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From: "." <[email protected]> Subject: Dalla diserzione della cultura alla corporeit� insurrezionale From: [email protected] (by way of Eric Kluitenberg) Subject: [alternativenews] AIC's Information Service-New Website From: [email protected] Subject: LAST CHANCE TO BUY TICKETS FOR JULY 4TH GALA From: Menschenfeind <[email protected]> Subject: ROSEMARY MALIGN / DR.RANDALL PHILLIP From: jerome joy <[email protected]> Subject: |||radiolab22|||marconiland|||des tas d'endroits||| From: liz <[email protected]> Subject: 6th of July 2000 From: "Axel Bruns" <[email protected]> Subject: New issue of M/C now online: 'speed' From: "Luchezar Boyadjiev" <[email protected]> Subject: COOPERATIV. Kunstdialoge Ost-West, Stadthaus Ulm, July From: Kathy Cleland <[email protected]> Subject: Cyber Cultures: Sustained Release launch From: McKenzie Wark <[email protected]> Subject: Fact or Friction? From: McKenzie Wark <[email protected]> Subject: INVITATION: UNCHAIN MY MIND : Ideas for Labor Forum, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: "." <[email protected]> Subject: Dalla diserzione della cultura alla corporeit� insurrezionale Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 18:34:56 +0200 Sabato 1=B0 luglio dalle ore 14 a Villa Serena di Bologna si terr=E0 un incontro sull'opera di Giorgio Cesarano. Interverranno: - Jacques Camatte (in francese) Fondatore e direttore dal 1968 della rivista "Invariance". In italiano sono stati pubblicati diversi libri tra cui La mistificazione democratica, La Vecchia Talpa, 1974; Comunit=E0 e comunismo in Russia, Jaca Book, 1975; Il capitale totale, Dedalo, 1976; Verso la comunit=E0 umana, Jaca Book, 1978; Il disvelamento, La Pietra, 1978; Comunit=E0 e divenire, Gemeinwesen, 2000; Dialogando con la vita, Colibr=EC, 2000 (in preparazione). - Piero Coppo [email protected] Neuropsichiatra e psicoterapeuta, ha fatto parte del gruppo Ludd - Consigli Proletari. Ha scritto, oltre a numerosi articoli su riviste scientifiche italiane ed estere, Psicopatologia del non vissuto quotidiano. Appunti per il superamento della psicologia e per la realizzazione della salute, Varani, 1980; Guaritori di Follia. Storie dell'altopiano dogon, Boringhieri, 1994; Etnopsichiatria, il Saggiatore, 1996; Passaggi. Elementi di critica dell'antropologia occidentale, Colibr=EC, 1998. Attualmente lavora sui dispositivi di trance di gruppo in Italia e all'estero. - Joe Fallisi [email protected] Ha partecipato all'esperienza di Ludd - Consigli Proletari ed =E8 stato uno tra i fondatori dell'Accademia dei Testardi. Ha collaborato alla rivista Maelstrom. Autore assieme a Cesarano, Gianoberto Gallieri ed Eddie Ginosa di Tattica e strategia del capitalismo avanzato nelle sue linee di tendenza (1969) e con Cesarano e Coppo del pamphlet Cronaca di un ballo mascherato (1974, rist. Varani 1983). Ha scritto Dialogo tra due amici che non dimenticano (Nuova Ipazia 1990) e curato la pubblicazione di Indirizzo a tutti coloro che non vogliono gestire le nocivit=E0 ma sopprimerle (Nuova Ipazia 1991). - Mario Lippolis [email protected] Ha partecipato a Ludd - Consigli Proletari e al gruppo informale Accademia dei Testardi. Ha partecipato ai tre numeri della rivista Maelstrom (1984-87). Ha scritto e pubblicato Ben venga maggio e 'l gonfalon selvaggio (1987), Dizionarietto ad uso dei comitati di base della scuola (1988), L'immaterialismo scientifico (1993), De Rerum Natura (1995). Ha curato la raccolta completa dell'Internazionale situazionista per Nautilus. - Renato Varani [email protected] Tra i principali editori della... sovversione in Italia. Ha pubblicato testi fondamentali della corrente comunista radicale negli ultimi venticinque anni. Da sempre =E8 renitente a ogni ideologia. - Paolo Ranieri [email protected] Bestemmiatore gastrosofo ha partecipato alle esperienze di Ludd - Consigli Proletari, Comontismo e Accademia dei Testardi. Ha scritto con Claudio Albertani e Massimo Boldrini E vennero come il vento, Roberto Massari, 1997. e, naturalmente, chiunque lo voglia. Giorgio Cesarano (1928-1975) ha pubblicato le raccolte di poesie L'erba bianca (pref. di