaciones internacionales de derechos humanos que envmen cartas a las direcciones reseqadas mas abajo. En el mensaje ha de especificar que Vd. esta al corriente de la persecucisn de lmderes en Cochabamba y esta siguiendo de cerca la situacisn: Oscar Olivera, Ejecutivo de Federacion de Fabriles; Gonzalo Maldonado, Diputado National; Evo Morales, Diputado National; Samuel Soria, Miembro de Colegio de Economistas de Cbba.; Omar Fernandez, Dirigente Campesino de Regantes; Moises Torrez, Ejecutivo de la Federacion de Campesinos; Carmen Paredo, Dirigente de Regantes; Jose Luis Nunez, Secretario de la Central Obrera Departamental; Guillermo Lora, Ejecutive de la Federacion de Maestros TAMBIIN LOS MIEMBROS DE LA APDHC ESTAN EN PELIGRO. APDHC, 9 de abril de 2000 -------------------------------------------------------- POR FAVOR DIRIGIR LAS COMUNICACIONES A: Secretaria Privada de la Presidencia de la Repzblica Patricia Banzer de Valle Palacio de Gobierno, La Paz Tfno.: +591-2-359779 Fax: +591-2-391216 Sr. Walter Guiteras Ministro de Gobierno Av. Arce No. 2409 esq. Belisario Salinas, La Paz, Tfno.: +591-2-371334 s 440466 Sr. Jorge Crespo Velasco Ministro de Defensa Nacional Av. 20 de Octubre esq. P.Salazar P. 6 Tfono: +591-2-431183 s 431364 Fax: +591-2-433159 Sr. Juan Antonio Chahmn Lupo Ministro de Justicia y Derechos Humanos Av. 16 de Julio No. 1769, El Prado Tfno.: +591-2-373620 s 361037 Fax: +591-2-392982 Sra. Ana Marma de Campero Defensorma del Pueblo de Bolivia La Paz Tfno./Fax: +591-0811-3538 Mailto: [email protected] (Oficina Central La Paz) Mailto: [email protected] (Cochabamba) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PARA MAYOR INFORMACISN: Asamblea Permanente de los Derechos Humanos de Cochabamba - APDHC Tfno./Fax: +591 42 52835 s +591 42 91533, Mailto: [email protected] o Mailto: [email protected] s Mailto: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAS INFORMACISN SOBRE DERECHOS HUMANOS: - Derechos Humanos en Bolivia (Informes de organismos de derechos humanos, resoluciones de organismos internacionales, etc.) >> -- To unsubscribe, send email to [email protected] with "unsubscribe" in the Subject line. 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