Franco Fortini), La pura verit=E0, La tartaruga di Jastov, Romanzi naturali; gli sceneggiati televisivi Il mestiere di vincere, I Nicotera (con Luciano Bianciardi), Con rabbia e con dolore, La carriera (con Giovanni Raboni); il romanzo I giorni del dissenso sugli scontri di Milano e il dramma politico Il soggetto, sulla morte di Che Guevara. Nel 1969, assieme a Joe Fallisi, Eddie Ginosa e altri forma il nucleo milanese del gruppo "Ludd - Consigli Proletari". Immediata comprensione e denuncia della matrice e degli scopi della strage di Piazza Fontana nel volantino Bombe, sangue, capitale. Con Joe Fallisi, Gianoberto Gallieri e Eddie Ginosa scrive Tattica e strategia del capitalismo avanzato nelle sue linee di tendenza. Incontro-convivenza a Pieve di Compito (LU) con Riccardo d'Este che si conclude senza rancori. Comincia la stesura di Per la critica dell'utopia capitalista, che sarebbe divenuta poi l'incompiuta Critica dell'utopia capitale. Nel 1973 compare Apocalisse e rivoluzione, firmato con Gianni Collu, e l'anno seguente il Manuale di sopravvivenza. Con Piero Coppo e Fallisi scrive il pamphlet Cronaca di un ballo mascherato. Nel 1975 scrive Provocazione per presentare il nucleo omonimo. Si suicida sparandosi al cuore. Per informazioni: Villa Serena via della Barca 1 - Bologna Autobus 14, fermata Ghisello Tel. 051-6152598 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:17:02 +0200 From: [email protected] (by way of Eric Kluitenberg) Subject: [alternativenews] AIC's Information Service-New Website AIC's Information Service-New Website The Alternative Information Center's new, comprehensive website is now on line. The website is a meeting point between information and activism. Based in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, the AIC is a Palestinian- Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis based on the values of social justice, solidarity and community involvement. On the Website: AIC Activities-Campaigns, Tours, Lectures Extensive NGO Links Resource Center-Relevant Documents of the Conflict AIC Special Reports The Other Front-Weekly News on Palestine and Israel News From Within--Monthly Magazine About the AIC-Mission, Staff, Board, Annual Report AIC Internship and Volunteer Opportunities Find us at: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: [email protected] Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:33:48 EDT Subject: LAST CHANCE TO BUY TICKETS FOR JULY 4TH GALA $20.00 Advance Tickets will be sold for NY Arts & Entertainment News' SIXTEENTH ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY CHARITY AUCTION & WATERFRONT GALA benefitting HARLEM HOSPITAL PEDIATRICS WARD on Monday, July 3, 2000 6:00 PM until Midnight TRIAD's 158 West 72nd Street, NYC. (bet. Broadway & Columbus Ave.) If you can not attend on July 4th, please stop by Triad's, have a drink, listen to great jazz music, meet some nice folks, and make a tax-dediuctible donation to Harlem Hospital. Any amount will be GREATLY appreciated. Or you can mail-in a donation at your convenience to: c/o Friends of Harlem Hospital, Harlem Hospital, 508 Lenox Ave., New York, NY 10037. Make check payable to: "Harlem Hospital." In the memo, write: "NYAENEWS 7/4/00 Fundraiser." Cash is required for Tickets. In the rush of everyday business, it is sometimes easy to forget simple courtesies, especially to friends. Therefore, we would like to take this time to say thank you for your continued support of Harlem Hospital and our July 4th event. --NYAENEWS **************************** NY Arts & Entertainment News cordially invites you to attend the [Unable to display image] SIXTEENTH ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY CHARITY AUCTION & WATERFRONT GALA TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2000 4:00 - 10:00 P.M. at 40 WATERSIDE PLAZA (East 23rd Street Marina @ The F.D.R. Drive, NYC) to benefit HARLEM HOSPITAL'S PEDIATRICS WARD Includes: Ringside Seats to Macy's Fireworks Extravaganza. Scenic NYC Skyline & Riverview from Waterside Plaza. Open Bar. Scrumptious Dinner. Activities for the Kids. Charity Auction and Raffle featuring Fabulous Items. Entertainment. DJ Daddy Neil spinning the Best R&B, Hip Hop, Reggae, Salsa and House Music. Tax-deductible Tickets: $20 per person in advance; $30 @ door; $5 per child (under 2 years old free; 13 years old and/or 4 ft. tall and over considered adults). Advance ticket purchase and early arrival recommended. Be a Corporate Sponsor! Donate a monetary gift, products or services valued at $500 or more and receive advertising to an elite audience and tickets for July 4th. For Tickets, Sponsorship and more information, please call Penelope Bunn at (212) 725-9272. JULY 4TH IMPORTANT INFORMATION: EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE RAIN OR SHINE. NAUTIC AL ATTIRE. BRING THIS INVITATION WITH YOU. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Travel Directions: Mass Transit: Any bus or train to 34th Street. Take M-16 Bus "To Waterside" (on eastbound side of 34th Street) to last stop. By Car: In Manhattan. Take The Drive (Eastside Hwy.) to 23rd Street Exit. See Gulf Gas Station. Garage parking available @ Waterside for early birds ($15) or park in the Teens along First & Second Avenues. As usual, our area is directly behind Building 40 on the Waterfront. Ask Security for directions. TO AVOID THE CROWD, PLAN TO ARRIVE BEFORE 6:00 P.M. If you arrive after 6:00 P.M., our Hosts will meet you at the police barricade at 23rd Street & The F.D.R. Drive up until 8:00 P.M. The Hosts will display NYAENEWS ID and escort you to the party site. If you don't have a Ticket, you must present this invitation and purchase your Ticket(s) from the Host at that time. NO COMP LIST -- NO EXCEPTIONS. ADMITTANCE CANNOT BE GUARANTEED AFTER 8:00 P.M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Menschenfeind <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 16:56:52 -0500 Subject: ROSEMARY MALIGN / DR.RANDALL PHILLIP Remove Instructions: This list is being sent to those that have visited the menschenfeind site or related sites. if you do not want to receive info related to extreme/underground music and culture, reply to [email protected] This email is meant only for those who have expressed an interest in the label, mag.,or other affiliated groups. If you feel you name was added by mistake reply to the above address for immediate removal. "F*ck is a Tour de Force of Ugliness that tests the limits of the first amendment. Reading Fuck is like being gang raped. You are guaranteed to be offended & you'll probably want to put up money to have Mr. Phillips face bashed in." -- extracted from the philadelphia welcomat Rosemary Malign & The Eugenics Council / Randall Phillip Split Cd Now Available CREDIT CARDS NOW ACCEPTED ONLINE AND OVER THE PHONE EUGENICS COUNCIL/RANDALL PHILIP SPLIT CD After being turned away from more then one pressing plant due to the harsh content, and graphic artwork The Cd will finally be made available. It contains material from the Eugenics Council's limited edition cdr "Genocide Now" along with all new material. Rosemary has recently been featured on the Susan Lawly Release "Extreme Music From Women" her Track Produced by William Bennet of Whitehouse. She will also be in the upcoming Feral House publication "Apocalypse Culture". Any one who is familiar with Dr. Randall Phillip's magazine "F*ck", his Book "Extermination Zone", or His movie "Tape Terror" will enjoy his audio work. For those not familiar with Dr. Phillip, prepare yourself for one of the most brutal writer/artist of the century. Dr. Phillips writing can also be found in "Answer Me 4", and he will be making an appearance on the jerry Springer show to share his expertise on cults(Date will be posted when available). "Well, if you're a sucker for brutal, cynical and controversial projects, look no further: here the duo Eugenics Council teams up with the infamous Randall Phillip, editor of the (euphemistically speaking) extreme fanzine Fuck�. What you get is a long ear-splitting and stomach-revolting bad trip through the destruction of almost every possible target of anti-PC hysteria" --Eugenio Maggi from an Italian music mag Due To a mishap at the pressing plant 2 different versions of this cd are available The first cd comes packaged in jewel cases and contains alternate mixes / mastering of some songs. The 2nd cd is packaged in vinyl bags and features original mixes of the songs. A 3rd cd is available only to distributors. It is the exact same cd as the one packaged in jewel cases, the only difference is the edited artwork. Promos Anyone interested in reviewing the cd, or would like a copy for airplay can can contact [email protected] Purchase prices are postage paid in U.S.A Foreigners add $3 Vinyl packaged Cd $7.00 wholesale price $4 minimum of 5 cds Jewel Case Cd $9.00 wholesale price $6 minimum of 5 cds order both and receive a FREE copy of Fuck Magazine Menschenfeind Productions Po Box 13207 St.louis mo 63157 voice mail / fax 132-020-76343 (as odd as it looks it does work) ORDER ONLINE REVIEWS MENSCHENFEIND PRODUCTIONS FUCK MAGAZINE EUGENICS COUNCIL Menschenfeind Productions is an independent label and distro that deals with Extreme music and culture. About once a month an email is sent out to those who have expressed interest in the organization, or affiliated groups. MENSCHENFEIND PRODUCTIONS FUCK MAGAZINE EUGENICS COUNCIL If mail bounces resend to [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 11:42:48 +0100 From: jerome joy <[email protected]> Subject: |||radiolab22|||marconiland|||des tas d'endroits||| sat|zat|sam -01-07-000- 20.00 CET (radiolab22) -featuring- 20.00 : Collective radio Marconiland : Ned Bouhalassa (Montreal, Canada) Histoires accelerees 20.35 : Radiolab (Bruxelles) tinkers with the archives of Radio Centraal (Antwerpen) 21.00 : Des tas d'endroits / Bruxelles horizon 2000 : Cinema Nova, seconde partie (realisation et presentation Serge Le Mans) 22.00 : end sat|zat|sam -01-07-000- 20.00 CET realaudio stream on & & radio campus 107.2 fm in brussels later on FM BRUSSEL Brussel/Bruxelles, 106.5 FM, sam/zat/sat, 12.00-14.00 RADIO PANIK Bruxelles/Brussel, 105.4 FM, mar/din/tue, 18.00-20.00 & jeu/don/thur 16.00-18.00 RUN Namur, 106.4 FM, lun/ma/mon, 23.00-01.00 CENTRAAL Antwerpen, 103.9 FM, nachten/nights/nuits RADIO SUD Florenville, 105 FM, dim/zon/sun, 18.30-20.30 HELLENA Louvain-la-Neuve, 104.8 FM, jeu/don/thu, 23.00-01.00 OSR Soignies, 101.6 FM, ven/vri/fri, 19.00-21.00 URGent Gent, 107.7 FM, don/jeu/thu, 24.00-02.00 SCORPIO Leuven, 106 FM jerome joy ... ::: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 23:58:43 +0200 From: liz <[email protected]> Subject: 6th of July 2000 Other Voices. Echoes From a Warzone. * CD - Presentation and Discussion 6th of July 2000 - 8 pm live online: live onsite: Radiocafe, Atgentinierstr. 30a, A - 1040 Vienna Gordan Paunovic (freeb92, Head of New Media and Radioartist, Belgrade) Veran Matic (President ANEM, Belgrade) Jasmina Tesanovic (Writer, Belgrade) Ivan Ivanji (Writer, Vienna/Belgrade) Gerfried Stocker (Artistic Director AEC, Linz) The CD version of the Live Radio- and Internetproject Other Voices. Echoes From a Warzone., which has taken place in April 1999, consists of various materials and pieces, which were also used during the Liveproject, e.g. the Internetdiaries of Jasmina Tesanovic, Lacrimosa by Ivana Stefanovic, Concerto Crosso Balcanico by Arsenije Jovanovic, sounds from the Real Audio Live stream coming from Belgrade during the bombardment,...... The CD Other Voices. Echoes From a Warzone. is a coproduction of Kunstradio and freeB92. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: "Axel Bruns" <[email protected]> Subject: New issue of M/C now online: 'speed' Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 13:36:22 +1000 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 2 July 2000 The Media and Cultural Studies Centre at the University of Queensland is proud to present issue three in volume three of the award-winning M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture PLEASE NOTE THE NEW ADDRESS: UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS! 'speed' - Issue Editors: Guy Redden & Sean Aylward Smith Speed is a drug: it gets us up, gets us going, gets us going somewhere, but where and why remain unanswered questions. Speed is one of the defining metaphors of contemporary life in advanced capitalist economies: the speed of the stock market, the speed of technological change, the speed of associated cultural, social and economic change. Speed is dis-ease: television advertisements promote medicinal treatments for, musical respites and holiday escapes from the speed of the rat-race; New Age therapies promise to bring eternity back to dizzy souls; and commentators lament the lagging speed of their own countries in the face of global economic growth whilst politicians exhort their constituents to pick up the pace of social and economic innovation. Speed infests all forms of life under contemporary capitalism: it defines our drugs, from caffeine and guarana to the more effective illegal barbituates; it defines our workplaces, from productivity increases to the musings of time and motion specialists; it defines our ambitions and desires, from greater clockspeed in our computers and the permanent availability afforded by the mobile phone to the phantasmal dreams of investors for unbridled and unfettered capital flows. Speed is also, with direction, one half of velocity, which takes us somewhere -- but where is this increasing speed taking us? The rate of change of velocity defines acceleration: are things speeding up, or are they just changing direction? Speed also constitutes part of momentum, which, as Heisenberg famously defined, is at some level impossible to know if a particle's position is known. Does this mean we can't know where were going if we know where we are or at what speed we're getting there? Can we make sense of the blur? M/C's 'speed' issue offers a variety of approaches to these and other questions. Here's what's included in the issue: "'The Ministers of Locomotion': Some Historical Speculations on Velocity Culture" Esther Milne takes a historical perspective on the perceptual reconfigurations of space and time that come with changes in communications and transport technologies, and identifies a long tradition of commentary on communication technologies, which sets up themes that are still applied today. "Racing Berlin: The Games of Run Lola Run" Claudia Mesch takes us into the Berlin of Tom Tykwer's recent movie Run Lola Run, playfully using the multiple narrative style of the movie. "The Uncertainty Principle: Paul Virilio's 'The Information Bomb'" John Armitage reflects upon Paul Virilio's current thinking about speed, digital technologies and the state of the world. "Identities without a Reference: Towards a Theory of Posthuman Identity" Sadeq Rahimi explores the shrinking of time and the virtualisation of space to question how identity is redefined in the postmodern condition. "Waiting for Instantaneity" Maya Drozdz reflects upon the temporal paradoxes of cyberspace, questioning Virilio's and Baudrillard's suppositions of realtime mediation by arguing that movement in cyberspace is "subordinate to connection speed and loadtime". "Cyberhate and Performative Speech in Accelerated Time(s)" Kate Eichhorn examines the speed of the Net, applying it to arguments about the effectivity of hate speech and showing how the "speed and subsequent loss of orientation" that Virilio associates with virtual environments may actually prove the grounds for its recuperation. "Book of the Undead" Writing at the time of millennium fever McKenzie Wark takes a 'detour' away from the incessant media multiplication of a single moment by contemplating the enduring architectural media of ancient Egypt. "Speed" Brian Ward draws our attention to the social and cultural experience of speed, and the ways to which speed is the result of an obsession, under capitalist rationalities, with notions of progress, advancement and unique sensation. "Arresting Fast Food" Gwendolyn Stansbury argues against the speed of contemporary life: extrapolating the Slow Food movement's critique of fast food, she posits the negative effect that the modern pace of life has on the communal experience of preparing and eating food together. "Fleshing Out the Maelstrom: Biopunk and the Violence of Information" Paul Taylor shows how the recent Biopunk fiction of Jeff Noon and Michael Marshall Smith plays out a contemporary ontological confusion between the physical and the informational. "Directions for Cyberculture in the New Economy" Finally, as a special feature this issue, we bring you a recording of a seminar recently presented by the noted Dutch media activist and theorist Geert Lovink at the Media and Cultural Studies Centre at the University of Queensland. Greg Hearn and David Marshall respond to Lovink's views, and a lively audience discussion, ranging from AOL users to cyberwarriors, follows. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And in other news, recently published M/C Reviews articles include: "The Reich Stuff: Ensemble Modern's 'Music for Eighteen Musicians'" by Catherine Howell "'Bats': Waste-Deep in Guano" by Kelly McWilliam "When the Front-Line Is Too Close to Home: 'The War Zone'" by Kate Douglas "'The Filth and the Fury'" by Kim Wilkins "Report from the Virtual Society? Get Real! Virtual Society? Conference in England, May 2000" by Nicola D�ring These -- and more -- are available in M/C Reviews at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - About the Australian Public Intellectual Network: The API Network links Australian Public Intellectuals across the nation. It is dedicated to public intellectual debate in Australia and incorporates online resources with serial and book publications, journals and supplements. See the Website at <>. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- M/C issue three, v. three is now online: <>. Previous issues of M/C on various topics are also still available online. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- M/C Reviews is now available at <>. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All M/C contributors are available for media contacts: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- end Axel Bruns -- M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture [email protected] The University of Queensland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: "Luchezar Boyadjiev" <[email protected]> Subject: COOPERATIV. Kunstdialoge Ost-West, Stadthaus Ulm, July 7th to September 3rd 2000 Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 14:51:16 +0300 COOPERATIV. Kunstdialoge Ost-West Stadthaus Ulm, July 7th to September 3rd 2000 On the occasion of the 2nd International Danube Festival, Ulm/Neu-Ulm 2000 >From July 7th to September 3rd 2000 the Stadthaus Ulm is presenting the exhibition "cooperativ - Kunstdialoge Ost-West" (co-operation - an east-west art dialogue) on the occasion of the 2nd International Danube Festival. In the exhibition contemporary artists will be presented from the countries of Bulgaria, Germany, Hungaria and Yugoslavia along the Danube, and from neighbouring countries, whose co-operation crosses national boundaries and who develop their artistic work either in direct collaboration or as a product of intensive dialogue. Apart from the work of each individual artist, these common concepts and projects have been developed over a period of many years and, in some cases, taken further for this exhibition. Within the context of the artists' co-operation some new works have been specially produced for the exhibition. The common ideas and themes of these artists from different nations, most of which are intended to provoke a dialogue with the viewer, are clearly conveyed, as are the artists' endeavours to create a network of artistic friendship and co-operation throughout Europe - a common spiritual territory. The artists taking part: - Extra-Territoria: R�za El Hassan (Hungary) / Milica Tomic / Branimir Stojanovic (Yugoslavia) in co-operation with Luchezar Boyadjiev (Bulgaria) - Yuri Leiderman (Russia) / J�nos Sug�r (Hungary) - Mikl�s Erhardt (Hungary) / Dominic Hislop (Scotland) - Antal Lakner (Hungary) / Georg Winter (Germany) - Attila Menesi (Hungary) / Christoph Rauch (Germany) - IRWIN - Dusan Mandic, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, Borut Vogelnik (Slovania) Curator: Friederike Kitschen There will be a catalogue to the exhibition in German and English with texts by the artists and by Marina Grzinic (Ljubljana), Friederike Kitschen (Ulm), Viktor Misiano (Moscow), Nina M�ntmann (Hamburg) and Andr�s Zwickl (Budapest). Opening in Friday July 7th 2000, 7 p.m. in the Stadthaus Ulm. Press information in Thursday July 6th 2000. 11 a.m. in the Stadthaus Ulm. "Walk through Ulm - Milica Tomic and Roza El Hassan", Saturday July 8th Ulm, 15-06-2000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subject: Cyber Cultures: Sustained Release launch Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 01:28:08 From: Kathy Cleland <[email protected]> > Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre invites you to ... > > CYBER CULTURES: SUSTAINED RELEASE Project Launch > > Friday July 7 2pm > > To be launched by Mr Des Sloane, General Manager, Animated Biomedical > Productions. > > CASULA POWERHOUSE ARTS CENTRE > 1 Casula Rd Casula NSW 2170 > (opposite Casula Railway Station) > Phone: +61 2 9824 1121Email: > [email protected] > Open 7 days, 10am-4pm > General admission free > > Cyber Cultures: Sustained Release is a six month program of new media > exhibitions and performance curated by Kathy Cleland featuring leading new > media artists from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. > > The first exhibition of the Cyber Cultures: Sustained Release program, > INFECTIOUS AGENTS will be opened on Friday July 7 2pm at the launch. > > CYBER CULTURES: SUSTAINED RELEASE Program > > INFECTIOUS AGENTS > July 7 - August 13 > Melinda Rackham > John Tonkin > Ian Haig > Linda Dement > > POSTHUMAN BODIES > August 19 - September 24 > Gary Zebington > Jane Prophet > Patricia Piccinini and Peter Hennessey > John Tonkin > > STELARC Artist Talk > Wednesday, August 16, 11am > > Stelarc Movatar Performance > Saturday, August 19, 8pm > $10/$5 > > NEW LIFE > September 30 - November 12 > Anita Kocsis > Jon McCormack > Kathryn Mew > Jane Prophet and Gordon Selley > > ANIMATION PLAYGROUND > November 18 - December 22 > Martine Corompt and Philip Samartsiz > Leon Cmielewski and Josephine Starrs > Mark and John Lycette > Maureen Lander and John Fairclough > > > CYBER CULTURES SEMINAR > Saturday September 30, 10am > > > For more information visit the website: > or contact Kathy Cleland, email: > [email protected]. > > To be put on the mailing list, contact Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, > phone: 02 9824 1121 or email: [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 04:13:01 +1000 (EST) From: McKenzie Wark <[email protected]> Subject: Fact or Friction? Fact or Friction? A Nonfiction Writers Festival Saturday, 8th July 11.30am - 4.30pm Galleries, Mitchell Wing State Library of NSW Macquarie St., Sydney tickets: $27.50 full price / $11 concessions Exposing the 'facts' on Australia's best nonfiction writers. Distinguished international writer Margaret Wertheim will be the highlight of this one day celebration of some of the latest and best nonfiction writing in Australia. Fact or Friction? will bring together well known authors to discuss the challenges of researching and writing about actual people, places and events. Fact or Friction? will be co-hosted by McKenzie Wark and Willa McDonald, and is sponsored by the media studies department of Macquarie University. Program: 11.30-12.30 True Stories: On Writing Nonfiction and Being a Nonfiction Writer Margaret Wertheim, author of The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace, in conversation with McKenzie Wark. 1.30pm-2.30pm Bottom of the Harbour: Writing Sydney's Seamy Side John Birmingham, author of Leviathan: An Unauthorised Biography of Sydney, and John Dale, author of Huckstepp: A Dangerous Life 2.40pm-3.30pm Writing, Race and Representation Margo Kingston, author of Off the Rails: The Pauline Hanson Trip, and Ghassan Hage, author of White Nation: Fantasies of White Supremacy in a Multicultural Society 3.40pm-4.30pm The Impossible Truth Mark Davis, author of Gangland, and Mary Zournazi, author of Foreign Dialogues Booking Information To make a booking, you can use the Library's online booking form at: or alternatively: Phone: (02) 9273 1770 Facsimile (02) 9273 1248 Email [email protected] Bookings essential. Please inform the Bookings Officer of any special requirements, or arrangements for people with a disability. - # distributed via :::recode::: no commercial use without permission # :::recode::: a mailing list for digital interrogation. # more info: [email protected] & "info recode" in the msg body # URL: # contact: [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 04:16:58 +1000 (EST) From: McKenzie Wark <[email protected]> Subject: INVITATION: UNCHAIN MY MIND : Ideas for Labor Forum, Thursday July 27th, Melbourne (fwd) UNCHAIN MY MIND FORUM New social-democratic ideas for Labor in government A curtain-raiser forum for the ALP Federal Conference, jointly organised by Pluto Press Australia and the Australian Fabian Society When: Thursday, 27 July, 9:30am to 6.00pm Where: Trades Hall, cnr Victoria and Lygon Streets, Carlton, Melbourne - Council Chambers Cost: $25 or $15 concession Chaired in three sessions by ALP veterans Barry Jones, Joan Kirner and John Button(tbc) Speakers include Lindsay Tanner, Mark Latham, Duncan Kerr Rebecca Huntley, Paul Mees, Glenn Patmore, Andrew Scott, Guy Rundle, Sharan Burrows, Michael Gadiel, Kate Lundy, Julia Gillard, Race Mathews, McKenzie Wark, Tony Moore and Mary Kalantzis. Dinner and debate to follow the forum (to be paid for separately). Topic "The Centre is Mine - Tony Blair, New Labor and the future of electoral politics" Speakers: Andrew Scott, Jim Claven and Dennis Glover. Chair: Kate Lundy About the Unchain My Mind Forum On the eve of the national conference of the Australian Labor Party in Hobart many of Labor's foremost thinkers and activists are gathering in Melbourne to present new ideas for Labor in power. Specifically, speakers will be discussing new policy agendas for a twenty-first century Federal Labor government, and vital reforms to party structure to enhance membership, internal democracy and policy-making. A strong emphasis is on a younger generation of Labor men and women keen to promote new ways of achieving social democracy in a time of rapid change. A critical perspective unites the forum speakers. Topics to be discussed include trade, globalisation, work place democracy, education, managing cultural diversity, the media and the new information economy, indigenous land rights, unions, party structures, unemployment and foreign policy. Expect a rigorous critique of orthodox economic ideas of both the right and the left, and new left-of-centre perspectives on public institutions that may no longer be meeting the objectives for which they were established. Speakers will be encouraged to sketch alternative models of governance which might better achieve traditional social democratic goals. The aim of the Unchain My Mind Forum is to promote critical thinking, open dialogue and audience participation. A must-attend event for anyone interested in political reform, government, social change and Labor's future. All welcome! Book now! Four easy ways to book: 1. Print out the registration form and fax to: (02) 9519 8940 2. Mail the form to: Tony Moore, Pluto Press Australia, Locked Bag 199, Annandale NSW 2038 3. E-mail the form to: [email protected] 4. Telephone Pluto Press Australia on: (02) 9519 3299 Registration form Name: Address: State: Postcode: Tel: E-mail: Please reserve me [box] seats at the Unchain My Mind Forum - please indicate: [box] $25 full price [box] $15 concession Total payment $[box] [box] I have enclosed a cheque made out to Pluto Press Australia [box] Please debit my credit card - circle card: Mastercard Visa Bankcard Amex Card no.: Expiry date: Signature: BUY PLUTO BOOKS at JOIN PLUTO FRIENDS and receive all the latest breaking news, discounts and launch invites For a free brochure about the FABIAN SOCIETY and sample copy of our quarterly Fabian Newsletter, write to the The Fabian Society, Box 2707X, Melbourne, 3000, e-mail Race Mathews at <<[email protected]> or phone (03) 9826 0104. _______________________________________________________________ Tony Moore Email: [email protected] Pluto Press Australia 6A Nelson Street Tel: +61 (0) 2 9519 3299 Annandale NSW 2038 Fax: +61 (0) 2 9519 8940 Sydney, Australia WWW: Buy your Pluto Press books from - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]